Kill Bucky?

Guina didn't react. Did the teacher have a personal grudge with Bucky? Even if it's this level, I have to give that red nose a few cuts first.

Or do you want me to send him on his way ahead of time because he can't bear the Pirate King being tortured like this?

Bucky, torn apart!

At this time Robin and Kizaru reacted, yes, kill Bucky first!

Then he brought the confused Kuina to Bucky, who also looked confused.

The red-nosed Pirate King also heard what Noah said, so he must have heard it wrong.

How could it be possible to kill me?

Then he saw Kuina obediently drawing a weapon towards him.

Brother Bucky, I'm sorry!

Ba's face was already pale and now he looked like a dead person. Execution by cross?

Because the fruit's ability was completely suppressed by the cross, the joints between the hands and feet that were handcuffed to it were cut off.

As long as the cross is dropped, it can be retrieved with all its strength. understand?

Seeing Bucky's desperate look, Robin couldn't bear to feel guilty, so he still explained.



It is difficult for Ju Yiwen to cut the cross, but it is still smooth to cut people.

Bucky's arms and legs were severed in an instant.

The severe pain made him howl.

Don't you even give me time to think about it? After that, just cut it.

Bucky was very heartbroken at this moment.

Even the 13 strong men fighting below were shocked when they looked at the sky. Is Kuina's swordsmanship so unskilled?

Did he kill his own hands and feet first, or did he want to practice with Bucky and then rescue his teacher?

Kizaru and Robin immediately picked up the limbs and torso that were about to fall off, trying to reassemble Bucky's body.

Stop howling! Use your fruit power to connect your hands and feet first!

Robin was a little upset when he saw this guy still howling wildly, so he released the physical calming technique.

Bucky quickly regained his composure after being slapped twice.

The instinct of survival made him burst out the last bit of strength.

He reluctantly used the power of the four-part bone-splitting fruit to partially connect his hands and feet to stop the injuries on his body.

The rescue operation was successful 1/11.

Although he was weak, Bucky was able to escape from the cross just like that, which was beyond everyone's imagination.

The weak Bucky was carried by Kizaru and rushed to the edge of the battlefield. He threw this guy aside and then went up to fight Im.

Law, Sabo, and Kureha immediately jumped out of the battle group and gathered in front of Bucky.

After a brief inspection, it was found that his injuries were not serious, but that his strength had been drained too much.

As for the other severed limbs and limbs, they can be easily cured, and the fragmentation has temporarily preserved the existence of the limbs.

A tube of green potion pierced Bucky's heart directly, sending pure life force into it.

Then Sabo and Luo reluctantly used a little bit of their abilities on the patient to basically repair some of the core wounds.

Kuleha even unleashed her pure surgeon abilities and began to sew to the extreme.

When the fruit's ability is limited, this pure technology can better reflect the doctor's ability.

Anyway, the immunity of strong people is very good, and Bucky can restructure his body after being freed from suppression.

So her stitches were wide open and closed, and she sewed them up without even applying anesthesia.

It was so painful that Bucky's cold sweat rolled down like soybeans.

Fortunately, the life force in the heart began to burst out in the body, traveling with the blood throughout the body.

The activated self-healing power reconnected all the broken bones and disintegrated tendons and muscles.

Another injection of nutritional medicine replenished his lost physical energy.

In just one minute, he was resurrected on the spot with full health. It hurts, but the effect is really good.

The newly resurrected Bucky will immediately roll up his sleeves and fight Im, and he will use his Bucky missiles to blast that shit-like face.

Personal vendettas grew.

I just made my appearance as the Pirate King a few days ago on the world live broadcast.

As a result, you hung me up on the cross, letting me show my face again.

I'm so angry, the Pirate King doesn't want to lose face? !

Then he was dragged back by Robin. There were still people on the cross waiting for Bucky to save him.

Help people.

Bucky doesn’t understand how he can save people?

Then he saw the Kikuichi Mononori Sect that Kuina had not yet taken back, and there was his own blood on it.

I see, the reverse fruit can stabilize the limbs.

So I immediately stood in front of the cross excitedly. It was only right that everyone should go through such a painful thing.

But this time the process is a little bit different.

It turned out that the life potion was administered first, and then the hands and feet were chopped off.

Facing Bucky's sad eyes, Robin said irresponsibly.

The first time I rescued someone, I forgot.

Im's clone was furious when he saw this way of rescuing the enemy. Are you humans crazy?

With a sudden explosion, he showed all his strength, grabbed those strong men with strong medical ability and started to attack wildly.

As long as he beats these people to death, even if his hands and feet are cut open and he is saved, he will fall into a worse state of near-death.

But Kuleha is so smart. As a witch who has lived for more than 100 years, she has seen more sinister human hearts than Im.

The clone of the Heavenly King was about to make a move when she saw through it, and the beautiful woman smiled evilly at her enemy.

He immediately pulled Sabo and Luo to dodge in the battlefield.

Remember! The most important thing for a doctor on the battlefield is his medical ability. As long as we don't die, we still have a chance.

By the way, he was still conducting his own teaching as a field doctor, and Im was so angry that blood pressure was rising in half of his body.

Naturally, others would not watch this scene helplessly, and the remaining strong men began to crazily chip away at the clone.

Zoro even took advantage of the opportunity to complete all the chants of the Nine Sword Style. He babbled hundreds of words to fill up the buff, and this sword was shocking.

That ominous ghostly aura has a very good effect on Im's human half.

The Empress's performance was also very impressive. Although she could not emit the petrifying light, she could still wrap the petrifying power around her fists. The mechanical structure of the clone's body showed pitted petrification traces.

A group of people joined forces to attack and forced the clone down.

With the help of Guinahe's ability to cut off hands and feet and Bucky's ability to temporarily switch and assemble the body.

The weakest ones with pure physical skills were rescued first. Their origins have been extracted the most, and they may not be able to survive if they are not saved.

It was also after rescuing one after another that these physical experts recovered their body control and physical strength.

A set of healing, silky small combos that replenish energy, and then all are resurrected with full health.

The grumpy old man joined the battle group as soon as he recovered and tried his best to greet the enemy.

Garp even burst into tears and used his punches as big as sandbags to hit that bastard.

Everyone knew that old man Garp was really angry, and the result of almost becoming a loyal family was really unbearable.

The vigorous battle entered its climax.

When Im's clone reacted, 27 top masters who had been resurrected with full health were already standing in front of them.

This is a strange scene that has never appeared on this sea.

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie

The one with such a villainous smile is naturally our Lord Bucky.

Others also sneered once or twice appropriately.

These 27 pairs of eyes full of murderous intent looked at the clone, making Im's body feel a chill.

The root of everything, Noah.

The light of inheritance, Rosannandi.

Bucky, the miracle man who is prone to accidents.

I won't give you another chance. In the name of God!

The clone looked at the other side with an indifferent expression. This was his attitude.

Time is on my side. Cherish every minute and every second, human!

And these 27 strong men, after flexing their muscles and muscles, no matter what the clone shouted, you who have never fought such a rich battle can no longer hold back.


I won’t predict the end time of the Pirates Chapter, I’m sorry. (2-3 days.)

I swallowed the manuscript today and I'm going crazy. This is a temporary fix, so tiring.

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