Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 971 The Light of Destruction of Human War Civilization

Joan of Arc, my saint, I'm here to pick you up!

Old man, our plan was successful. Everyone is watching us.

The third person, Kenneth, did not speak. He was resisting the final madness.

He doesn't want to be a pure madman, he just wants to get the Holy Grail and gain honor and body.

So. The huge evil god moved.

The more than 200-meter-tall body is waving countless tentacles and emitting dark mist. Even if you don't get close, you can feel the ability to distort the mind.

Such gas must not enter the city, and the other party's ostentatious aura is too much.

He simply didn't pay attention to a scholar who was elegant, easy-going and liked grand scenes.

boom! ! ! !

Red domineering power rose into the sky, sweeping across the sea area and a small half of the harbor.

The power of will swept violently in all directions, whatever chaos or darkness, please be honest.

Even the constant mental shock and pollution were suppressed by the red will, and everyone inside felt a sense of relaxation in their hearts.

After the black mist comes into contact with the red domineering field, it is directly burned into nothingness. Nothing can violate the will of humanity.

As for the dark clouds?

Don’t you know that the color of a king can change?

The dark clouds in the sky divided into two camps and began to fight. On one side were the disorderly and chaotic lead-colored clouds, and on the other side were the overbearing black clouds flashing with red and black lightning.

The strangle of will cannot be retreated, and this collision directly ushered in the first crack in the sky of the Xingyue world.


The evil god's body made unconscious screams one after another. Such power made even him feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Is this the legendary power of the heroic spirit?

Weber lost his mind. Even if it wasn't the first time he saw it, he was still shocked by this pure will.

Everyone else was like this, and people like Tosaka Tokiomi, who was experiencing it for the first time, were even more shocked.

No, this is human will. It has nothing to do with legends.

Noah still denied, but it was a bit difficult to say this.

The pressure from the evil god was too great. It was very difficult for him to withstand the mental shock and distortion when he was not in his prime state.

The body built by magic cracked again, and with every additional force, part of his body would disintegrate.


Comrades, let me test the potential of this evil god first. Everyone, be prepared.

What preparation?

“Preparing to withstand shocks.”

A sinister smile appeared on Noah's face. He took out an instrument, pointed it at the evil god in the distance, and pressed it, but nothing happened.

Let the iron ball fly for a while.

After saying that, a flying object weighing 6804 kilograms and 5.37 meters in length passed through the sky and headed straight for the evil god.

Just flying through the sky brings the shadow of death to the strong ones whose spirituality is beyond ordinary people.

What's this?!!

Tosaka Tokiomi's elegant ancient magician demeanor aroused goosebumps all over his body, and he lost his composure and asked in a voice that was slightly distorted.

Is this what should appear in the mysterious side war?

The humanoid creature that was going crazy on the head of the evil god immediately switched to Kenneth's control. With the danger of death filling his heart, he immediately descended to the deepest part of the evil god's body.

crazy! Shouldn't this big killer weapon of yours be thrown after testing each other? How can you do it like this from the beginning? Do you know how to fight?

The furious Kenneth ran frantically through the evil god's body, and finally stopped outside the evil god's egg.

If he goes in, he really can't go back, but the death threat that he still hasn't gotten rid of tells him that in fact, he never had a choice.


boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

Light, the dazzling light illuminates the darkness and penetrates the dark clouds and fog.

It is not the light of human soul, but the light of destruction in human war civilization.

The high temperature of 1000℃-2000℃ swallowed up the body of darkness, and the instantaneous high temperature even reached 4500℃. The extreme temperature even burned the corneas of everyone on the magic side in the distance.

The kind of fear that can be engraved into the soul makes them understand the horror of this temperature.

What followed was a shock wave, which Noah reminded everyone to prepare for.

The overpressure shock wave propagated at a speed of several kilometers per second, and the pressure even reached a level of 0.36 kg/cm2.

The Conqueror stood decisively in front of Weber. The clock tower apprentice had no way to block the aftermath.

For a moment, Weber felt that his heart was trembling and time was slowing down.

Even though most of that extreme shock wave was blocked by Iskandar's firm body like a mountain, the remaining small wisp hit his heart like a battering ram.

The defensive positions previously deployed were all shattered.

Several of Tokiomi's defensive gems were broken into pieces. He didn't have time to feel distressed and just lay on the ground to defend himself.

Emiya Kiritsugu was very simple. He hid in the bunker dug in advance regardless of his face. Knowing that Noah liked to mess around, he instinctively dug a big hole to face this situation.

It's just too messy.

When the shock wave passed by, the human masters felt difficulty breathing and dizzy, and hurriedly switched to magic methods to adjust.

However, the light and heat in the place where the evil god is located in the distance have not dissipated, and a large number of gas clouds are steaming around.

This, what is this?!

This was not what Weber asked. He was still in a state of confusion.

But what his servant, the Conqueror King, asked was that he, who had a very enthusiastic hobby for modern weapons, really wanted this, and how smooth the road to conquest would be with this.

The best conventional bomb is the BLU-82 vaporized high-explosive bomb, also called a cloud bomb.

This is also the reason why the US military base is very tense. As the most powerful sub-nuclear weapon under nuclear weapons, it is currently the most outstanding destructive weapon in human history that is not restricted by the United Nations.

It was only used in the Gulf War a few years ago, and it can be said to be a weapon that is very good at killing.

If it is lost, all persons in charge of foreign bases must be held accountable and investigated, because it represents a terrifying concept that can destroy a radius of several miles at any time.

Now this masterpiece explodes on the head of something outside the world. This is a contest between the top creation of human technology and the evil god who is troubled by the mysterious side.

When the light and heat finally dissipated, it seemed that only a few tentacle stumps were still floating on the sea, and the huge body had disappeared.

Is this a victory?

I can’t believe that the enemy that made these great heroes and kings so troublesome was just destroyed? This is ridiculous.

This is why the confidentiality principle on the magic side is listed at the highest level.

After leaving the Age of Gods, humankind has entered an era of greater unrestricted development.

Weapons are being improved one after another, and the shape of war is constantly changing.

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