Warring States, Garp, and Zefa were a little ashamed. The old men with bruises and swollen faces did not dare to look at the contemptuous look in Staff He's eyes.

Unexpectedly, after decades, everyone is now a prominent figure in the sea.

They are both marshals and naval heroes. Some of them are also chief instructors of the revolutionary army and navy.

In the end, Ah He still needed to bring someone to rescue him, and it was really hard to bear the contrast.

Garp, a shameless guy, was a little embarrassed.

The dragon on the side was not feeling well either, and he was greatly comforted by the new generation who came to the rescue, which meant that the latecomers to the cause could already take over this responsibility.

It’s just a little hard to accept being saved, it’s not cool at all.

Moreover, he, his father, and his son hang up there together, which can be said to be a family reunion.

The Mengqi family is full of loyalties this time.

Luffy was very happy. Although he couldn't even make an expression, he relaxed instantly when his two brothers came here.

Brothers working together are more powerful than gold, even though his two brothers were taking pictures.

Really are

Just as Robin and others were about to take action, a terrifying aura appeared in the darkness.

Here we go again, humans never learn lessons.

A human-sized figure stepped out from under the cross.

The half-human, half-machine twisted figure's eyes were full of arrogance, and it was Yimu's clone.

The aura of this avatar is very unique, more vivid and more powerful.

The level of power is similar to that of the giant Im in Mount Hyjal, both of which surpass the level of an extremely powerful person.

And since He came out, the suppression of fruit abilities here has reached a limit.

Originally, Kizaru could transform into elements of one or two meters, but now he can't even do that.

Seeing this clone come out, everyone was very vigilant. No matter how anxious I am, I don't dare to act rashly. If my combat power collapses due to my impulsive being killed instantly, and I fail to save others, I will never forgive myself for such a mistake until my death.

This is a square, a square built for mankind.

The King of Heaven is the king of the sky. The greatest masterpiece of a huge kingdom that gathers the strongest scientific research power in the entire sea.

All kinds of technologies that you can imagine and cannot imagine are integrated into this huge throne.

Facing the pressure from Neptune and Pluto, they even merged various uncontrollable forces into it.

So there was King Yimu.

Human beings are trying to control the King of Heaven like Pluto, and even the driver's cab has been built.

It's just that the result was different from what they expected. One will dominated everything.

How can humans dream of controlling gods!

When it comes to malice towards the same kind of people, humans themselves are the evil that should be eradicated the most.

I am the God who saves the world, and you are the devil who destroys the world.

To destroy mankind is to save the world.

Both the 11 strong men on the cross and the 16 strong men who came to the rescue were all speechless for a moment. It was not that they could not argue, but they did not expect that the so-called gods could also lie smoothly.

If He really thinks so, I can only say that God is a bit naive.

Maybe it was because seeing the speechless appearance of human beings made Im feel a little happy, and he shocked the world with his God's perspective.

This god is so uneducated.


The stubborn Bucky was hung on the cross, and the sharp Noah no longer wanted to speak. Who else is so brave?

It's Rocinante.

He fully inherited the provocation skills of his predecessors, interrupting the enemy's complacency where it was most complacent.

Sure enough, even the clone with a stiff facial expression looked like a ghost, and all the arrogance of the gods disappeared.

He was a researcher in a huge kingdom back then, okay? How about saying that He is uneducated?

I immediately lost the idea of ​​talking to this group of people for a few more words. Even if I delay, I cannot trample on the dignity of God.

“This square can hold 16 more crosses, 160 more crosses, 1,600 more crosses.

Hope you like it.

Im looked down at the group of masters in front of him with malice. This is His last transcendent avatar, and it is just right for this use.

When the transformation is completed, these things will no longer be needed. Only the most primitive power is needed to push the world aside.

While He was saying these words, He was still observing Rocinante. The person who inherited the second light.

This spirit of always pestering and fighting without being defeated has been passed down, and it is so similar to his old friends.

But this kind of power is not like Joey Boy's wild imagination, but the rigorous and fearless power of unity.

The unique power system made Im intend to study it slowly after the war is won.

And this kid is actually a descendant of twenty kings.

If you can throw him into the energy room, you can speed up the process of transformation.

Immu, who no longer wanted any more changes, looked at Rosinandi and his eyes changed. That fleeting greedy look was caught by everyone.

Strong people are all sensitive. After noticing this, they stood faintly in front of Rosinandi.

Finally, the melee started with the iron fist of the violent Kidd.

13 top powerhouses battled against the clone of Imgod. Just like they did in Mount Hyjal before.

After calculation, at this level, 13 people can just hold the opponent down. If there are external forces, there may even be a chance to win.

The remaining three people went to the cross in the sky to see how to free the bound strong men.

The battle begins in a state of equilibrium.

Everyone has preparations and plans for Yiyim's abilities.

People like Fujitora have fought three times, and they are even more calm in the face of such oppression.

As for Hawkeye, he's a bit violent.

With half of the blade cut off, his sword intent was boiling at the moment. If he couldn't cut off the original body, he would use this clone to attack first.

The violent sword intent made him the main attacker, and relying on the logistics combination this time, he started to attack crazily.

In a short period of time, the strong ones gained a little upper hand.

To put it simply, the Alliance side brought wet nurses with them in this battle.

Kuleha, Sabo, Luo. These three people are basically the doctors with the strongest medical ability in the whole sea.

Although suppressed by the fruit's ability field, Sabo and Law's abilities were not perfectly reflected in the battle.

But just a little bit of auxiliary ability can relieve too much pressure on those strong men on the front line.

In other words, Xiao Ma's medical ability is more suitable for staying outside to support the middle-level experts without coming in, otherwise the pressure Yimu will face at this moment will be even greater.

Kuleha is more comprehensive and incomprehensible. She is an incompetent person who has not eaten the fruit. Therefore, her medical skills are the purest medical technology belonging to human beings.

Various battlefield first aid methods and methods to stimulate potential were used in turn.

With the help of three top doctors, their battle with Immu became more and more fierce, and the pace was ridiculously fast.

Robin, Kuina and Kizaru flew into the air and began to approach the cross.

Impressed and beaten, Yimu roared repeatedly but could not stop the progress of the three people.

After getting closer, I discovered that these crosses had been using a strange wave to drain the physical strength and energy of the powerful people above.

Moreover, the material is a very strong alloy cast in one piece, with no gaps or keyholes.

Although it is not as hard as sea floor stone, it is still difficult to cut.

Guina tried. With his current level of cutting into the cross, he would have to cut thousands of times on the same place to completely cut it off.

Unless you use your own Spark to Start a Prairie Fire, but in this case, it is difficult for the ultimate sword energy to be slashed on it without affecting the comrades on the cross.

Moreover, it takes at least hundreds of steps to cut off Catching Fire.

Kuina has now advanced to become a great swordsman, and she firmly believes that even if it were Hawkeye, he would not be much better than herself.

This is how to do? The three of them are now a little helpless.

At this time, Noah's mosquito-like voice came, speaking in a tone like mumbling to himself.

Cut Bucky

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