Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 964 Fuyuki City Smog Incident

After the last lump of flesh and blood was smashed into pieces, Noah and Kiritsugu frowned at the same time.

This one is not the same?

In fact, when I saw this thing with hands and feet, I was mentally prepared for trouble.

In addition to Caster, there is also the remaining body of Ryuunosuke, which is very confusing.

Hundreds of pieces of flesh and blood basically cut him clean, and it would only be at this level if Butcher Zheng came over.

Noah admitted that he still underestimated the magician's skills, and he was really good at playing.

What should we do now?

Kiritsugu also felt that it was very difficult. At dawn, it would be very troublesome for this difficult Caster to escape.

It must be terrifying to take revenge on such a perverted heroic spirit like myself.

And he always pesters his heroic spirit. Although the King of Knights is just a disobedient tool in his heart, he can't just be stared at all the time.

Watching the sun gradually shining on the earth, this operation unexpectedly failed.

The city that had gradually awakened began to regain its hustle and bustle, and pedestrians gradually appeared on the streets.

Looking at the two people standing in front of the river meditating quietly, no one came forward to disturb them. People in this country have such a character.

The hazy water vapor gathered on the river, and the clothes became a little damp.

This is not surprising, Fuyuki City is a coastal city, so water vapor is always heavy.

Moreover, the prototype of this city is Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, and the morning fog can be regarded as a unique landscape.

These little mist, little mist. No!

As the sun rises, the fog actually gets bigger, and its coverage is not just limited to the seaside and riverside, but the entire Fuyuki City.

Even the core of this fog does not come from the water source, but in the city?

The mist gradually strengthened in a short period of time, and then dragged the entire Fuyuki City into it at a bizarre speed.

Neither the sea breeze nor the mountain breeze can hinder the pace of these mist.

In less than half an hour, the fog completely enveloped all the buildings within the sight of the two people, and it was gradually getting thicker.

The two people by the river looked grim, and there was no doubt that there was something supernatural going on.

“What a courage”

Each took out a portable device to detect.

There has been a minor disruption to electronic communications.

The magic methods have also been affected to some extent.

There's something wrong with this fog!*2

Noah's heart sank, something unexpected happened.

In the original work, the French marshal who just summoned a tentacle monster in the river actually had a unique change this time. At least the fog covering such a huge area was very unusual.

And it was still daytime, the sun had just risen. If it was really Caster's handiwork, then the magic association in this world would be in big trouble.

Kiritsugu's heart also tightened. He could sense the scent of magic in this mist. Although it was very weak, his sense of smell, which he had hunted countless magicians, could confirm that there was a trace of Caster's smell.

But can a crazy dark magician really do such a thing?

There must be changes happening here that they don't know about.

The two immediately opened the door and returned to Einzbern Castle, using the magic workshop to re-collect the fog information and re-formulate the battle plan.

After returning, it was true that this place was also shrouded in fog. Only the area closest to the castle was not eroded by the fog due to the barrier.

After a brief meeting with Ellie, Noah and Kiritsugu began to use their own methods to carry out their work.

Saber is responsible for guarding Ellie. This is her only job.

At this moment, Fuyuki TV Station is broadcasting today's foggy weather, which is already a natural disaster-level climate change.

Therefore, the entire Fuyuki City came to a standstill, asking citizens to stay at home and not go out, and schools were temporarily suspended.

Then some experts came out and said that this heavy fog was the most unusual sight in Fuyuki's geographical history after so many years, so everyone should not panic.

It must be said that the quality of the people living in earthquake zones is very unique, and their mentality towards natural disasters is too stable.

The city, which has experienced many earthquakes and tsunamis, was not worried about heavy fog at all, so it was a holiday at that time.

And all the magicians in Fuyuki City were in a panic.

This mist is a serious magician's method, which openly exposes the mysterious side to the world.

This is something that no magician can tolerate. The secret principle of the mysterious side has always overridden many principles.

At this moment, Weber and his servant, the King of Conquerors, stood on the roof and looked at the heavy fog, feeling helpless. A half-hearted student and a king who only knew how to cut people were naturally helpless against this method.

King of Conqueror. His special move is not used either. This kind of modification requires a real Noble Phantasm that can affect a city and powerful magic power.

What an interesting enemy.

In a bridge cave, the crazy Matong Yeyan was already looking at the sky indifferently.

After participating in the Holy Grail War the day before yesterday, something huge happened to him. Matou House disappeared.

It was burned to ashes, and all magic rituals were destroyed.

The head of the family, Matong Zangyan, has completely lost his breath, and even the marking insects on his body are slowly losing their vitality.

One of the three imperial families was completely exterminated, which was something that could shock the entire Fuyuki City.

However, Matou Kariya did not notify the Magic Association or the Tohsaka family, so he left this white land unattended.

He didn't care where the demonic old man died, but Sakura could never be found.

No matter how frantically he searched, he couldn't find it. Now he hated both Tokiomi and himself, and he didn't dare to appear in front of Aoi.

So the mysterious revelation doesn't matter anymore, I don't care at all. Berserker beside him didn't even care. All he thought about was Arthur.

Inside the Tosaka family, Tokiomi was worried.

Fuyuki City is my family’s private land. It is also his responsibility to guard the mysterious side of the city, but he can't do anything about it without knowing the source.

After much hesitation, go and plead with that person.

Your Majesty, what do you think of this mist?

Gilgamesh lay on the sofa without any response, but the smile on his lips revealed his mood.

Ah~~Finally something interesting has happened. I hope it will be a scene where I can see you trying your best and providing surprises.

Tokiomi looked a little helpless and pained at the king's contempt. The admonishment given the day before yesterday has brought the confrontation between the two sides to an irreconcilable point.

However, out of the responsibility of the Tohsaka family, he still tried to persuade the king to take action.

Your Majesty, this daring person has interrupted your journey to the Holy Grail and should be punished.


The golden goblet of wine spilled all over the floor.

Tokiomi, do you think you can control the greatest king with words like this? It's really unqualified for a minister.

Let’s begin, let’s pay our respects first. There are many readers who haven’t read the Pirates chapter before and just read the Tsukitsuki chapter. That’s my style, so I’m sorry. Finally, if you have time, you can read my pirate chapter, it’s really interesting.

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