Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 980 Noah’s camp exposed?

Finally, before night came, the ceremony was completed. A very small doll appeared on the operating table, and the body of the original doll lay on the other bed.

The doll contains Ellie's soul and the Command Seal.

Seeing Kiritsugu lovingly holding the doll, Noah really wanted to call the police. This was perverted.

And why do we need such a container? Wouldn't it turn into a rose girl in the future development?

There is no other way. We have to keep the command seal. It's too late to make a human-sized doll, so we can simply use it.

Cheng Zi had a wicked look on his face. Although crystal balls or other spiritual crystals were not impossible, it would be more interesting.

Emiya Kiritsugu hugged Eri's body and cried silently. At least she won't die this way.

A huge boulder was removed from my heart, and my determination to reach the finish line became even stronger. Do whatever it takes to get the Holy Grail.

And Saber let go of her worries anyway. It was always a good thing to see Ellie not having to die, and she could continue to fulfill her vows.

Um. Protect this doll.

Maybe Saber and Emiya Kiritsugu are very different in terms of compatibility, but they are consistent in their goals.

Before they could immerse themselves in joy for long, the castle received an uninvited guest.

In the original book, the King of Conqueror rode the Divine Wheel and rushed directly into the castle. This time, he honestly said hello from the outside.

Originally Iskandar wanted to continue flying over, but Weber stopped him, not because of politeness, but simply because Einzbern's peripheral defense was a bit exaggerated.

Thinking about what happened to Director Ken, no matter what, it is better to say hello politely.

Under the guidance of their familiars, the two Conquerors drove the ox cart through minefields and magic traps.

Weber broke out in a cold sweat when he saw this twists and turns route. It was really like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. It was incomparable to the days when he stayed in an old man's home.

Damn rich people.

Hey, Saber! Good evening.

It was really eye-catching to see the King of Conqueror dressed in modern clothes. As a result, this guy unconsciously carried a wine barrel and greeted everyone as if he was at home.

King of Conquerors, what are you doing here?

Oh~ I heard that you have a castle, so I came to have a party.

Have a party?

Yes, I originally wanted to have a king's banquet after knowing how many kings there were at the beginning, but after yesterday's joint crusade, we should organize a victory banquet.

Everyone who fought in the war should be entitled to a seat at the table.

After every time we conquered an enemy, we would light a bonfire, raise wine, share delicious food, and have a revelry of talking freely.

Why, isn't that the case with you in Britain?

The Conqueror's calmness made everyone in the castle at a loss what to say, and even Webb felt a little embarrassed.

This kind of behavior of barging in with drinks without notifying the host is really outrageous.

And this is the enemy's base camp, a place where top magicians and servants have been defeated.

The King of Britain would not admit defeat in some matters, indicating that the Knights of the Round Table would also hold banquets.

So at Kiritsugu's signal, he led the Conqueror to the courtyard. It was not a good time to start a conflict.

He hasn't made a battle plan against Weber yet, so he just needs to let Saber keep an eye on this reckless servant tonight.

At this time, the Conqueror King looked at Kiritsugu and said something.

By the way, can you call Noah too?

The scene is a bit cold, is it so straightforward? This guy.

No, I'm here.

Noah flashed out of the air, and he had already been prepared to be exposed.

In the war against the outside world, those hot weapons betrayed themselves.

The disappearance of weapons from the garrison base, the emergence of large-yield cloud bombs, and the exaggerated firepower of mine close-in defense guns are all part of Noah's combat habits.

The obsession with firepower and the tactical crushing of enemies have always been his signature.

Even though Kiritsugu is famous in the magic world for using modern weapons, he still has a one-man fighting style.

And no matter how fierce they are, they still adhere to the principle of confidentiality on the mysterious side. Only some crazy heroic spirits have this style of killing and burying.

The minefields outside Einzbern are really eye-catching. That kind of strong war-style operation cannot be concealed at all.

Excluding the combination of Matou Kariya, these servants and masters are all human spirits, how could you not think of it.

He walked up to the Conqueror and said hello seriously, and also said hello to Weber.

The future monarch of the Clock Tower is also a respectable person.

There is an open space in the courtyard. In the original work, the three kings were sitting on the ground. Naturally, Noah was unwilling to do so at this moment.

Human beings have invented so many convenient things, but they are not used to show heroism.

A long table was dragged out from the space, followed by a few chairs, and cutlery, chopsticks, plates, and napkins were arranged.

The other people watching were stunned for a while, is this so natural? Do you really think that this king is here to have a feast?

Look what I'm doing, aren't I going to hold a banquet?

The scene of drinking a lot of wine and talking loudly is really boring.

Whether it was in the gourmet country of the East in the previous life, or the banquet in the world of One Piece in the previous life, they were all sumptuous and outrageous.

In order to reminisce about the past, one plate after another of delicious food was brought out.

If you have money, a heart, and space, it's really easy to cook a delicious meal.

The prototype of Fuyuki City is Kobe, and Kobe beef, Omi beef, Matsusaka beef, etc. are still available.

In an era when cattle breeds had not yet been exported, it was indeed possible to get them here at this time.

It's just that these ingredients are still not as good as the exotic ingredients in the sea, especially the meat of the Neptune species, which is even more unique, which is a pity.

Yohohohoho~~~ I'll give you the wine that Binx has been brewing for a long time.

It exudes the fragrance that men from the sea often have~~~”

Noah seldom sings in the world of One Piece, but for some reason he hummed this song when he was in a good mood after coming to Xingyue.

Maybe the atmosphere of the banquet infected him. After all, the banquet has a special status on the sea.

Recalling Bucky's banquet skills and the red-haired person who was keen on throwing parties, I felt inexplicably good.

This is the last peaceful time. After today, the Holy Grail War will enter the final fight. At that time, no one can be trusted.

This included Saber and Kiritsugu, and he even had to guard against backstabbing from these two people.

So Noah is looking forward to being able to enjoy food in peace.

It's tragic to say that I haven't had a decent meal in a modern city. The best thing I can say is the meal on the plane to Guanbuzi City, which is pitiful.

As for the subsequent banquet of the three kings, he didn't pay much attention to it. To put it bluntly, it was just that the three kings used their past experiences to improve their status. In fact, it didn't mean much.

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