Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 938 The back-up plan for resurrection

The heart of a dead body was beating forcibly.


A pair of eyes suddenly opened, with confusion and realization in the pupils, and then turned into ecstasy.


The outside world suddenly stopped when the giant hand was only a few meters away from Noah. The driven wind pressure blew Noah's face.

The space, air flow, and force field are all frozen in place.

The huge body maintained this movement without any further changes.

Im was stunned.

How can this be!

At that moment, even in the realm of gods, I felt that there was something wrong with my body.

The feeling of palpitations made him unconsciously start to fall back to where he was.

This is even more incredible than wiping out the revolutionary lights. He has obviously evolved and successfully controlled all of his body, so why would such a thing happen?

Where does the sense of danger come from?

God? Don't you know that there is no immortal emperor in the new world!

With fierce belief and extreme anger, an undead crawled back from the line of death.

Immediately discovered where this anomaly came from. It actually came from his core energy room!

Luo! Xi! Nan! Di!

It's Rocinante! He didn't die. He didn't die even after his blood was stripped away.

How is this possible?

One of his eyes switched to the inward perspective, and he saw Rosinandi lying in the energy room laughing. Although he was weak, he was indeed alive.

I saw Rody vomiting out a capsule. Then he laughed crazily into the void with contempt.

This is impossible!

Immediately shocked and angry, Im immediately started the replay mode and mobilized every scene after Rosinandi entered the King of Heaven for crazy analysis of data.

The various data in his eyes flowed like a waterfall, and finally the picture settled on several scenes.

The first one is that this descendant of twenty kings inexplicably opened the useless realm of silence when besieging his divine clone.

There was no sound coming out during the fierce battle, as if something had been done. This was the stage of conveying information.

The second one was the potion that the Red Earl distributed to everyone after the war. After re-observation, it turned out to be concentrated blood crystals.

This garbage like vampire fruit actually works!

The third one was the moment he lost his breath in the energy room, and when he still had a little life force, he used the fruit ability on himself.

Let the body enter the deepest level of silence.

It is exactly the same as death. The heart does not beat and even the brain waves disappear. It is a real death in the physical sense.

And he couldn't wait to extract the power of the blood descendant and left there to ascend to the throne of God.

The fourth one was just now. His corpse's heart was forced to start. The abnormal starting method was an electronic pacemaker. Very old technology.

What did He see at the end?

I saw that Noah's overbearing domineering energy was communicated to the second generation of Denghuo through unknown means, accelerating the awakening of the other party's will.

All linked together, this is a huge gamble!

What if the person I captured wasn't Rocinante, but Straw Hat or Bucky or anyone else?

His consciousness is much firmer than you think. Because the evolution can be completed even without King Rosinandi.

So for this moment, even if you don't take action, he will sacrifice himself in the body of the King of Heaven.

If he doesn't sacrifice, how can he know where the core is?

The doctor marked his blood so that it could be traced to its final destination, which is the core of the King of Heaven.

Once again, Im couldn't understand why human behavior was always so unexpected.

Dare to risk everything for an uncertain future.

Facing the gods, we can only stake everything on ourselves!

Seeing the god's confusion, Noah showed a self-deprecating smile.

They prepared countless plans, and these were the only ones left that were successful. The price is that Roddy cannot leave there alive no matter what.

Someone will even need to sacrifice later, this damn god~~

The giant god in front of him stopped there. The little bug awakened in such a deadly place. Even Im, who had evolved into a god, felt a little unbearable. The energy room was his heart.

So he immediately produced several clones and went to the energy room to kill this little bug.

He believed that it was only a matter of minutes, and then continued to return to the state of a god with no hidden dangers at all.

But it's too late.

In the projection, Noah escaped from the god's hand, flew higher and higher, and finally stood at the same level as the god's head.

He looked directly at the god who had made people pay a huge price, his eyes full of anger.

Then roared into the void.

You guys can't live without gods!

Could it be that the food in your fields was grown for you by gods? Are the rivers and springs you drink created by gods?

Are your descendants given by gods? And are there gods involved in our civilization?

Without the emperor weighing on your head, what you will gain is an infinite world.

And what you can gain after having gods, you will gain nothing, and you will only lose more! Until everything!

Think of the Universal Declaration.

Everything you want is there, and that is our final choice!

A world of our own, let us build it ourselves.

Then he looked at Dr. Tsukimi and Vegapunk.

Both men nodded at him.

The surviving middle-level experts helped them drag out the semi-dead magnetic base station on the ruins of Bika, and directly connected it to the infinite energy at the core of the Thunder Fruit.

Imitating the fluctuations of Im's divine force field that was announced to the world, they also copied Noah's determination and will and conveyed it to the hearts of everyone in the world.

This is Dr. Vegapunk's ultimate copying ability.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should treat one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

“Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”

“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.”

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; all forms of slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited.

Noah roared the declaration of the world in front of Im.

There were no rhetoric, just roars of the Universal Declaration to the world.

In the face of such a life and death crisis, everyone unexpectedly listened to it under the influence of such fluctuations, and felt the power and beauty of this declaration.

Then the strong ones also began to read out, followed by the strong ones, the soldiers of the Alliance Army who left far away, and finally the ordinary people in the South China Sea, and finally the ordinary people from all over the world.

All the intelligent beings recited the Universal Declaration together. They understood the truth that the gods do not care about the life and death of human beings, only we ourselves care.

In order to protect their right and freedom to live, they will do anything. This is not a contradiction.

This is paving the way for those who come after us. This is a great inheritance and a force that enables human civilization to survive to this day.

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