Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 981 Everything is Tokiomi’s fault

No matter what kind of people they were in life, now they are just historical figures.

At this moment, Saber's eyes lit up when she saw all kinds of steaming delicacies, and her stomach started to work.

What a powerful ability this is, it can be called a special attack skill against the king.

After a whole table of delicious food was placed, a golden light flashed across Gilgamesh's arrival.

The arrival of this king brought a sense of solemnity to the atmosphere at the scene. Jin Shining's performance since his debut can be said to be a complete tyrant.

Moreover, his combat prowess at a glance is at the top among many heroic spirits, so the appearance of such a person in Einzbern Castle is also unsettling.

What's more, he directly penetrated the traps of magic and modern weapons on the outside, which is even more remarkable.

Yo, here we come.

The King of Conqueror looked silly and said that this was also a guest he invited, so don't be nervous.

The King of Heroes looked at the somewhat damaged castle with great disdain. Director Ken had made a big fuss when he came before, so it was not as splendid as it was at the beginning.

I was about to say something annoying, but when I saw the steaming food, I didn't say anything. I still meant it.

In the end, he approved of the banquet in the courtyard, but he frowned a little when he saw the oak barrel in the hand of the Conqueror.

I came here to keep an appointment, but I didn't expect that you actually prepared a banquet. It's really pleasant.

Arrogantly, he walked to a seat and sat down directly. Then he opened his own treasure house.

A jar of wine in a gold container dropped, as well as several gold wine glasses.

The ancient atmosphere blows in your face, and the fragrance of wine wafts in the atrium.

This is the drink we should drink, Za. Humph!

Noah, who looked aside, looked as if he had eaten a fly.

After being criticized by this bastard, now I can't even use the word bastard, which is really annoying.

As the King of Heroes sat down, the King of Conqueror and Saber also sat down, as well as Noah.

This is a dinner to celebrate victory. Naturally, there will be no identity restrictions like the original work. Of course, even if identity is restricted, Noah will not care.

This is a table delicacy arranged by himself. If he wants to enjoy class privileges, he will imitate Brother Crow and lift the table.

Webber, Kiritsugu, would you like to come and take a seat together?

The two human masters did not come over because they were already silently competing in terms of momentum.

Especially the three kings seemed to start competing instinctively.

Noah raised his glass at this time and consciously became the leader of the banquet.

The first cup, here's to victory and Diarmuid.

Everyone drank it, the victory was worth it, and the knight who returned to the Heroic Spirit Seat was worth it. Even Jin Shining had a drink.

Second cup, here's to all the heroes and kings here. It's a miracle that we can meet here across time and space.

Everyone drinks it as a sign of respect and recognition for their opponents.

The third cup is for the final winner.

This sentence ignited the atmosphere in the field. Everyone firmly believed that they were the final winner, so they had to drink this glass of wine.

After drinking, Noah ignored it. Those kings were already ignited with fighting spirit and couldn't hold back.

They ate in silence and drank in silence, and the atmosphere became more and more solemn.

In the eyes of Weber and others, this banquet seemed to have turned into a battlefield. The knives and forks were the weapons in their hands, and the teeth that shone with cold light were the sharpest murderous intent.

Noah is not very interested in the subsequent confirmation of the Way of the Three Kings, just some unique styles of Japanese comics.

They are just a few symbols in human history, and now they are not as fragrant as the mapo tofu in front of you.

The War of the Three Kings has officially begun. Even though the King of Knights wants to eat and drink like Noah at this moment, he must not give in when it comes to this point.

The most arrogant King of Heroes spoke first, saying that his treasure house contained all the treasures in the world, and the Holy Grail itself belonged to him.

Under the provocation of the conquering king, he expressed his views on the way of kingship.

This is the law. I issue it as a king, and it is a law established by me.

Noah nodded despite his busy schedule.

I have no objection to the autocratic king saying these words willfully. Judging from the timeline between 2700 B.C. and 2500 B.C., it was also the Age of Gods, with various gods and goddesses running around, so there was no problem.

Dictatorship was the only way to rule at that time, and Gilgamesh killed the forest god after succeeding to the throne, which symbolized the conquest of nature and the establishment of agricultural civilization in the Mesopotamia.

Of course, a tyrant is still a tyrant, and there is no denying this.

And Conquering the King is even simpler.

If you want it, go and plunder it. This is what I do.

Noah still nodded indifferently.

Alexander the Great lived from 356 BC to 323 BC and was the most common method of rule and expansion among city-state civilizations.

It is also in line with the process of cultural dissemination and integration in that historical period. The expedition spread Greek culture, promoted the integration of Eastern and Western cultures, and eased the conflicts between the East and the West.

In terms of historical status, he is the highest among the three kings, but it is a pity that this is Xingyue.

After talking about the innate nobility of the King of Heroes and the expansion and aggression of the King of Conquerors, we finally come to the King of Knights.

At the same time, in the workshop of Tohsaka Residence.

Tokiomi Tosaka was lamenting the aloofness of the king. The oldest king would not listen to advice at all, which was really a headache.

However, the Conqueror King and his Master were both enjoying a banquet, and this was a golden opportunity for a sneak attack.

So through remote contact, he asked Assassin, his disciple, Kotomine Kirei's servant, to take action in the name of the Command Seal, no matter the cost.

Kotomine Kirei agreed very calmly.

It seems that this is a very normal investigation order, rather than asking his followers to withdraw.

Tokiomi was very satisfied. Fortunately, his disciple was a very obedient person, and the Holy Grail War was stable.

After hanging up the communication, Kotomine Kirei walked to one end of the secret room.

As he walked, he thought about the conversation he had with Gilgamesh last night after the battle against the outsiders.

“A pleasurable performance qualifies.”

Open the door to the secret room.

Locked here is a thin man with white hair and scars all over his face. Looking at his extremely sick face and the dead marking insects on the ground, you can tell that this is the master of the missing Berserker, Matou Kariya.

Even his teacher Tokiomi didn't know about this. Kotomine Kirei easily captured this man who had lost everything under a bridge.

Gilgamesh said that if the colors in this world are too single, it will be boring, so let me add some other colors.

Opening Tong Yanye's eyes, several magic seals were engraved in his spirit.

I will help you realize your dream, and you must also help me realize my dream, Matou Kariya. After all, everything is Tokiomi's fault~~

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, revealing a smile that he didn't even notice.

It seems like something sweet is brewing.

Go and go, Tohsaka Residence is waiting for your arrival.

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