Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 935 Unyielding resistance

The remaining red continental mountains, the naval headquarters, the Chambord Islands, and the fringe areas of the four seas including Pioneer Island are all covered.

Countless natural disasters broke out without warning, and these horrific scenes spread throughout the crowd gathering places along with Im's projection.

People in ancient times were afraid of these disasters, so they weaved many myths to record these phenomena.

Treat the disaster as the wrath of the gods and pray for their forgiveness.

Various ancient sacrificial rituals and methods of worship are all pleading to the gods to put away their anger.

So what about now?

Everyone watched as these natural disasters that gave birth to countless myths in the past were released by a god.

There was no anger, no disrespect, no misunderstanding, just pure destruction.

The inner defense has been completely defeated.

Some islands were directly shattered by earthquakes. The volcano erupts and the sea water pours back. Life is so small at this moment.

Some islands collapsed and were about to be scattered into the sea, and the seawater was filled with huge whirlpools or shocking tsunamis that connected with the sky.

There were even blizzards falling from the sky, and the temperature on the island dropped to dozens of degrees below zero, and people and animals who had never experienced it froze to death.

Temperatures on some islands have risen sharply. High temperature and drought are baking an area of ​​​​the sea.

Ordinary people are living in a hot hell, their skin is dry and falling off and they are dying, and their wells and rivers have been evaporated, without any hope of survival.

In some areas, hurricanes of more than ten levels are raging, and houses, trees, and humans are being sucked into them and disappearing.

The most tragic natural disasters along the Great Line are spreading to all corners of the world, and the disasters that are constantly flashing on the screen are of world-destroying levels.

The seeds of this being the invincible enemy of mankind have been planted in the hearts of many people.

Is mankind really going to usher in extinction?

Ordinary people in the depths of the world are helpless waiting for judgment.

And Noah and others, who are at the center of this disaster, are also in a precarious situation.

For the strong, such disasters can naturally be overcome safely, and even the lightning and thunder cannot pierce Bika's rain cover.

But seeing the world they are fighting for fall into such danger, they cannot sit idly by and ignore it.

In this case, we people will have a fight with the gods.

Including Noah, there are 26 top powerhouses here, as well as 7 Seraphs, the remaining pacifists and the super-large Neptune class.

These people will not give in, natural disaster? Who is not a humanoid natural disaster!

Noah needs the doctor's help to calculate and mark the locations of villages affected by disasters.

Then he burst out with all his momentum, and combined with the coordinates of the magnetic fruit, he started the battle to save the world.

The god took a look there with great interest and made no movement to hinder it.

He didn't care about the struggles of these people and just continued to maintain the power of natural disasters.

Noah also ignored Im. If the other party blocked him at this time, he would use his final trump card.

Although there would be great risks, he couldn't care less. Fortunately, the arrogance of the gods gave him a chance.

Open the door!!!

Dozens of space doors opened at the same time.

Set off!

These strong men step out and start saving the world.

The village under the blizzard was almost buried in the snow, and black clouds shrouded the sea area.

The people hiding in the room were wrapped in knitted fabrics to no avail, their blue cheeks were numb and their tears had frozen.

Some people are still shivering, and some people have entered a state of hypothermia with lifeless faces.


I~ don't want to die.

The ice and snow still fell mercilessly, never stopping because of people's prayers or hatred.

Fire Fist. Emperor Yan!!!

A loud shout came from the air, and immeasurable light and heat fell from the sky.

The terrifying heat swept away all the cold in the ice and snow world.

The ice and snow were vaporized before they could reach the human world, and the ice and snow on the ground immediately disintegrated at this moment.

Heat waves hit the sky one after another, directly confronting the black clouds.

The hot air brought hope to the world, and the villagers who felt that their limbs and themselves were alive again shed tears.

Only from death to life can we understand the preciousness of life.

Those who were brave looked out the window and saw a huge flaming sun in the sky driving away the black clouds.

Then patrol the sea area for any discord.

Is this also a god? The sun god?

The golden flames spread the light of hope, and in a daze, people saw a mythical existence.

A flaming sun patrols the sea, just like Apollo who brings life to all things.

No! It's not God, it's human power.

Seeing that the ice and snow underneath had dissolved, Ace recovered his true form and pushed open the space door to continue emitting light to the next location.

And the village that was scorched by the high temperature and flames welcomed a strong man with the power of frost.

This place has been surrounded by poison and hot magma due to volcanic eruptions.

People who had nowhere to escape stood on high ground and watched desperately as their homes were being devoured.

Ahem. Mom. Will someone come to save us?

The little girl, choked by the poisonous smoke and unable to breathe, asked a painful question for all adults. Who dares to resist God's punishment?

Her mother could only hold her child and cry silently.

Who will save us?

wind? Cold wind?

In the midst of this scorching heat, there was actually a cold wind coming in.

A figure walked in from around the island wrapped in magma, followed by a cold air current.

It directly dispersed the high-temperature aura in the area and brought the temperature back to normal limits.

Sorry, I'm late.

Ice Age!

A blue halo of light burst out from the stranger's body and swept across the entire island.

The power of frost that froze everything raged here, calming down this molten hell without any hindrance.

The human world changed in the blink of an eye. Those hot volcanoes were all frozen, and there were red flames in the ice. The scene was both beautiful and shocking.

The little girl was stunned by the snow-covered world.

Are you a god?

No, just a human.

Handing over an ice-carved flower was considered his tenderness.

Turn around and leave. This sea area is a place with dense volcanoes. There are a lot of places where I need to calm down.

And the local dragon, swept by the strong wind, walked out of the door.

Looking at the chaotic airflow here, he snorted coldly.

A bigger storm was generated within itself, and its powerful sweep swallowed up those violent hurricanes, winds and other forces.

Then he guided the airflow to the sky and dispersed the clouds. The Storm King was also very good at soothing the strong wind.

After forcefully dispersing the airflow here, he patrolled at high speed in the air, cutting off all forces that could cause changes in the natural weather.

God? Humph!

The unruly dragon continued to fly in the sky.

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