Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 983 Kiritsugu’s final enemy Noah

Chapter 983 Kiritsugu’s final enemy—Noah

Emiya Kiritsugu instinctively felt uneasy, as if this heroic spirit would be in a different position from him on the road to the final Holy Grail.

After all, his choice was to use the Holy Grail to fulfill his wish to change the human world.

This is the enemy!

Damn it, what should I do?

Command Seal? No, this guy is definitely not controllable by command spells.

Then unite Saber and other servants to surround Noah first?

If you contact the King of Heroes secretly. No, this guy will not do such a thing, then who else can contact the King of Conquerors?

There aren't many left to take advantage of.

Why didn't Noah understand that this was a shortcut to resolve wars and disputes?

Humans alone cannot do it. Only the Holy Grail, which symbolizes the wishing machine, can do it.

Kiritsugu has discovered his biggest enemy on the road to realizing his dream.

The King of Heroes appreciates this eighth heroic spirit even more, because his past path was to overthrow the king and kill the gods.

A truly heart-warming experience, a soul that shines brighter than any gem!

At the same time, he also wants to destroy such human beings and destroy the beautiful pleasure beyond all else. This is a tyrant.

Gilgamesh, who never concealed his desires, was about to declare war when he felt a disgusting aura appear. This is... Tokiomi, you are really looking for death!

Not only Jin Shining felt it, but all the heroic spirits present also felt it.

A dark shadow appeared in the courtyard.


Along with Weber's exclamation, black shadows continued to appear in the garden, surrounding them and standing on the opposite side of everyone.

The ghastly-faced Hassan rose up. The advantage in numbers made him dizzy, and he even dared to appear head-on.

The conquering king was very unhappy when he was interrupted when he was immersed in Noah's magnificent conquest history.

Is this your order? Jin Shining.

Jin Shanshan immediately sold his master, saying that Tokiomi was such a mean person and had nothing to do with his ancient king.

This rat-like servant is at your disposal.

Before Assassin, who had not appeared for a long time, pretended to add some awesome personality to himself, the kings who were interrupted were very unhappy, especially unhappy.

Iskandar stood up. In the original novel, he held out the drink to the king of sharing, and he had the courage to do so even if he was an uninvited guest.

But after listening to Noah's words and looking at Assassin, who is the embodiment of these split personalities, it's a bit boring.

After all, he is an assassin who has no place on the stage, so he should withdraw.

Then just take advantage of the existence of these scum to challenge all the servants.

The wind is blowing, Iskandar's magic is rioting. Putting on his armor and cloak, the Conqueror's aura was rising at this moment.

Noah, Jin Shining, Saber, and everyone else who is paying attention here, let everyone see my kingly style!

A huge light flashed and the heaven and earth changed.

A hot wind blows from an unknown place, the hot sun burns the earth, and the field of vision is vast, reaching as far as the horizon covered by violent sand and dust.

This is obviously an illusion that erodes reality. It is the magic that is closest to magic along with miracles.

That's right, the wind and sand have passed over everyone's clothes. This is the mental world belonging to the conquering king.

But, he is obviously not a magician.

Someone asked.

I can't do this alone.

The Conqueror King looked at Weber, and then glanced at everyone present with extremely proud eyes.

This is the land where my armies have galloped in the past. It is a scene that is deeply engraved in the hearts of the brave men who shared weal and woe with me.

Everyone saw a mirage-like shadow appearing around Rider. There was not just one shadow, but two, four... The hazy horseback figure multiplied while laying out a formation.

That was the historical Macedonian phalanx, now summoned from the ages.

In the end, these shadows turned into entities. It was the peak army in 356 BC, and it was extraordinary.

Look, this is my army that is unparalleled in the world!

At this time, the conquering king raised his arms and boasted loudly about the hordes of cavalry in a tone of great pride.

The army also gave its highest cheers to its king. What an honor it is to be able to fight hand in hand with the king again.

Iskandar looked at Noah's eyes with a provocative light, seeming to say, do you have such a bond?

They came across time and space in response to my call, and they are my eternal comrades-in-arms.

The bond with them is my most precious treasure! My royal way! This is the treasure that I Iskandar is most proud of - 'The King's Military Power'!!

Riding on his beloved horse Bucephalas and drawing out his sword, the conquering king at this moment really looked like Alexander the Great in history.

Facing this group of magnificent troops, everyone was amazed.

This is a group of heroes who have pinned everything on the King's dream and once followed the King across the land.

Regardless of the power of the king's army, the attack on Saber directly broke through the defense.

The emotional bond between him and his ministers is so deep that it even reaches the level of Noble Phantasm. As an ideal king, the King of Knights has a treasure that he cannot obtain until the end of his life.

All that was left to her was the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in Kamlan's Hill. It seemed to prove that everything the conquering king said before was correct.

The chorus of shouts from the heroic spirits shook the earth and soared into the sky. No matter how powerful the army or the thick city walls are, they are no match for the comrades of the Conquering King. Their fierce fighting spirit is enough to split the heaven and earth.

I will trample them hard!!

Rider's orders echoed all around, both ruthless and decisive. This is not a battle at all, not even a mopping up battle.

Among the various personalities of Hassan, some tried to escape even though they knew they were hopeless; some gave up on themselves and screamed loudly; others stood helpless, their messy skull masks already reduced to a piece of loose sand.

There was no decent counterattack, no unforgettable bravery for everyone.

Assassin chose the most degrading way to exit.

Such a battle would not even satisfy the conquering king.

Cries of victory rang out. The heroic spirits who completed their mission dedicated their glorious victory to the king, praised the king's majesty, returned to spirit bodies again, and disappeared into the other side of time and space.

As the heroic spirits disappear, the inherent barrier maintained by their magic power is also lifted.

All the scenery seemed to be like a dream bubble, once again returning to the atrium of Einzbern in the dark night forest.

Noah, how does my army compare with your comrades?

If there is a chance, I will let you meet them.

Noah also replied very confidently. The two men, who were confident in their comrades around them, did not give in at all, and they were as fierce as sparks hitting the earth.

Just kidding, if it could be done, the New World Alliance Army would have millions of elite soldiers, and the top twenty-three strong men would sweep everything. It’s a pity.

Jin Shining, who was looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him in the castle, suddenly sensed something. The golden light on his body flashed away, as if it was some kind of treasure that could cut off contact, and then his smile became even more unrestrained.

Command Seal? hehe.

The A-level solo action was activated instantly, and then the body dimmed for a moment before returning to normal.

With the will and character of the Ancient King, it is still possible to temporarily resist the summons. Tokiomi, I don’t know how you will feel at this moment.

What everyone present didn't know was that something had changed in the distance.

Kirei, you are doing better than I thought.

The entire Holy Grail War was completed and enhanced by Noah. Only in this way can it continue to burn. Some people say this is a fanfic about wearing a moon skin. In fact, you can read the previous pirate chapters. The time left for me in the Holy Grail War was too short.

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