Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 967 Reverse Exploitation: Knowledge Destroys the World

The Omnipotent Cauldron, a modern wishing machine, can restore hope to your body! ! !

It is recorded in the clock tower that this Holy Grail has the ability to grant certain wishes. I hope this is true, no, it must be true.

Unbeknownst to him, the black mist was absorbed into his body at an extremely fast speed, further deepening the corruption of his soul.

It seems hope is also a twisted vulnerability.

And Kenneth continues to be trapped in his own world.

If only I could return to the sun and accept everyone's admiration. Take the Holy Grail to prove your prestige to a higher level.

It's impossible to count on Sora and the pretty boy who have been deceived, so let yourself use Caster who comes to your door to achieve self-salvation.

As long as you can win and get back everything that belongs to you. He dares to do anything. This is the enlightenment of a magician.

He convinced himself that this was just a transaction, this was just an advantage!

And Caster showed an evil smile, this soul was completely corrupted.


The willing contract was reached, and this mass of flesh and blood fell on Kenneth's body and began to fuse.

Caster and Ryunosuke, who had lost too much body, found another one of their kind.

Kenneth inexplicably did not reject this disgusting behavior, nor did he feel pain. A strange sense of comfort filled his body.

It seemed that the pleasure of returning his body and magic power overwhelmed his nerves.

After a while, a figure took off the bandages and stood up.

At this moment, he is a mixture of Kenneth, Caster, and Ryunosuke Ubu. Huge eyes, golden hair, ugly face.

The magic power began to operate again, and the moon marrow liquid began to gather again to form a mirror.

Kenneth looked at his twisted eyes, strange bloodshot eyes, and the tentacles spreading behind him and smiled silently, a smile that looked like crying. What an ugly gesture this was.

The Trinity at this moment is an extremely weird suture monster.

Caster, as the spiritual base of the heroic spirit, is responsible for providing magic power and magic circuits. Ryunosuke takes on the identity of the Holy Grail selector in an ordinary human body, and Kenneth is responsible for the actions and thoughts of the body.

There was no conflict between the three people's purposes at this moment.

I want to see the gods marvel at my determination to restore Joan of Arc to her past memories.

I want to see a world where super cool magic is fun for everyone. To give pleasure to the gods.

Get the Holy Grail and take back everything that belongs to you.

A monster beyond the imagination of the world is born.

Kenneth looked at this place of shame, walked into the shadow space without mercy and left here.

Wait for me, Sora. I'll be back!

He wants to use Caster's madness to eliminate all the heroic spirits, and then obtain the Holy Grail alone.

The confidence lies in the Luoyan City Textbook in your hands!

The origin of this Noble Phantasm is the R'lyeh Text.

Records about the Deep Ones, Father God Dagon and Mother Goddess Hydra, the Star Families of Cthulhu, the sons of Cthulhu Zoth-Ommog and Ghatanothoa, And things about the great Cthulhu himself.

The Italian translation also records the summoning method. The Great Old One was born from the nameless mist produced by Azathoth, the Lord of All.

These are secrets that a half-hearted magician like Caster doesn't know.

Regarding the parallel world, the study of all things is the tireless driving force of magicians. The higher the level, the more ancient, and the more powerful the knowledge is.

In fact, the reason why the French Marshal has the rank of Caster is because of this book, otherwise how could this kind of trash be qualified to become such a powerful servant.

In the hands of the monarch of the Clock Tower, this book recording the information about the alien gods will be fully effective.

The monarch who had been contaminated by Caster put aside all considerations. Kenneth, who was already good at seance techniques, used the skills he had learned over the years to start.

The ceremony began in a sewer leading to the sea.

Our Cthulhu in the sea, may your name be magnified, may your kingdom come, may your will be done in R'lyeh as in Iha Enslay.

It doesn't require flesh and blood, it's just the method of a low-level dark magician. The methods used by the dignified monarch are based on their own evil thoughts and concepts of chaos.

To draw a modified ritual with one's own blood, one only needs to draw a trace of nameless mist around Alaya's defensive wall.

Let this mist multiply by itself and then fill the entire Fuyuki City.

At that time, the indescribable existence can absorb the most chaotic part of human thought to extract power to break through boundaries,

At that time, a great son or clone of the Outer God will naturally be born from the fog, and he will use the power of the Outer God to sweep away all the Masters and seize the Holy Grail.

You can even continue to use the power of external gods to reach higher realms, and the title is not just a fantasy.

You see, this is the charm of the devil.

Either he is a magician with two magic guns to kill people, or he is a magician with a pistol with magic-breaking properties.

You must use your own knowledge to leverage endless power to accomplish your goals. This is the monarch who stands above thousands of magicians.

I am the most talented person.


This trinity of monsters was on the move, and Noah was not idle either.

Instead, meditate at the highest point in Fuyuki City.

The sight and color were not greatly affected by the mist and continued to spread outward.

He had a hunch that he might be facing a special enemy this time, so he came here after arranging the big killer weapon that he had moved out of the base.

When the fog became thicker and thicker, Noah felt the aura of a natural enemy in his domineering aura.

It was the aura of indiscriminate destruction of all primates in the world, madness, extreme madness, the aura of doomsday eroding the realm of domineering.

Disgust from the heart, this is the completely opposite direction to Noah's path, and the overlord color in the body is stirred up by this aura to boundless turmoil.

This kind of thing cannot be detected through magic perception. Only a special soul individual like Noah can detect it.

Although it has not yet arrived, that person definitely surpasses the ordinary Holy Spirit.

Because at this moment, Noah's heart built with magic power is contracting violently, which is simulating the instinct of the physical body.

The last time this happened was when he was fighting Im.

I have such resistance, I think Alaya must be watching here at the moment, it is really difficult to deal with.

Kiritsugu, at the mouth of the Mito River, near Fuyuki Port!

Copy that, open the door and take me there. Do you need Saber's support?

No, you go and notify the Holy Church. Just say that there may be a crisis that will at least destroy the city, and let all the masters and servants gather together!

.so serious

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