Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 937 The time is up (The surprise is here, 14,000 words today.)

White Star! ! !

Otohime let out a heartbreaking cry from above Bika.

Her daughter fell in a pool of blood! The color of blood on the blue sea is so dazzling.

She is so strong that she can no longer stand still.

Noah hurriedly opened two space doors leading to the location of Neptune and Pluto.

People with medical abilities hurriedly rushed to rescue him.

Just two super-standard attacks proved the strength of the evolved King. Even Pluto and Neptune, who were once equally famous, were so vulnerable.

Even if Neptune and Pluto are not at their peak, they are not so fragile.

This attack seemed to say See? Among the super-ancient weapons of mankind 800 years ago, the two that are as famous as the King of Heaven are so vulnerable.

So, Noah, you, the revolutionary light, can you tell me what is the way out for mankind?

Im said arrogantly. He responded with a rhetorical question.

Speak up, human, shut up, human. Weren't you once human?

This sentence seemed to make Im very concerned.

I am a god. I don't need to care about the past at all. There are many ups and downs on the road to becoming a god.

As for being human, humans bleed, suffer, and have weaknesses.

So...I don't want to be a human anymore.

At this time, the doctor motioned to Noah to delay for a little longer, but it was still a little short.

He returned the doctor's no-questions-asked gesture and began to talk about what human beings are. This is also for the people in the whole sea who are watching here.

“We humans exist in this world as a result of natural selection.

From slash-and-burn cultivation to the birth of civilization, to the inheritance of culture and the inheritance of spiritual will.

This is a miracle for all intelligent creatures. do you understand! Do you know what a miracle is?

We were not created by gods but the world chose us.

Intelligent creatures have to contend with their own fate after they are born. We may die young, drown, starve to death, or even be killed by someone passing by.

We have gone through all kinds of things to survive until now, so everyone is a miracle and an existence with the lowest probability in this universe.

Whether it is giving time to civilization or giving time to civilization, it is the choice of human beings themselves.

Some people choose to become the light of civilization to illuminate, enrich, and develop people living today.

Some people choose to use their lives as anointing to continue the fire of civilization

When you decided to evolve, abandon your humanity, completely merge with the King of Heaven, and become a mechanical life form, you had already lost the most precious power of mankind.

Only the obsession to destroy the world has been affecting you. The rest are already information and data, things we may not know.

Maybe you will stand in a higher dimension, but we humans will not allow ourselves to be destroyed.

Even the natural world that created us, the original amino acids, and the history of natural selection cannot erase us, the creatures that have already been born.

Any existence that wishes to destroy us must accept humanity's war.

Now, on behalf of the New World Alliance, I officially declare war on God Im!

Even after seeing the boundless natural disasters and the attacks that instantly destroyed Neptune and Pluto, Noah still did not lose hope.

Fundamentally speaking, his coming into this world is the biggest miracle of this world, not the god that this 800-year-old technological creation has become.

When war was declared again, the somewhat worried strong men immediately found their backbone.

Yes, human beings will never give in when faced with the final desperate situation.

So. Human! Come and stop me.

Im rarely said anything, but there were some special fluctuations in his information flow because of Noah's words.

This is simply unbelievable, the King of Heaven has no flaws!

He decided to destroy this eyesore immediately. The world must bow at the feet of God and let Him transform it.

So the 30,000-meter-high god moved, and just one step caused a strong wind of more than ten levels.

Even when he attacked Pluto and Neptune, he didn't move, and when he covered the natural disasters in the thousands of miles of sea, he didn't move at all. But when he faced Noah, he moved. This is respect for the light of the revolution.

No one knew how heavy the god's fist was before, but now someone will soon know.

26 top experts unleashed their strongest swords and moves on top of Bika.

The top will and moves are integrated in an instant.

The fluctuations in an instant also exceeded the monitoring range and reached another level. This infinite energy bombarded and flew straight towards the gods.

The colorful light is the result of a mixture of energy of various attributes, including space, material, domineering elements, etc.

boom! ! ! !

Light and shadow flashed, and after a huge explosion, a silver giant fist stopped in place.

This extremely terrifying attack was shattered by the gods. The strong men were shocked. They could not believe this scene.

The merciless Im continued to rush towards Bika with this punch.

The so-called defensive cover, the so-called defensive system, and the offensive system are all useless.

The last punch hit the last shield of Sky Island hard, and the formation of 26 strong men was instantly blown away. Bika was hit by the huge force and was also shot down, falling to the distant sea. Suffered heavy losses.

Noah, who was bleeding from his mouth and nose, stood above Bika, holding the word Wado in his hand and shaking slightly.

It wasn't the knife that was shaking but his arm that was twitching. It was difficult to receive the punch.

Noah, where's your domineering look? You can't catch this second punch!

God's judgment sounded. Is this really the end?

Another giant fist came down. Noah knew that he really couldn't catch this punch, but time...

The anxious and sweaty doctor yelled.

Time is up!!!

boom! ! !

The overbearing lust that had been suppressed for a long time burst out again. The torrent of humanity surged out.

The red shadow world envelops the true form of the god.

Feeling the anger and rejection of this small world towards him, Im didn't care at all, because such power was too weak and could not affect the gods at all.

Mental interference with reality cannot interfere with the level of the King of Heaven, but it is a very strange ability to penetrate one's own defense.

This level is of no use to me. How can gods be afraid of human anger?

Im walked towards Noah calmly, stretched out a giant hand and grabbed Noah.

The shadow was like a palm holding up the ancient god, and the five fingers were like five mountains covering every inch of space above Noah's head.

No matter how the 25 strong men attacked, they did not waver at all, and they firmly grasped the revolutionary light.

The space has been sealed by Him, and the so-called Gate Fruit cannot be used at all.

The first revolutionary light will be crushed at the fingertips.

And the second revolutionary light has died in the heart of the King of Heaven.

He doesn't believe that there is still a third revolutionary light that can emerge, and it doesn't matter even if it does.

After all intelligent creatures are destroyed, these annoying little candles will no longer exist.

But Noah just stood there and ignored the explosion, letting his red overlord color directly penetrate Im's king's body.

He kept insisting on useless actions. Could it be that this man who is known as the most resourceful man on the sea was so crazy and rude before he died?

But what Im didn't know was that these red domineering energy awakened a medium in his body.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

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