Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 962 King, you don’t understand people’s hearts.

But what's the use of this? In the original work, two heroic spirits defeated the dark magician, but now three heroic spirits attack together faster.

The flying slashes of the great swordsman with full attack power turned this place into a sea of ​​sword energy.

Creatures of flesh and blood cannot stop this power that can cut even steel.

The Luoyan City teaching book in his hand was almost chopped to pieces, and it made a harsh cry.

The dark red flesh and blood in the book rolled down with malice and then was purified by the flames. The body of the Noble Phantasm was terrified.

Damn it, I must let God feel my anger, and I must use the grandest ceremony to welcome my Joan of Arc.

Wait for me, Saint!

Angrily, Caster opened a page in the textbook, summoned a curtain of blood to wash over the entire place, blocking sight and detection methods, and then activated his magic to escape from the shadows.

But how could Noah tolerate him? After seeing and hearing this, he locked his eyes and struck out with a sword through the space door.

This sword cut off the unsuspecting Caster's hand and foot.

Ah~~~~Damn it! ! ! !

Caster howled in agony, but unfortunately the last body evacuated from the shadows.

But Noah was relieved. Unlike magic, his domineering aura was unique, and this demon could no longer escape.

So he started to help the other two heroic spirits clean up the scene, and soon all the tentacle monsters were eliminated.

While Diarmuid was communicating with Saber, he looked at Noah warily.

The identity and alignment of this heroic spirit who wields a strange long sword are still unknown. He seems to be the eighth Servant who violated the rules.

So should we have a fight at this time?

It can also be regarded as a good reason to test Noah's quality for his master.

This guy has a raging fighting spirit. He is a rare swordsman and deserves to be chopped down.

Lancer, the Holy Grail War has been suspended. There can be no civil war until Caster is conquered.

Saber sensed the fighting spirit and stood in the middle to dissuade them.

Um? !

At this moment, the two-gun knight suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart.

His master was in danger, and it seemed that he went to the castle alone after ordering him to attack Caster.

The explosion in the distance just now was the work of his Master.

At this moment, Diarmuid felt ashamed and sad.

‘Still can’t trust me? My lord.’

‘And taking the opportunity to attack Saber’s Master is really not what an upright person should do. ’

But Noah felt a little funny, ashamed? I'm afraid you don't know what your Master will go through.

By the way, will the luck attribute of the Lancer affect the Master during the Fourth War? This is a topic worthy of study. After all, Director Ken's fate is really not an ordinary unlucky one.

Or is it Lucky E that makes Kenneth resonate with the Lancer?

This possibility is not impossible in the magic world.

Strong luck is a very scary attribute. For example, Taiga Fujimura is a representative of this type.

Saber was kind-hearted and comforted the other party, allowing him to save his Master.

He also agreed that he and Diarmuid would have a knightly showdown next time, which was frighteningly frank.

Fortunately, I wasn't stupid and didn't tell Noah's camp, otherwise Noah's Holy Grail War would have been 1VS14.

That is, one person fights against seven pairs of servants and masters.

Afterwards, this spearman who adhered to the way of knights transformed into a spiritual body and returned to Director Ken.

Noah also opened the door and went back, fearing that it would be funny if Diarmuid saw his master's miserable state and couldn't restrain his anger, and was shot by Kiritsugu.

At this time, Saber actually allowed Kiritsugu to fall into a dangerous situation without turning into a spirit body, just to abide by the fairness of the knight's way.

In Kiritsugu's opinion afterwards, this was basically the same as betrayal.

So Noah said something very serious before leaving.

King, you don't understand people's hearts.

Arthur was speechless for a moment. This was not the first person to say this to her.

In the world of One Piece, controlling people's hearts has always been one of Noah's strongest weapons.

Taking advantage of the situation, He Zong Lianheng got through the initial stage, and in the later period, he relied on this hand to survive many crises.

The unity of one's own camp was also tempered step by step.

Only by doing this can the world government be overthrown. This King Arthur may only meet the standards of moral character and force, and the rest is the same as a child.

The end of the Age of Gods was also the greatest help to help her establish her great cause. After all, force was supreme at that time.

Saber was undoubtedly a loser in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Director Ken in the castle is indeed in danger, a great danger.

Because he met love around the corner.

Emiya Kiritsugu, an old bastard, returned to the castle and did not launch an attack immediately. Instead, he hid aside and observed.

At the same time, he also took out the gift from the bottom of the box and waited quietly.

The Origin Bullet is a powerful weapon that only Emiya Kiritsugu possesses and is specifically designed to target magicians.

The more talented and powerful you are, the more unsolvable you are.

A magic bullet that sealed Kiritsugu's ribs, which had the origins of cutting and joining. Just like its origin cutting off and continuing, it brings irreversible qualitative changes to the object.

The first and second ribs on the left and right sides of Kiritsugu's flank were taken out, ground into powder, condensed by spiritual engineering, and used as core material to seal into 66 bullets.

The maker was his master Natalia Kaminsky, who killed 37 magicians with this bullet designed to kill high-level magicians.

By the time Kenneth saw Emiya Kiritsugu, it was already too late.

After regaining his composure, he did not even arrogantly take the life of the wild dog, but continued to rush out.

Seeing the retro single-shot pistol Kiritsugu raised, he made no move. Having been educated on modern weapons all night today, he understood that a pistol of this caliber could not penetrate his own defense.

Inherent time control. Triple speed.

Heavy pressure was placed on Kiritsugu's body, and everything in his body accelerated. Everything outside is slowing down.


! ! ! !

Danger, extreme danger, spirituality is sounding a terrifying alarm. There's something wrong with this bullet!

It was too late to release magic, and it was too late to use life-saving measures.

Kenneth was struck like that.

The magic circuit was cut off and then reconnected, but the complex circuit with perfect talent was not a problem that this messy reconnection could solve.

So paralysis, confusion, unknown, disintegration, abstraction, distortion, pain, fear.

Extreme pain spread from body to soul, and the crazy feeling of being twisted by circuits overwhelmed Kenneth's brain.

He first held his head to try to extract the pain inside, and then scratched all over his body, trying to reconnect the collapsed circuit with his hands.

In the end, he could only helplessly let out the most miserable wail. With tears and nose running down his face, he fell to his knees and twitched in the blood.


Although Kiritsugu is a cold-blooded magician killer, he is also very decisive in replenishing his weapons.

But the heroic spirit returned faster in its spiritual form, and Saber didn't even stop the enemy Lancer!

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