Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 968 Let Noah become light

It may be more serious! As a master, if you can, take protective measures and strengthen mental protection. And don't let Ellie appear again. The disguise tactic can be completely discarded. This thing is really dangerous.

.how about you?

I'm going to try to destroy the integrity of this ceremony and weaken part of the enemy's strength.


Emiya Kiritsugu did not consider Noah's safety. In his opinion, this heroic spirit knew how to measure things and would not act recklessly.

It's this time that the big trouble may be difficult to end. Having been exposed to too much of the dark side, Kiritsugu knew what those big shots were thinking.

Fuyuki City is in danger.

Noah, who hung up the communication, smiled bitterly.

Why is the Holy Grail War so difficult to fight? Is this the backlash of randomly changing the timeline? But the Xingyue world doesn't seem to talk about this.

The agreement with Alaya had not yet been completed, so he had no choice but to clean up the situation.

See the color, lock, and the concept of the door is activated.

There are many ways to contain the enemy. In the face of an unknown enemy, rushing in recklessly is the representative of bravery. The monarch of a certain clock tower has set an example, and Noah will definitely not do it again.

You must know that when he first debuted, he had a reputation as the Lime Swordsman of the East China Sea, so Noah, who is now in a weak stage, does not mind replaying his youthful self.

So, after sorting out the items in his space, he opened the door.

The temporary workshop arranged by Kenneth is mainly to block the breath. The existence of a trace of nameless fog can confuse all magic methods to the maximum extent.

The layout of the restricted space must have been too late and there were no materials to make it, but he was so confident that he did not expect to be discovered and exposed again.

The dim underground space is already covered with strange flesh walls, which are strange substances spontaneously formed by the attracted sewer creatures.

This is Caster's favorite defense method. Although Kenneth, who shares his body, dismisses it, he should use his own moon essence liquid sparingly.

And if possible, it would be best not to use such a signature gift. His remaining sense told him that relying on external gods was not a good thing.

So it's enough to buy a little time with these odds and ends.

But this time, there was light again in the dark place.

Dozens of little cuties with clinking bells flew over first, and the sound of metal falling was quite pleasant.

Kenneth's black question mark face at this moment?

Why am I still tormenting your mother like this after I've fallen so low?

Boom! ! ! ! !

Several shock bombs and incendiary bombs took the lead. This is followed by a large number of frag grenades for harvesting.

Shock waves, fragments, and flames raged in the small space. Kenneth, who had rich experience, immediately lay down and covered his body with a thick layer of flesh and blood to weaken the damage.

At the same time, he used the moon marrow liquid to dig out a space in his body that could accommodate a person.

If what he expected was good, the subsequent bombardment had just begun.

Sure enough, what followed was the GAU-12 25*137mm five-barreled Balancer machine gun, an upgraded version of the Gatling gun.

The black armed domineering force is wrapped around this human murder weapon. Even the top domineering gunmen like Ben Beckman would kneel down and worship it when they see it.

It's just that the intensity of Noah's domineering power can't be increased, not the amount of domineering power. With the power of the Small Holy Grail, his Holy Grail War will not be tiring.

The 4,200-round-per-minute machine gun is usually mounted on a fighter jet or an armed helicopter, but with the heroic spirit's physique, it can withstand the back force on its own.

Da da da da da da da da da da da. The roar of machine guns and the sound of bullet casings hitting the ground filled my ears.

The metal storm fired wildly on the other side of the door, and all the tentacles that tried to resist were blasted into bloody water.

Don’t think that Noah, the mysterious heroic spirit, is unauthentic. Maybe you can see the famous scene of Berserker controlling the F16 in a while.

When modern weapons were plowing the fields, Noah's vision also revealed the past.

A guy wearing a cloak covering his face was crawling toward the seaport with an egg-like object in his hands. His back was protected by a thick fortress of flesh and blood and a trace of silver.

Damn it, can you resist this?

There was still no intention of entering the door, and Noah's beastly instincts told him that there was still danger.

So he threw down the machine cannon and took out the launcher from the space.

Hellfire, spear, it's your turn. The power of micro missiles in the sewer space on the opposite side will reach a very terrifying level.

When the missile flew through the space door, you could see the cloaked man turning around and looking at Noah across the space.

The hatred in those eyes could no longer be suppressed.

Kenneth may not have expected that the enemy would be so cautious, and also use a large number of modern weapons to consume the body's defense system. He was really just like that wild dog-like bastard Emiya Kiritsugu.

Forget about anything else, he has really seen the power of this missile.

So he chanted a few spells and exploded all the flesh and blood life still in the corridor.

The bloody waterfall surrounded the missile and was completely eroded by it before it exploded. In addition to the power of corrosion, there is also a strong power of pollution.

This was a method specifically targeted at heroic spirits, but it was a pity that Noah was not fooled.

Kenneth still ran to the seaside under the cover of this bloody waterfall.

Kenneth, who has become more and more dehumanized, is very happy at the moment, constantly using the magic in the textbook to resist attacks from behind.

It's too late, mysterious heroic spirit. I will win in the end!

He held the egg with a grin and ran into the sea. Although summoning the outer gods was not enough, even a trace of great power was enough to obtain a large amount of life force from the ocean to build his body.

It doesn’t matter if seance is a little incomplete, chaos itself does not seek to be complete.

After cleaning up the opposite side, Noah opened the door and came to the seaside. He felt the endless chaos and distortion under the converging deep sea. It seemed that a huge thing was reorganizing, and the rolling seawater had set off huge waves.

The feeling of danger is rising again and again. This is not something that can be ended by simply chopping.

There was even darkness born from there, and the air flow spread to Fuyuki's sky.

If it weren't for the interference of inhibition, this darkness would spread further.

Fortunately, the dense fog still exists. People living in the city only feel the light dimming and do not see everything outside.

Only those on the magic side can see the changes in the sky, the spiritual warning and the shadow of death coming at the same time.

While Noah was worried, other servants were also arriving one after another. They were also confused when they received the notice from the Holy Church.

The Holy Grail War hasn't even started yet, yet the crisis of destruction of Fuyuki City has begun.

This Holy Grail War has really collapsed.

How can you fight this? It should look familiar to you. Could you turn yourself into light?

Noah stood on the beach and laughed at himself.

In order to share my inspiration with everyone, I worked on it last night. It’s not too much to ask for a monthly ticket to give rewards this time.

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