Chapter 972 Concept - Lights!

From cold weapons to hot weapons, from simple guns to today's nuclear weapons, or sub-nuclear weapons.

They are afraid. The big shots on the magic side are afraid of being discovered by ordinary people.

Magic can certainly gain the upper hand in hidden corners, but ordinary people will continue to develop weapons against magicians.

If gods come to the world, they will develop weapons against gods.

An attack that uses natural rules will not be restricted by inhibition, so the magic side will not win.

The end result is world destruction.

Kotomine Riko looked at the scene in his familiar's eyes and sighed softly like he was mumbling.

Humanity, where will it go?

The crazy words in the church did not spread to the seaside, and Noah did not relax, because the dark atmosphere and chaotic spiritual impact had not dissipated.


A core egg reappeared on the surface of the sea, and then multiplied at an incredibly fast rate. In the blink of an eye, the terrifying evil god returned to his original body.

It even evolved an external armor due to the previous attack.

The Evil God, who had experienced a destruction, opened his blood-red eyes. Standing upside down in the sea, he was very angry at the moment.

Feeling the big movement on the sea in the distance, Weber asked weakly.

Any more?

there is none left.

Maybe these words gave the figure who had just hidden in the evil god's body the courage, and he also emerged.

Despicable heroic spirits, how dare you disobey God's will.

Let the supreme god tear you apart now! Hahahahahahaha~~~

Kenneth, who had absolutely no way back, except for instinctively made a flesh and blood mask on his face, was no different from those who were contaminated.

Naked, drooling, tentacles wrapped around his body.

Arrogantly leading the evil god's body towards the seaside, he planned to land and absorb the flesh and blood of millions of people in the city to continue his evolution and lead the great old ruler Ghatanothoa.

Moreover, although the huge evil god moved slowly, the debris shaken off during the movement combined with the marine life and turned into sea monsters and rushed towards the city.

An army of sea monsters was formed in a few breaths, and a legion-level war was a sight that modern magicians had never seen before.

Noah was as expected. He was not the type to die easily when he defeated the evil god.

That kind of extreme vitality cannot be killed by modern weapons unless all existence is wiped out in an instant.

Noah couldn't get that kind of weapon, and even if he got it, he wouldn't be able to crack the encrypted information.

So in the end, you still have to rely on yourself and wait for someone to come forward. Of course, you just exposed the opponent's weakness.

As expected, we must crush the evil god's egg at the core.

The strong men who saw the rebirth process were all experienced in battles, so they naturally found an opportunity for victory at that moment.

Looking at the sea monster army coming in like a tide, everyone was getting ready to attack.

fear? That kind of thing has long been wiped out in countless wars.

But there's still something missing.

Noah knew what was wrong. So I stood on the high platform.


Although, we belong to different camps and we have our own desires.

Although our mission is to fight each other and implement our own will.

“But darkness has fallen!

As heroes who keep human civilization alive!

When the environment is darkest, the light of the burning flame is the most dazzling.

Those who only hide in the background and wave the flag are destined to have no followers.


Looking at everyone, Noah now showed a smile that was as confident as the sun.

Remember, the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage, and the greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage!

The red domination was so high that it stirred everyone's hearts, and the desire to fight could no longer be restrained.

Fight against heaven and earth without fear.

Noah is like a beacon radiating his own constant concept - light!

This is a red soul crystal from an unknown dimension. The soul of will and firmness tempered by the vicissitudes of war have once carried the hopes of countless humans. He burned the evil of filth, the king of tyranny, and the god of destruction. After the curtain had fallen, the [World] gently gave a silent blessing——[Fire]

The body was slowly burning and shattering, but the power of domineering was even more powerful, and there were even some blurry shadows that were too blurry to be seen.

Looking at the huge evil god and the endless army in front of him, the light shines brightly.

let's go!!!!

The last gentle signal to charge ignited the blood of the legendary heroes.

The bull containing the divine power of Zeus rushed towards the enemy with lightning and thunder. Iskandar drove his chariot across the sea and sky, crushing all the sea monsters in his way.

The King of Conquerors can't stand it for a moment at this moment. This guy Noah, this guy Noah is really awesome! ! !

Moo~~~~The eyes of the Bull of God turned into flames, and Thunder went berserk!

Hahahahaha, crush them.

Webb! Did you see it? This is the battlefield. My blood is so hot that I can't control it.

The sound of thunder between the turning of the mighty wheels here is the horn of charge. He is the King of Macedonia in human history, Iskandar!

Harnessing the power from history, he flew over the head of the evil god. Those tentacles were a hundred years too early to hit him.

The always timid Weber did not huddle in the chariot at this moment, but fought side by side with his followers in the enemy camp.

Even though his legs were shaking and his eyes were avoiding him, he just stood there.

While using clumsy magic tricks, he responded to his servant.

I, Weber Velvet. I am not a coward!!!


Looking at the King of Conquerors slashing and killing in the sky, Gilgamesh sneered disdainfully, and then let his Vimana rise into the sky.

Before taking off, the King of Heroes looked at Noah, who was like a beacon, trying his best to release his domineering power to suppress the evil god's realm, with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes.

Are you still holding on even though your spiritual foundation is about to be broken?

It's so dazzling that it's a bit annoying.

Hey, Noah.


Noah looked at Jin Shining, who had a grudge against him.

What I just said is not bad.

After saying this, the proud king flew into the air and sneered as he looked at the overwhelming sea monsters on the sea.

Who gave you the courage to attack Wang Jia? You're just an evil god, but you don't bow to me when you meet me, damn it!

The King's Treasure House is open!

The phantom of a huge gold treasure house descended into the void, and countless treasure phantoms flew out from it.

Durandal, the sword of the French paladin Roland, possesses three miraculous powers.

Dasetin, the cursed sword owned by King Hegni of Denmark in Norse mythology.

Dawn of Destruction, the legendary German and Nordic Sword of Victory, named Gulam.

The Rainbow Sword, Indra's Thunder, Immortal Slaughter Blade, God's Declaration, Gayaberg, and other legendary artifacts are all included.

Thanks to Mr. Qingci for helping to edit the concept lighting, which is really awesome.

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