Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 979 Perverted love and confused Saber

Mr. Ogurizono, what do you think of yesterday's heavy smog incident in Fuyuki City?

The big haze, in my opinion, is a big outbreak of the Fuyuki fog phenomenon. In fact, from March to April every year, it is filled with fog. It just broke out suddenly today. It may be related to the increase in forest coverage. Related, Garden Hidden Mountain

I would like to ask Mr. Ogurizono, what do you think about the residents who live by the sea who seem to hear the roar of a huge monster and some occasional flashes of light?

Hahahaha, we have to thank our country's cultural industry for this. We can be said to be the best in the world in terms of the monster universe. It is normal for everyone to be affected by it. The fog and Godzilla really go well together.

As for light. I also want to become light, hahahahaha~~~

Teacher Ogurizono touched her own Mediterranean and showed off her superiority in front of the citizens of Fuyuki.

Turning off the TV, the Conqueror was amazed at these people's ability to tell lies. In other words, the framework of modern society has also been partly controlled by the mysterious side, so these people come out to clean up the situation.

It is impossible to say that yesterday's battlefield left no trace. Forget about those flesh and blood lives, including bullet casings and so on.

However, the sword marks and cracks on the destroyed dam and port are really difficult to explain, and the seabed under the sea has also undergone major changes, having been severely bombarded.

As for the subsequent ecological changes, it is also obvious that at least the coastal creatures experienced a devastating blow during this war.

But none of that mattered anymore, he wanted to do something he wanted to do last night.

Webber, are you bored? Do you want to do something interesting?

I refuse! Also, your clothes look really embarrassing.

Rejection is invalid, please show your bravery on the battlefield yesterday, okay?

After saying this, the King of Conqueror rushed to the commercial street with his master under his arm. He had to spend some money today.

First buy a set of overbearing clothes. I heard that Suzuran's uniform is super cool, but I don't know if they are available here.

Buy another barrel of high-end wine, and have a good drink with those heroic spirits tonight.

The early morning interaction belonging to Weber is still so beautiful.

Within Einzbern, everyone gathered together again for a meeting due to Irisviel's physical condition.

After all, this also involves the direction of the war, but the concealed truth is difficult for some people to accept.


Emiya Kiritsugu was piled against the wall by a huge force. The force was so great that the face of this guy who was usually expressionless twitched.

Then before he could fall, two armored hands grabbed him by the collar.

Emiya Kiritsugu!!! You, you, you bastard!!! Executioner!!!

She is your lover and Ilia's mother. Do you know what you are doing!!!

There was an unstoppable murderous intent in his jewel-like eyes, and the magic power in his body even caused a strong wind in the room.

Saber was so angry that she instantly switched to fighting mode, and then pushed her master hard against the wall.

She was obviously someone who had fought side by side yesterday, so she let go of her prejudices a little, but today she learned a piece of news that was like a bolt from the blue.

She didn't expect that such a gentle Ellie would be the carrier of the Little Holy Grail. As the heroic spirits exit one by one, the Little Holy Grail will return to its original appearance.

The woman she swore to protect with her life only had the last few days to live.

Obviously very gentle, obviously very strong, obviously

The armor creaked, and she really wanted to chop off the head of the bastard in front of her.

Can you really do anything for the Holy Grail?

Even if someone like Kiritsugu said he was trying to save the world, she wouldn't believe him. He was a rotten person with no bottom line.

Human heart? People's hearts!

Emiya Kiritsugu's eyes, which were piled against the wall, were still calm, but the fleeting sadness and pain in his depths were not revealed.

Noah and Chengzi were eating melon and watching this scene.

In fact, the exposure of this matter cannot be blamed on other people. The main reason is that Cheng Zi's research has reached a certain point.

The level of the crowned magician is so powerful that he came up with an emergency plan in just a few days.

That is to first transfer the soul into a container that can be preserved, and then reshape the body after the Holy Grail War.

The magic skills involved are already very advanced, and Noah can basically just listen like an illiterate.

The problem lies in time. It must be divided before there are heroic spirits returning to the Throne of Heroes. The limits of the Einzbern dolls are very short-lived.

If the connection is too close, she won't be able to transfer safely.

So I can’t hide it anymore.

Noah covered Sakura's eyes with one hand, and stopped Kuu Maiya from drawing the gun with the other hand.

It is better for the Master and Servants to resolve this matter between themselves. Didn't you see that even Ellie didn't speak now? She respects Kiritsugu and Saber.

After a long silence, Emiya Kiritsugu spoke.

A little scratchy, a little hard.

I know what I'm doing and I don't regret it.

The firm will was conveyed to Saber, making the King of Knights even more confused. Is the love between this couple one-sided?

Besides, Saber, your determination to get the Holy Grail is no less than mine, isn't it?

Kiritsugu's next words killed the knight.

Yes, I also want to do my best to get a chance to save the kingdom, but my position is that I am not qualified.

She put down this hopeless man and looked at Irisviel.

Saber, I'm sorry, realizing Kiritsugu's ideal is my ideal.

Then she hugged Saber tenderly. He was as tolerant and holy as usual, but at this moment, the girl knight felt a chill.

King Arthur is stupid, is this the human heart? She doesn't understand.

Whether it is a madman who blocks his lover's children or an operation that voluntarily sacrifices to realize other people's ideals, they are both existences that she cannot understand.

Confused, she walked into the courtyard.

Although Miss Orange is now brought in to save Ellie, the changes involved are areas she has never touched.

Guinevere, is this also love?

I really can't blame Saber for this. The level of madness in this pair has exceeded normal people's imagination.

If Noah hadn't read the original work, he wouldn't have known how perverted this couple was.

In his eyes, Irisviel is also a serious mental patient, and the entire Mysterious Side is full of such people.

There is no way, whoever calls her own Master will use her as a coordinate to anchor the world for the time being, so the rescue operation begins now.

An operation began in the secret room, and Orange began to peel off his soul. Noah felt that his relationship with Ally was still very stable, and he couldn't help but sigh that the money was well spent.

Others were waiting anxiously outside, as if they were waiting for family members outside the obstetrics and gynecology department.

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