Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 982 Who doesn’t have the past years?

Duel of love.


I want to use the almighty wishing machine to change the fate of my hometown, Britain, which is destroyed.

Saber expressed her wish loudly.

In the silence, Noah just cut off a piece of meat and put it into his mouth without even raising his eyelids.

Then Gilgamesh sneered as if he had heard a joke, and the Conqueror also had a solemn look on his face.

Saber, are you going to deny the history written by your own hands?

Seemingly stimulated by the dynamics of the other two kings, the King of Knights stood up directly to express his ideas.

As a king, you should.

As a medieval king, King Arthur had no problem adhering to the ways of chivalry. The King of Camelot, who had strong secular moral values, had no problem either.

But the next wish for the Holy Grail to come true is hugely problematic.

No matter how arrogant the kings of the past years were, they were never arrogant enough to modify human history. Does this little girl know what she is doing?

Then the Conqueror King's remarks made Saber feel a little at a loss.

The king who has no desires and demands is not even worth a decoration!

As the king who follows desires, Iskandar scolded that in his opinion, Saber's behavior is the real magic. If even humanity is restrained, how sad would it be for the people around him.

I don’t know the king’s joy and anger, I don’t know the king’s love and hate. There will come a day when everyone will betray their relatives and leave.

Different from the original work, because this is not a banquet of kings, there are still onlookers.

Kiritsugu, Webber, Sakura, and even Orange ran out to watch the fun.

Seeing how Saber almost broke her defense after being spoken to, Kiritsugu remained expressionless and not at all worried.

The guy had slowed down his eating now because he was paying attention to Noah. It looked like he had almost eaten or was about to do something.

Noah was very angry at the moment. He thought he wouldn't be angry knowing what this silly king would say, but he couldn't bear the uncontrollable anger.

No matter what Iskandar said about the relationship between the people and the king, it was all based on their views thousands of years ago. It didn't matter at all.

Even if they are really resurrected, they cannot change the current situation, so the words of those tyrants are like watching a historical drama.

Only Saber's words really made him unacceptable.

Change history

Noah opened his mouth and everyone looked over.

This eighth heroic spirit is really special. It is different in terms of strength, courage and will.

Everyone knows that this heroic spirit should have a very close connection with modern society, so his views should be completely different from those of many heroic spirits. What does he have to say now?

Then what do the people who died before count?

Then what does it mean if human will and inheritance are rewritten?

Finally, those who are given the so-called new options, are they willing to do so?

Three questions directly made Saber pale.

There were many times when Noah's memories would come back to him.

In the decades of journey, countless people with lofty ideals have sacrificed their lives for that lofty ideal, and the closest comrades around them have not been spared. If there is really something similar to the Holy Grail, it can rewrite the history of One Piece.

Who hasn’t lost loved ones and regrets that they want to recover?

Ivankov who died in Magic Valley Town, Big Bear who left his last hope to his comrades, as well as the national representative who committed suicide in Mariejoia, Rosinandi who took the initiative to become a bridge as a second-generation light, those who died calmly The powerful ancestors, as well as the thousands of people who died fighting to overthrow the world government.

Just thinking about it makes me want to destroy this thing.

Dragon, Robin, Bucky and all the others who have understood the red will will not allow such a thing to happen.

Too arrogant, King Arthur.

Humans don't need this.

If I were in the same era as you, I might want to kill you too.

When he said this, Noah also looked at Kiritsugu out of the corner of his eye. The man was moved for a moment, and then calmed down.

No one expected that Noah, who seemed to be with Saber, would be the first to make an attack.

He is truly a maverick and strong man.

As a slave, I saw all kinds of filth in the world.

Noah continued to talk about his past, intending to use his experience to warn Saber for the last time.

Unexpectedly, the first sentence shocked everyone.

Which of the heroic spirits present and absent has a simple background?

Either possessing divinity, being adopted by gods, or being a natural heir to the throne, Noah's starting point scared everyone, and he didn't even break a bowl.

In the raging fire, I was unwilling to fall into the world, so I drew my sword in anger to find justice.

In that world there are gods, royal families, nobles, and countless ordinary people who are being exploited.

The strong destroy the world, the weak are like grass and grass.

But relying on human wisdom and human courage, we continue to gain and unite every ounce of strength.

Use your own will to unite all unwilling ordinary people to set off a wave of resistance.

“Through hardships, setbacks and sacrifices.”

We have broken into the mansions of nobles, hanged the so-called natural royal family, torn apart the original fatalism, and finally killed the gods of that world.

Take back equality and dignity. Take it back!

The method is very simple, that is, involve everyone and start a global war involving hundreds of millions of people.

So, I understand better.

Mere justice and ideals are not enough, and those who are simply saved cannot achieve happiness.

“Only the future that we strive for with our own hands is hope.”

Noah's words hit Saber's heart hard. She couldn't imagine that in such an environment, ordinary people who had been saved by her would have such power?

So what exactly are your wishes? Sir Lancelot, Sir Gao Wen, and Merlin, can you tell me?

It turns out that not only can I not see your hearts, but I can’t see my own?

The other strong men seemed to be in a trance as they saw a little boy leading a little girl hiding in the dark Middle East, eventually gathering companions, spreading fire, and finally burning the world.

Obviously he didn't release his domineering energy, but everyone was infected by such language. It's really a terrible will and thought.

Orange's eyes projected a different meaning. This kind of virtual hero who came from myths and legends actually still exists like this.

It seems that the Holy Grail is not as simple as Yu Sanjia said, and it may really be able to communicate the root cause.

And it’s strange that Inhibition can sign a contract with such a soul. Alaya doesn’t seem to be a god to succeed?

Noah shouldn't have any wishes that require the Holy Grail to be fulfilled, and the purpose of coming here is once again a mystery.

How can I put it, I don't like this plot, but the time is too short, so I wrote it anyway. Since every reader has a different opinion, there is no point in arguing.

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