After taking a few steps and changing his weapon, Diarmuid was already standing there with an angry look on his face.

You should know how easy it is for me to pierce you now, Master of Saber.

The two magic spears were pointed at Kiritsugu, and the cold light on the blades heralded the breath of death.

Then Diarmuid began to express crazily how noble his temperament with Saber was, and it was precisely because of this that he did not kill Kiritsugu.

And he was unwilling to kill Saber's master. The two of them agreed that they would have a fair fight.

Little did he know that these words would not make Kiritsugu appreciate the kindness of the King of Knights. Instead, it made him angrier.

If Kenneth is taken down at this time, Diarmuid can be eliminated, and Saber's sealed Noble Phantasm can be released.

At the same time, you can also hunt down Caster tonight and get the reward from the temple.

With two enemies eliminated at once, the difficulty of the Holy Grail War dropped a lot.

However, the best opportunity was ruined by that little girl with the virtue of a knight, and she also placed her own safety on the enemy's virtue.

How childish.

Watching Diarmui's retreating figure, Kiritsugu thought a lot at this moment.

Then Noah emerged from behind.

Ellie still needs you to comfort her. She is very worried, so blowing cold air here won't solve the problem.

Caster escaped?

I left a mark that he can't remove, so I'll hunt him down soon.

Noah said that he would not give the enemy any chance, that is, he would not give any chance. This time he came back to take a look because he was worried about an accident.

Now that the base camp is safe he will set off.

Caster was seriously injured, and a black magician like this could only use flesh and blood to recover from his injuries.

You have to suppress the opponent until he can't stop and delay the injury. You can continue to kill even if it's dawn.

Noah didn't care what was mysterious or not.

You go first, I will go to the city later. We can meet up if the time is right.


Noah believed in Emiya Kiritsugu's professionalism in hunting. I also believed in his execution ability before seeing the Holy Grail.

Just as Noah opened the door, Kiritsugu suddenly said something.

Thank you just now.


Kiritsugu knew that Noah was by his side during the confrontation with Diarmuid just now, so he was not in the worst stage.

After opening the door, Noah stood at the highest point of Fuyuki City.

The sight, hearing and color are in full swing.


There are actually hundreds of parts with their own domineering aura, and they are all running around in the city.

Really cautious. Did you find that you couldn't get rid of it, so you divided your body and ran away?

Was it cut too finely? Did Caster cut himself into pieces?

Magicians are really a bunch of perverts.

Let's compare speeds. It would be best if we can kill this monster before dawn.

It doesn't matter even if it's daybreak. During the day, Caster has no ability to go out hunting for flesh and blood. At that time, it was also Noah's home field.

Kiritsugu in the castle was packing up his equipment, and he wasn't going to sleep tonight either.

What a great opportunity to get Caster and Lancer out together at once.


Even with Ellie's relief, he couldn't accept it. Because he staked his lover, his daughter, himself, and his ideals.

It is impossible to accept being cheated by Saber once and then again.

Now it seems that although Noah's purpose is unclear, he is really in tune with me in terms of mobility, and he is a strange heroic spirit.

With firm belief this guy contacted Noah, a door opened and the two began their hunting trip.

Whether it is flesh and blood with a domineering aura, or finding Ryunosuke first, it is a victory.

Ellie was helpless when she found Saber. She originally wanted to act as a go-between to clear up misunderstandings.

But after listening to the other person's thoughts, I felt that I was naive.

The King of Knights said that he had also experienced war and might understand Kiritsugu's thoughts.

However, the rules of the Holy Grail and the different perspectives on things prevented this incomprehensible king from noticing that there was a problem.

Instead, they believe that it was the infighting between Kiritsugu and Director Ken that caused Caster to escape, otherwise she could have had a fair fight with Diarmuid after the crusade.

Even Ellie thinks there is something wrong with this brain circuit.

King Arthur even asked the question Is Kiritsugu unwilling to change his mind?

Ellie's silence is the answer. She is also someone who is willing to give up herself for Kiritsugu's ideals.

Finally, we can only end with the words that you are indispensable for us to realize our dreams.

The heart-to-heart talk was frustrated here, but the heart-to-heart talk with Director Ken was very successful.

Ms. Sola said she didn't want to be a widow, so she reluctantly saved Director Ken.

But the magic circuit has been destroyed, and the head of the Archibald family, the monarch of the El-Melloi faction, has been completely destroyed.

Losing the ability to perform magic is a life-breaking event for a magician and a lustful monarch.

Regret, resentment, and hatred intertwined in his eyes.

Already desperate, he discovered an even more terrifying fact, that is, his fiancée asked him for the command spell to form a contract with a heroic spirit.

He was already in a semi-disabled state, lying motionless on the hospital bed.

And the fiancée actually wanted control over that pretty boy, which Director Ken couldn't accept.

In the past, when you were doing well, you used to flirt with that guy. Now, in this situation, are you saying this?

So no matter how many reasons Sora came up with, he refused. He didn't believe anything about taking the Holy Grail to heal his body or trusting his fiancée.

He was just paralyzed, not stupid.

As long as I still control the Command Seal, he must listen to me. So there is no need to transfer the Command Seal to capture the Holy Grail.

Director Ken almost said this through gritted teeth.

Then the impatient Sola changed her face, and no one could stop her from pursuing happiness.

So I used my healing ability to give Director Ken a set of torture packages, including pulling out his fingers, threatening to chop off his hands, etc.

In the end, he peacefully took over his fiancé's property.

Then he pretended to be sad and told the Perfect Knight about his efforts and that Kenneth voluntarily transferred the Command Seal to him, making Diarmuid loyal to him.

But the loyal spearman refused. Who would have thought that his purpose in responding to the call of the Holy Grail was to find a monarch who could trust him and be loyal to him.

But beautiful women can deceive people. In the name that the Holy Grail can cure Director Ken, she still used her superb acting skills to show her innocent feeling and deceived the knight with an eye.

What a pitiful fate.

On the second night of the Holy Grail War, the fate of many people was changed again.

And when the sky was dimly lit, Noah and Kiritsugu also caught up with the last lump of flesh and blood on the edge of Fuyuki Bridge.

found it.

But is that really Caster? Or is it Ryuunosuke Ubu?

Looking at the mixed mess, the two pursuers raised their weapons at the same time.

Kill first and then talk.

But it's foggy

I feel that if Director Ken is lucky enough to participate in the fifth Holy Grail, he will be able to recruit the martial arts master without using holy relics.

Finally, I suddenly thought of a very interesting plot development. The Fourth Holy Grail War is going to be ruined by me. Everyone, I’m sorry, Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie.

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