Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 965: Which comes first, exposure or destruction?

The King of Heroes dropped the wine glass contemptuously, waiting for the reaction of this old-fashioned and decadent guy to see if it could bring a little fun.

Tokiomi, a little expert in committing suicide, was confused as he looked at the wine glass on the ground and the command spell in his hand.

Is it more important to restore the glory of the ancestors and go to the root, or is Fuyuki City more important?

In the end, he retreated silently, causing the King of Heroes to sneer. This master simply had decay and uncertainty engraved deep in his soul.


The other Heroic Spirits and Servants were all in the same situation, and there was nothing they could do.

This is not a problem that can be solved by killing people, and it is still broad daylight, so no one dares to attack without hindrance.

In the Holy Church, Kotomine Riko came out of the secret room sweating profusely.

The suspected large-scale mysterious leak in Fuyuki City has been known to the top brass of the Clock Tower and the Holy Church Church.

Turns of communication bombings came directly and began to reprimand the old man.

They only gave 12 hours. If the fog still remains in Fuyuki City after 12 hours.

Then the probability of exposure on the magic side is as high as 64.5687%. For every additional hour, the probability of exposure will increase by 4.022%.

If something special happens again during this period, the probability can reach 100%.

Therefore, if it is not resolved within the stipulated time, or another 100% exposure incident occurs, they will use unconventional magic rituals to rewrite this large-scale fog-shrouded area.

Don't think that these people can't do it. They have accumulated countless horrifying things on the devil's path.

Erasing a city is something that can really be done and done.

Kotomineri is suffering, there have been too many bad things since the start of this Holy Grail War.

First, the mysterious eighth heroic spirit appeared in violation of regulations, which was a very rare situation in the history of the Holy Grail.

7Qi is written into the rules of the Little Holy Grail, and only the top magicians are qualified to exploit loopholes to rewrite them.

Now the 8th Heroic Spirit is a troublemaker, and the roots have not been exposed so far.

Next, the Matou family, one of the three imperial families, was razed to the ground and then all disappeared.

Even if Matou Kariya didn't report it, he would still know it. He didn't need magic to know it just by reading the news.

A famous old house in Fuyuki City was burned down by fire. This is big news. It is a hotspot that is almost as popular as the hotel bombing in Fuyuki City.

If the murderer hadn't made too much noise and covered it up, he would now apply to the Magic Association for investigation.

An ancient inherited magic seal and family inheritance are all the focus of the mysterious side, and the subsequent processing will be very complicated.

Of course, Yan Fengli had some speculations about this matter. This old guy like Matou Zangyan would never die.

He is someone who knows a little bit about the dark things hidden under water magic. The capabilities of the Holy Church and the Magic Association are really just the tip of the iceberg.

Therefore, it is speculated that what happened to the Matou family is most likely self-directed and self-acted.

That old bug's desire for the Holy Grail is beyond everyone's greed, and he can even give everything.

Then the eighth heroic spirit was probably summoned illegally by this old guy, and then destroyed the old house on the surface with a fire.

It is very possible to sneak into the dark and do something secretly.

Well now, you don’t need to worry about any of this.

Caster's illegal abuse of magic and the Fuyuki City smog incident are imminent.

Oh~~~Kirei, let Assassin go out to find more information, and then I will send this information to all the masters. They are qualified to know this.


Kotomine Kirei, who was still very calm, did not have any fear, and even felt a sense of intimacy through his spirituality in the mist.

In Einzbern Castle, after collecting the information, Noah determined that this was the work of a magician, so he found the strongest magician in Fuyuki City for consultation.

Consulting fee. Kiritsugu.

Cheng Zi looked at the fog outside and had a headache. It was just that it was so difficult to earn money.

This mist is a bit like the prelude to the coming ceremony of the evil god, but the method of triggering it is a very orthodox magic method.

In other words, behind this matter there is at least a magician who has reached the color level and is very proficient in ritual magic and spiritual sects. He is using a special magic weapon to do things.

In the end, there is a high probability that the scavengers' defenses will be bypassed and something from outside the world will be summoned to come here.

If the matter is serious, not only the Magic Association will take action, but the restraining force will also take action.

Chengzi felt regretful at the end of the story and received less money.

Noah is more confused at this time. Is there any powerful character coming in this Holy Grail War?

That Caster is just a crazy black magician, and other classes don't have this kind of class.

Or maybe an outside magician is helping Caster with things, but that's not necessary.

The Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City is also well-known. The 726th Holy Grail is registered with the Holy Church, so not just anyone can participate.

For example, you need to be recognized by the Holy Grail to gain qualifications before you can participate. If you rely on a few magic tricks and insist on participating, you will be beaten into pieces by the heroic spirits.

Dangerous people like Orange, who are extremely rare in the entire magic world, are also qualified to intervene.

Noah, who was deep in thought, was a little helpless. The world was really too dangerous.

etc! ! !

Noah thought about a genius in the magic world that he had ignored, and the connection between Fuyuki City and him.

At least a color level, proficient in magic rituals, and willing to do it

When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains is true no matter how unbelievable it is.

I think I guess what's going on. We seem to be responsible for this.

Everyone in the room looked at Noah, extremely puzzled.

“from last night”

On the ruins of the Fuyuki Hotel.

Ms. Sola looked a little nervous at the moment.

Lady Sola, how is my lord?

Kenneth isn't very good. He's in a bad mood. He won't be able to get out of the shadow of the magic circuit in a short time.

Then let me go see him.

Diarmuid was a little worried. If such an accident occurred in this Holy Grail War, he, the servant, was also to blame.

Failure to protect the monarch's safety is a disqualification no matter what.

don't want!!!!

Sora's exclamation made Diarmuid a little suspicious. After all, this reaction was a bit excessive.

That one. Kenneth had all kinds of suspicions because he misunderstood my relationship with you before, so you going in will only make him angrier.

His internal organs are just growing now and cannot withstand a bigger blow.

How about two days? You can see him in two days.

Although Sola said it well, Diarmuid still had doubts and felt that something was wrong.

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