Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 969 The gathering of heroes

It's not possible to turn into light. The word in your hand is called Hedao Yiji, not the one who evolves and trusts.

Giants of light that are dozens of meters tall do not exist in this world.

Right on the beach, Noah was constantly calculating his combat power against the strong wind driven by the rolling sea water.

The so-called own side refers to the combat power after excluding Gilgamesh and Lancelot, including the combination of the four Masters and Servants.

Those two uncertainties were not part of Noah's plan.

The first one to arrive is the combination of Kiritsugu and Saber. King Arthur's Noble Phantasm is particularly crucial in this battle.

The Sword of Oath of Victory, an A++-level anti-fortress treasure, stands at the pinnacle of the concept of swords.

It is one of the ultimate divine weapons made from people's faith and crystallized inside the planet as the strongest fantasy.

Although the type is against a city, the actual range of use and the upper limit of its power are unimaginable.

As for King Arthur himself, he is a relatively special existence in the world of Xingyue. In times of crisis, anything that dares to pollute her core will be dealt a devastating blow.

Several eyes were watching her.

The importance of Emiya Kiritsugu lies in his execution ability and unusual coldness.

Among the many Masters at the critical moment, the only one Noah could trust was Kiritsugu, because his fighting faith was so tenacious that it transcended the ordinary before he saw the Holy Grail.

So this pairing is very critical in Noah's eyes.

Afterwards, the conquering king Iskandar, who was driving a bull chariot, rushed over with Webber with sparks and lightning.

As for why Princess Weber was brought along, of course it was because a Master recognized by a Servant must have such courage.

Following closely behind him was Diarmuid who came here alone. His new Master was not yet ready to go into battle.

Sora could only continue to guard his original master Kenneth in the distant workshop.

Sorry, my lord is also a noble man, but he is seriously injured and cannot come.

Diarmuid, who was kept in the dark, also explained the reason why his master did not come.

Then there was none.

Jin Shining doesn't know why he hasn't appeared yet. Maybe the king's aloofness makes him wait for a while before he can appear.

Xiaolan fell into madness with his master, and the pair would not show up without the appearance of a spirit-stimulating person.

Assassin might still be secretly collecting information, and there's no telling if a madman like Kotomine Kirei might take the initiative to embrace him when he sees the appearance of the Outer God.

Alas. It's all mental illness.

The four heroic spirits and two masters gathered here now turn out to be the most reliable people. This Holy Grail is really too difficult.

Hey, Noah, we meet again, hahahahaha,

The bold and bold conquering king and Weber greeted everyone very enthusiastically, and all they had to do was hand out business cards. A deal cannot be done without mercy.

Although the failure to recruit before does not mean that it will not be possible in the future, there is something about this king.

We are currently in a truce period, so the atmosphere among everyone is not so tense.

Diarmuid also met everyone. Although his loyal lord was seriously injured, he and Saber, who had clear grievances, still nodded very familiarly.

Kiritsugu looked at these with a blank expression, not knowing what to think.

Finally, the Conqueror King spoke.

Does anyone know what happened? Even in our time, destroying a city was not a common thing, let alone a modern city with such a large population.

The words were spoken to everyone, but everyone looked at Noah, the eighth heroic spirit.

Caster's real name is Gilles de Rais, a French marshal during the Hundred Years' War between England and France. A famous black wizard in European history, and one of the real-life prototypes of the villain Bluebeard in Western fairy tales. Due to the death of Joan of Arc And went astray.

In the end, he responded to the call of the Holy Grail and came during the summoning ceremony of the living murderer Ryunosuke Uyu.

I was defeated before, but with the assistance of another senior magician, I opened the original text of Luoyan City's teachings and planned to summon the power of the outer gods to do the final act of madness.

Noah calmly shared all the information, including the other party's identity, habits and temperament, as well as the approximate magic techniques used.

When it came to the assistance of the senior magician, he inadvertently looked at Diarmuid, but the other party did not respond. It seemed that the knight did not know what happened.

Everyone's teeth were sore when they knew what they were going to face.

Things like the alien god Cthulhu are the enemies of primate civilization.

No one wants the world to go crazy.

This heavy fog is the work of the other party. Was it successful?

Diarmuid asked a crucial question.

I interrupted, and only one egg landed here. Now it has been taken into the sea by the enemy and was born. It may just be a monster infected with the breath of the outer god.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, it looked like they still had to fight.

Heroic spirits are all the most outstanding talents of an era, so they naturally understand what kind of enemies they can fight.

With their mysterious retreat in this living world, their attacks are greatly restricted.

Only exceptional creatures like the Outer Gods are almost unaffected. This is the fatal gap.

Everyone has begun to arrange their battle lines at this moment. Currently, the entire Fuyuki City is covered by heavy fog and dark clouds in the sky, and it has almost been transformed into the opponent's home court.

Therefore, we must find ways to reverse this situation and prepare a defensive position.

Then everyone saw that Noah’s position was particularly different.

They knew that the eighth heroic spirit had spatial abilities, but seeing the things the other party dragged out one after another made people uneasy.

First, a large number of mines were thrown into the sea for marking. This is understandable. Caster has a history of summoning flesh and blood life, so this is normal.

At the same time, several close-in defense guns were also deployed on the shore. It is normal for ship-level military weapons to be placed here. This kind of firepower is terrifyingly lethal at close range.

Then he pulled out a few missile launchers that looked quite large, which was abnormal, and then pulled out a few medium-sized missiles.

Weber's eyes widened when he saw it. Even if he didn't understand modern weapons, he would still know that something was wrong with this thing.

Ahem, Noah, that is

AGM-84A harpoon. The maximum range is 95km, the minimum range is 13km, the maximum speed is M0.9, the operating altitude is 61~12200m, the weight is 230kg, the charge is 90kg, and the power is good.

No, that's what I want to say. Forget it, it's okay.

Weber thought about it, no matter how he got here, he was going to fight against the tentacles of the Outer God this time, so he couldn't be too cautious.

It was the case of the theft of a US military base that I heard about before that was solved.

In fact, these are all things Noah puts on the surface. He really thinks that his door fruit is a joke, and there are some powerful things prepared for the other party.

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