What is the scene like when 27 top players join forces in a limited space?

Everyone is seamlessly connecting various ultimate moves, and the violent sword energy and physical skills are blooming.

Even if they don't use their fruit abilities, these people are still the strongest.

Of course, Rosinandi can still use the fruit ability.

It's just that this fruit of silence is a bit useless, but Imu's god clone took the initiative to untie it after looking at it like a fool.

It's still fun to go up to him and hit him with fists while cursing.

In the end, Garp removed Im's head, and the battle ended temporarily.

Noah looked at the brothers who were still irritable and ignored them.

Instead, the Red Earl reissued some nutritional potions for everyone to swallow.

Everyone ate these very calmly and waited for the next plan.

Noah immediately checked with Staff He on the current progress of the war.

He looked a little surprised when he learned that Neptune also participated in the battle.

Hades was specially pulled from Wano Country. The staff had anticipated that the body of the Heavenly King must be a very huge product.

Therefore, a huge cannon that can sink very large islands is definitely needed.

But Neptune really didn't plan. The alliance army would use its own will and body to block the enemy's attack.

After all, Bai Xing, who is a biological weapon, is just a little girl who is inexperienced in the world.

Forcing her to go to war is really inconsistent with the New World Alliance's world declaration.

However, the appearance of White Star also reduced the Alliance Army's losses too much.

Many unexpected surprises occurred on both sides in this war, and now everyone is back to the same starting line to compete for time.

Then Counselor Danghe asked Noah and others what they were defeated by.

Even if there were only 11 of them left, the god's clone just now shouldn't be easily captured.

Moreover, all 11 people survived, indicating that they were still facing a crushing attack.

Noah's expression changed.

We encountered a transforming monster.

The dragons and the others reached the depths of Mariejoia and led out one.

Just as Noah was about to explain, earth-shaking changes occurred within the entire King of Heaven.

? !


There was a shaking, which was something unimaginable within the King of Heaven.

brush! ! !

Everyone in the entire hall felt a sense of weightlessness, and everyone actually floated.

In other words, this empty hall is falling rapidly, as if it is falling directly into the center of the earth.

Everyone is trying to maintain balance during this high-speed fall. This step is difficult with the displacement of space and the intrusion of various energy fluctuations.

Maybe we'll have to face that monster again soon.

Suddenly, the hall began to move disorderly again, moving left, right, up and down, and the space shifted so violently that most people would faint.

It seemed like the entire hall was being transported to some special place.

In this disorderly transfer, everyone suddenly looked in the same direction.


But it was too late. The powerful wave of control over the body emitted, making everyone slow down.

A large number of mechanical tentacles flew out of the room and began to capture several people with purpose.

Rocinante was the first to be taken away;

It can be seen that there are sea tower stones inlaid on it, which completely paralyzes the fruit ability user and then is taken away without any resistance.

When those tentacles grabbed Bucky and Luffy, they failed.

Luffy instinctively entered the Nika form and barely dodged the attack. Bucky hid behind Luffy.

After the body control was released, the swordsmen and strong men launched their own attacks one after another, but they were all flexibly thrown away by the mechanical arm, and Rosinandi merged into the wall.

The bloodline of twenty kings.

Noah immediately understood the reason why Im took action.

The reason why this arrogant god could pull Luo Nandi away with shame must be because he is the bloodline of the Twenty Kings and is also a top powerhouse.

Jaigolusia Sartan Saint once said.

It shows that Im has reached a certain level of urgency, and it also shows that the time left for them is also very tight.

As for Luffy and Bucky simply not wanting to eliminate variables in advance, this is understandable.

Looking at the place where Rosinandi disappeared, Noah showed a sad expression.

We finally got to this point.

When the strong men were trying to break through the wall in mid-air, suddenly the hall began to slow down.

When the high-speed moving hall stopped, they had arrived at another empty place. This was no longer a mechanical city, but outside the King of Heaven, which was covered with red rocks.

The rocks on the ground are like the original red earth continent.

Welcome to Twenty Thousand Meters Under the Sea.*2

This is the last relic of a huge kingdom, and it is also the place where the 20 kings signed the contract.*2

Another twisted creature appeared in front of everyone.


No, it's the body.*2

This twisted life form actually introduced itself.

Half of the body is Im's own face, while the other side is an ordinary mechanical body, which looks very thin.

This is also worthy of being called ontology.

There is no aura, no threat. Just like an ordinary person.

Only the facial expression is unexpectedly natural, different from those ordinary twisted beings.

Noah said helplessly to Counselor He.

This is the guy who defeated us, although he looks a little different. That one... is really big!

The strong men were even more vigilant. If they couldn't sense the opponent's strength, they could only say that the opponent was one dimension stronger than themselves.

It is absolutely impossible that the opponent has no combat power at all.

I was just an ordinary researcher before, a very ordinary human being.*2

A gentle voice came to everyone, not at all like the calmness of those god clones and the mass-produced models above the sea.

Noah walked to the front and naturally became the speaker, without any nonsense.

Since it claims to be the true body, no matter what the conspiracy is, let's test it out.

Where is Rocinante?

He is at the core of the King of Heaven, which is above 20,000 meters.*2

The core of the Heavenly King? Then you are not the Heavenly King as your true body?

No, I am Im.*2

Next, the mutant named Im began to tell everyone another version of the story.

A researcher from 800 years ago was integrated into the King of Heaven, just like a fruit fusion object experiment.

So the King of Heaven was poured into a soul.

The huge Throne of Heaven has an integrated system that can use all kinds of the most advanced scientific research weapons and concept weapons.

Only such a complete king of heaven is worthy of being called a god.

The contract of twenty kings also made the king of heaven the main fighting force to destroy the huge subjugated country.

The subsequent betrayal of the King of Heaven, the battle of the Three Kings, and the defeat of Joyboy were all exactly the same as what Noah saw in his memory.

The problem is when world government is established.

20 King was worried about King Im's fighting power and his potential, so he tried every means to put King Yi to sleep.

The main body is covered by the core of the red earth continent. He also left behind something that was restricted by his bloodline, so that this god could not easily wake up.

Because they discovered late in the war that the King of Heaven had broken through the limitations of traditional technological means after injecting Im's consciousness.

He is likely to use his own means to overcome the restrictions of the twenty kings and come out, and even evolve again.

And the end of science is theology, then a real god of technology will come to this world in the future.

Such gods are destined to subvert the eternal rule of the 20 Kings, but they have no choice.

King Im is really too powerful. It cannot be destroyed, cannot be exiled, it can only sleep. He didn't even dare to keep Him awake for too long.

Moreover, Joyboy once left a prophecy that he would return in eight hundred years, and the mermaid princess and so on would all return in this era.

So drinking poison to quench thirst is their only option.

When you rule the world with the help of the King of Heaven, you also have to face the threats brought by the King of Heaven.

Therefore, the message left by the Twenty Kings is that the King of Heaven can only be awakened once when it is the most critical and the most hopeless time.

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