Chapter 928 Found it!

There was no movement after the Heavenly King's place turned into a bud.

If those one-winged angels are allowed to wreak havoc outside, they are already invincible in the world.

Just wait for Noah and the others to die.

Under the protection of the force field and the outer wall, it floats on the sea and undergoes its final transformation.

But accidents happen frequently, or the logic of this group of humans exceeds the calculations of ordinary people and kings.

How could he send his general into a trap at the beginning, but leave the weapons to others to operate.

No matter how you look at it, Revolutionary Light is the real leader of this group of people, so after capturing Noah, he had a warning that the war was over.

It turns out that this lamp can be passed down using unknown methods.

Moreover, the previous one was even willing to sacrifice himself by using his body as bait.

How could Noah be so sure that the outside process would go as he wished? Foreknowledge? Or gambling?

If not, then this approach seriously violates His observations on human nature over the years.

So Im, who was accidentally trapped, had a huge hole opened in his body by the full-power Pluto cannon.

This kind of thing would never have happened 800 years ago.

The unconventional nature of human nature finally allowed Him, the god, to taste the consequences of losing control again.

It has to be said that humans after 800 years are all crazy.

He simply couldn't handle Noah the way He handled Joeyboy.

Now Pluto needs to cool down for a day after firing the main cannon at full power, and other secondary cannons are bombarding Uranus' body indiscriminately.

It is also crucial to reconstruct the force field for defense when necessary.

And those single-winged angels are continuing to strangle the super-giant sea kings, and they are unable to protect their main bodies.

And he has fallen into the final stage of transformation. He really couldn't free his hands to sweep across the sea.

After all, I fell into the rhythm of this group of hard-working resisters.

Able to do this without knowing what changes will occur to Him.

Using people's hearts to calculate gods

Im said in hindsight.

Human beings are better off disappearing.

His tone this time was very firm.

Then he sank his body into an empty inner space, which was filled with terrifying energy flows and endless mechanical lines.

It is here that King and Im will say goodbye.

Time. The great power.

And the other side.

When those 16 top experts entered the ranks of the Heavenly Kings, everyone was a little lost.

The metal pipes and walls as well as the various textures make people dizzy when they look at them, which is very in line with people's sense of technology.

Big, everything is big.

And there are very strong energy reactions in all directions.

Many of them reached the point where they felt palpitations, flowing rapidly in these pipes and walls.

Everyone seemed to have come to a different world, everything here was so beautiful.

Beautiful, a word of praise.

Even people who don’t understand science can appreciate the beauty of this kind of technology.

It turns out that Im is not only very beautiful on the outside, but also looks like this on the inside.

Sabo couldn't help but feel emotional after seeing it. A creation that bears the name of a god is truly remarkable.

Then everyone became more vigilant and used their physical premonitions as warning.

They did not believe that the internal enemies of the King of Heaven would not know that they and others would not know that as a super-ancient top creation, there would definitely be strong internal defense measures.

Nothing has been done now, which is very abnormal.

The expected mountains of swords, seas of fire and various deadly weapons did not exist.

Only the suppressive force field against the Devil Fruit's abilities still exists. Powerful destructive fruits like Kizaru and Fujitora are unable to exert their effect here.

The suppression is getting bigger and bigger, and the King of Heaven is unable to carry out large-scale attacks.

The internal intensity. Very scary, irrational with our power.

Any thoughts of making a scene when they came in quickly disappeared.

The unknown metal material of the walls and pipes made them give up their previous small plan, and Im seemed not to be afraid of them causing widespread damage.

The powerful ones expend their physical strength in vain but can't achieve the effect, which is insignificant for such a huge king's body.

Except for the slight vibration and sound of the external force field colliding with Pluto's attack, it became very quiet here, and it was a bit eerie.

Several strong men now came in and stood on top of a huge pipe to discuss.

Two possibilities.

One is that Yimu has set up a trap internally and is waiting for us to step into it to eliminate this last resistance force.

The second is that He really has no time to care about anything else now and has transformed to the last moment.

So we are competing for time together, and God and man stand on the same starting line.

But no matter what, we have to find Noah and the others first to join together. I believe they will have more intelligence and information there.

And... save their lives.


The strong men who came to save people couldn't wait, but how to find their comrades in this maze-like machine was a problem.

The life card has lost its effect here and is floating everywhere in the palm of my hand.

The previous projection above the King of Heaven was a void, and no location or sign was given.

Of course, it would be useless even if he gave it. Unlike Pluto, not even the Five Old Stars knew the information about Uranus in detail.

Staff Officer He looked at Rody.

Roddy nodded.

The doctor is right. For Im, the contract left 800 years ago still has some effect.

I sense it! Follow me!

Rocinante took the lead and started leading the way, trusting everyone to follow him.

When Bawang Sebaqi received the inheritance, he established a secret connection with Noah, and he could sense the general direction through the door deep in his soul.

And since he came in, the blood of the 20 kings in his body has made him suffer very little suppression. The fruit ability can actually be mobilized.

So everyone's movements were hidden inside the King of Heaven.

16 people formed a very cautious formation and ran wildly in that direction.

On the way, they encountered walls and some blocking pipes, which were all broken through together. Some energy needs to be saved and some energy cannot be saved. When racing against time, they can only walk in a straight line.

In this way, with the abilities of these extremely powerful people, even if they were on guard and suppressed their speed, they still quickly reached a metal wall.

This is right here. After this is where Teacher Noah and the others are.

When 16 people worked together to smash the last wall, they saw 11 strong men hanging in the void.

Unexpectedly, there is such an empty square among the kings. There are no energy channels transmitted in the void, and there are no sacred lines.

All the strokes dedicated to gods disappeared, replaced by images of some human scientists.

In the murals, they are doing various researches and trying their best to reflect the greatness of science and scientists.

It's just that what's painted on the last one is regret and a warning to those who come after.

Regret the king's loss of control? It's your own fault.

There are only 11 crosses nailed in mid-air in the tall and empty hall.

At this moment, their condition was extremely bad. Those who were seriously injured directly entered a state of near death.

Such as Raleigh. Red hair. Very flat. Cap. Zefa.

The injuries on these five people are the most serious. The breath of life is disappearing rapidly. I am afraid that they may really die on this cross in half an hour.

The physical masters without fruits received special care.

Others were also pale, with sunken cheeks and weak breaths, and the energy in their bodies was being continuously extracted from this cross.

The overflowing original power was absorbed by this space, which is why the 11 of them became so weak.


Noah, who was still a little conscious, grinned after seeing these 16 people. Now he couldn't even speak and was really embarrassed.

He has been slowly accumulating energy since he was captured. Even though so much energy was drained, he still silently controlled and retained some of it.

Wait for the opportunity, as long as you can say a few words at the critical moment, it may change the situation of the battle.

The remaining ten strong men also saw the rescue team appear, with different expressions.

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