Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 970 The arrival of the evil god and the unyielding heroic spirit

Huh? The King of Heroes has arrived?

The glorious boat formed by gold and emeralds can soar in the sky, dragging a beautiful tail flame to the seaside defense line.

Gilgamesh, who controlled Vimana, arrived with his minister Tokiomi Tosaka.

The aura of the evil god has disturbed the foundation of the King of Heroes. Neither the wise king nor the tyrant will allow such a disordered creature to appear.

The king scanned everyone with his red pupils. When he saw Noah, there was a flash of anger in his eyes, but at this special moment he still resisted the idea of ​​taking action.

Oh, I am here to see what kind of pleasure the owner of this breath can bring, and to see if your struggles can please me.

If you can't handle it, leave it to me to end everything magnificently. All you need to do is applaud and kneel down devoutly.

Even at this moment, he was still arrogant and outrageous, but everyone was used to Jin Shining's tone of voice, so they didn't care.

Anyway, here we are.

Noah also relaxed a little. Although Jin Shining had a bad mouth, he was really good.

None of the values ​​are lower than B, and the various A and EX are blinding.

There are countless Noble Phantasms, and the King's Treasure can even fight Tiamat's dark army by himself.

This is the King of Heroes who stands at the top of many heroic spirits in the world of Xingyue.

Tokiomi Tosaka stood aside and made preparations. He didn't really expect his servants to save him now, so he could only arrange the magic position himself.

Fortunately, Berserker and Matou Kariya didn't come until the end, otherwise they would have started fighting before they could defeat the evil god.

Just as everyone was preparing, the strange magic power in the sea began to rise like a rising tide, and a gray, disordered and crazy atmosphere began to spread from the sea.

What a disgusting thing.

Saber, who had been silent all this time, said, this feeling is completely contrary to the meaning of the existence of heroic spirits. If the other party is really successful in descending, the history of this world belonging to mankind will come to an end.

The King of Heroes also had a rare look of solemnity on his brows.


A huge roar came from the deep sea, and the terrifying sound accompanied the sea water and attacked everyone.

Waves tens of meters high were mixed with maddening sounds and hundreds of tons of seawater crashed down.

But this level is not enough to reach the level where many strong men can take action.

The ability to release magic power is a skill that every heroic spirit can use, it just has different levels.

The five heroic spirits all burst out with their own magic power, standing like five pillars at the forefront of the fight against madness.

They were resisting like this without even showing their weapons. It seemed like anyone who made a move would lose. It mainly focuses on the strong character of letting the storm hit me and standing still.

The huge storm of magic power and the strong man's momentum directly dispersed the aftermath.

Oh, rubbish.

The dismissive tone may have angered the monster beneath the surface.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

Countless black shadows broke through the sea and flew into the air. They were huge things like octopus tentacles dancing in the air, but the octopus's tentacles definitely didn't have eyes or small tentacles.

The Ke system is really full of mental pollution all the time. Just the dancing tentacles can already inspire the madness of ordinary people.


The seawater began to surge abnormally, dancing with the movement of the tentacles, and the waves became more and more fierce in the darkness.

Indescribable monsters are emerging from the deep sea, and the pressure on everyone's hearts is getting stronger and stronger.

The dark clouds in the sky were rolling in disorder, and the sense of déjà vu of the end of the world immediately filled me.

A monstrous, monstrous and monstrous thing... gigantic, perhaps - tentacled - proboscised - octopus-like eyes - semi-amorphous - soft - partly scaly, partly wrinkled - —

ah! Nothing said can even hint at the disgusting, filthy, extremely vast and unimaginable horror and hatred displayed by the forbidden offspring born in the darkness of chaos and endless night. with evil.

What an apt description.

With scales, tentacles, a conch-like shape, and a 200m-tall body projected into his eyes, he is a proper villain BOSS.

If Noah's analysis is correct, this is a lower variant of Gatanothoa.

By the way, Gatanothoa is the original canon of Gatanjie of Digari.

This wave is really the rhythm of the giant of light fighting super ancient monsters.

When all the masters and followers looked at his body, they felt their brains buzzing, and a terrifying spiritual power was eroding their thoughts.

Chaos, filth, the body seemed to have its own thoughts fighting against its own will.

Weber felt that his magic imprint was instinctively accelerating the flow of magic power to fight against it. Maybe even the magic power was not willing to be contaminated.

Even if they looked at Kotomine Rimasa and Kotomine Kirei through their familiars, this chaotic madness was not weakened by the relay magic.

The orange in Einzbern directly revealed his magic eyes to look directly at the evil god, seeming to be studying the structure of this ugly thing.

Many strong men on the beach withstood this greeting attack through their own will.

Everyone once again lamented that it was fortunate that the fog behind them protected ordinary people. Otherwise, this mental shock could cause millions of people to go insane and become lunatics with no distinction between good and evil who are isolated from the real world.

Just a clone from the unfinished summoning ritual can be so powerful. The existence of inhibitory force makes sense.

There has never been a moment when all magicians were so grateful for the power of inhibition. Human beings are really lucky to survive in these thousands of time and space.

However, this kind of oppression further aroused the fighting spirit of all the heroic spirits. How could a strong man who never gave up be afraid?

The unyielding momentum expresses the resistance of human beings.

Of course, this evil god doesn't care at all what the heroic spirits think. He is a product of disorder, so even if he stays motionless in this sea area or moves around instinctively, he will be willful.

It is even normal to go to the deep sea or to other continents.

But the psychics who summoned him didn't think so. They had great ideas about the people in Fuyuki City and the heroic spirits in Fuyuki City.


There was another spiritual shock, followed by a gap of flesh and blood in the middle of the evil god, and a figure who grew up with the evil god appeared.

He has comically huge eyes, orange-red hair, a pair of mean lips, and tentacles entwined with the evil god on his body.

It's Caster!

Saber looked at the figure and said angrily, although the shape was a little different, it was this bastard who caused all this.

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