Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 936 The Fall of Two Kings

The mountains shook, and people were completely in despair as they looked at the mountains that were pressing above their heads.

God, who will save us~~

But a spine-chilling sharp energy passed over their bodies, and the emerald green light stung their eyes.

When I looked up again, the mountains in the sky had been cut into countless fine powders falling from the sky.

God? Only people can save people.

Hawkeye, carrying the broken sword on his back, hurriedly walked through the door and rushed to the next location.

There is a giant pink dragon crossing the sky to drive away the wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

There was a peerless strong man who played with the sandstorms all over the sky, and then left here with the words That's all.

There are fish-men who ride the tide to break the hundred-meter-high tsunami wave and calm the anger of the sea.

What's more, laughter can bring people the fireworks of courage. With a smile from the heart, the young man resolves all disasters in a funny way.

When this picture appeared in front of the whole world, a kind of power returned to the hearts of the world.

Those strong people who emerge from disasters are all human beings.

It injects a new kind of expectation into everyone's hearts. It seems that what the gods can do can also be done by humans.

All it takes is unity and fearless courage.

More people stood up, and they wanted to be worthy of their peers who were shuttled through the disaster.

All the powerful people rushed to different spaces crazily through the cooperation of Noah and the doctor.

In the end, they successfully solved this crisis of destruction in just a few dozen minutes.

By the time they all returned to Mary Joa, everyone's fear of Im had dissipated a lot.

The belief resurfaced, making the god feel particularly interesting.

Destroying this shining faith is what He wants to do, so continue.

Well done, so are you ready to face me, humans.

Noah's somewhat pale face showed no change, and it was a bit painful to use the fruit's ability that had just exceeded its limit.

He recovered after taking a special potion.

Looking at the god, his voice was not loud, but extremely firm.


The wind blows on the sea, which is caused by the too rapid accumulation of energy.

In that case, it's time to say goodbye to old friends from the past.

Im raised his hand and received two translucent energy shocks, which still exceeded the exploration limit value.

The expressions of the powerful men who were prepared to respond changed drastically, because they discovered that Im's attack was not aimed at them, but in two other directions.

When the huge warship in the distant deep sea detected a terrifying wave coming, it was already too late to avoid it.

The locking force that came in advance held everyone in place. There is no way to escape, no way to escape, you can only choose to face it head-on.

Franky's modified body cannot move, and the restrictions on the mechanical body are even greater than flesh and blood.

Turn on all defenses and turn on metal transformation.

The energy value given by Pluto clearly indicates that this is the ultimate attack that it cannot withstand.

The probability of being destroyed exceeds .99%.

Red warning lights and warning sounds flashed rapidly among the battleships.


boom! ! ! !

As the first impact arrives, the wear rate of Hades' shields and armor begins to soar.

In less than a minute, it will break through the critical point and be penetrated by the King's attack.

The entire huge battleship was shaking, and the creaking sounds meant that the unbearable pressure could collapse the ship at any time.

Tom looked at the attack getting closer and closer to them on the Pluto detector, and he was surprisingly calm.

Even if he was controlling an ancient weapon, he had already realized that this was war.

At this moment, his whole life flashed through his eyes.

In the end, he discovered that what he was most proud of in his life was not the famous sea train project or building a ship for Roger, the Pirate King, but training his best disciples.

As shipwrights, they could have started their careers long ago and blossomed their brilliance.

He no longer has any regrets, as long as the children can rely on his will to move forward.

So at this moment Tom swallowed a pill and unleashed all his strength.

As the boss of the technical department and a high-level member of the revolutionary army, how could he not have some life-burning drugs?

Ahhhhhhhhhh~~~~~! ! ! ! ! ! !

The horned fish man moved forcefully, even though he broke his bones and twisted his muscles.

Let yourself control your body and act with your will. Regardless of those broken bone branches and constantly ruptured blood vessels.

No one knew that this shipwright, who had never practiced cultivation, had such determination.

Carrying Franky and Bingshan on his back, he strode forward inside the battleship.

The bloody body was so tall at this moment.

The two disciples were trembling unwillingly.

Old man, let us down, I, Super Franky, will not be a deserter!!!

Master! Let us face it together!!

Tom showed tenderness for a moment, and then laughed boldly!

Stop talking, men on the sea can't be so mother-in-law!

Remember, you two boys! You must build a ship that surpasses this battleship in the future! This is the romance of a shipwright!

Bingshan, although it's unfair, I still ask you to take good care of Franky. Please!

Frankie. Follow your dreams and never look back!

At the last moment when danger approached, he threw the iceberg and Franky into the ejection cabin and pressed the ejection button.

No matter how much his apprentice begged and cried, he never gave up on his decision.

He even shouted to his disciples in the communicator before attacking to break through the defense.

Remember! A man on the sea must do things without regrets.

You two are the greatest work of my life.

So don't give up. You have to win..

boom! ! ! !

There was a loud noise, and a huge mushroom cloud exploded on the distant sea, and the shock wave swept directly across the sea.

After the endless light and heat dissipated, only the half-scrapped Pluto was left, and the extremely evil battleship completely collapsed.

In the distance, Franky and Bingshan, who were beaten and bleeding, looked at the ruins and fell to their knees weakly.


Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! ! !

The eyes of the two grown-up Dahai boys were filled with hot tears.

And another attack was directed at Shirahoshi.

Otohime, who was above Bika, had eyes wide open and wanted to jump down to block the blow.

But she couldn't catch up. For the first time, she hated her useless body so much.

And those super-giant Neptune species were designed as biological weapons at this time, even though they were afraid of death.

But they could only block the path of the terrorist attack one by one.

Then huge balls of flesh and blood fireworks exploded on the sea.

Dozens of super-giant Neptunes finally weakened the attack to a certain extent, and then Shirahoshi rolled up a huge wave and used the Neptune Trident to confront the attack head-on.

The result was that the halberd was broken and people were injured. The seriously injured Bai Xing floated above the sea with a weak breath, and the trident in his hand also broke into two pieces.

The armor was all broken into pieces, and a lot of blood flowed from his body.

Neptune, defeated!

I have finished writing the pirate chapter and am currently revising the manuscript. Come and take a look, everyone.

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