Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 920 Leave the future to you

It's like the petals of a flower are closing, or like a ferocious beast closing its bloody mouth!

And the center of the flower is Marie Joa!

not good!

Staff Officer He realized the trap immediately.

This is using the whole of Mariejoia as a trap to attract these strong men and then catch them all in one fell swoop.

The decision was made in a flash.

Everyone opened fire, concentrated in the A34 area.

Everyone opened fire, concentrated in the A34 area.

Everyone opened fire, concentrated in the A34 area.

Staff Officer He immediately reported the coordinates of the place where the killing team had just broken in.

It requires all firepower to be concentrated on bombing, including Bika and their trump card in the deep sea.

Now is no longer the time to worry about being exposed, Wang Zha must be attacked immediately.

Just when she took out a special communicator, it was too late.

The petals closed much faster than anyone expected.

It was as if the metal petals, which were 10,000 meters long, were weightless and closed quickly.

Only the rapidly driven wind proves that there once was such a beautiful trap here.

The huge amount of firepower covered one of the petals and carried out crazy bombing. The thick smoke dissipated without any fluctuation, not even a shake.

The huge bud or dome just stretched across the sea, silently.

Among the firepower just now, there was only a ray of golden light flying to the rear.

It was calm, as if the war was over.

But there was already a hint of despair in the hearts of the people in the headquarters.

What was swallowed up there was the hope of the entire Union Army.

Most of the strongest people in the sea are already trapped there. I don’t know what they will encounter. Will their entire army be annihilated?

And what will they face next? What we have to face is despair!

Crane's forehead is covered in cold sweat, what should I do?

Even she was helpless in the face of an enemy like Im.

When so many of them were trapped there during the Warring States Period, they would definitely fall into a desperate situation. It was a trap set by a god.

There is no other method available except continuous bombing.

But her reason also saw that after so many rounds of powerful concentrated fire, the petals were still spotless, and the faint reflection on them was the trace of the position.

What to do? What to do? What to do? What to do? What to do?

The anxiety in my heart was asked, but what can the people in the command center do?

Hiyori's determination was shaken. Compared to Yimu, Kaido before was nothing.

This war has had various problems in the plan from the beginning, and now it has reached a desperate situation.

The wise men at the top have doubts about whether human beings can survive.

Robin looked at the flower buds in the distance and didn't know what he was thinking.

As if to give mankind the final despair, those one-winged angels also flew into the sky and stopped attacking.

He looked down at the weak races with his blood-red eyes, letting humans try their best to break through this boundary.

This is silent ridicule.

This night was very painful, but some people still believed that there would be new hope in the new day.

One night passed, and a new sun rose.

As a result, the sunshine brought not hope to the Union army, but the deepest despair.

Because the projection of the King of Heaven appeared in the sea of ​​clouds again.

A total of eleven crosses were erected in the void.

Ryuu, Jinbei, Zephyr, Sengoku, Garp, Aokiji, Shanks, Buggy, Luffy, Rayleigh, and Noah.

They were all hung on the cross by the force field.

Under the eastern sunshine, it is sacred and cruel, just like a sacrifice.

It can be seen that they have experienced very fierce battles. Some people are blind, some have their legs broken, some have faces as golden as paper, and some still have firm eyes even though they are covered with injuries.

Visible to the naked eye, their auras continued to decline, and blood was continuously extracted from these strong men.

Robin's nails had dug into his flesh, anger was burning in his body, and his sanity was about to collapse.

How could He! ! ! !

The huge Dharma image loomed behind him, and his murderous aura boiled to the limit.

‘Im’s trump card has not been revealed yet, so I used myself as bait to win this hand, haha. ’

'Why is that you. ’

'Because he may not even know that he is afraid of me. Gods are nothing more than that. ’

‘You will die, don’t lie to me! ’

'Robin, remember! As before, I will not die. ’

Noah! This is different from what was promised!

you liar! ! !

She hasn't cried much since leaving Xihai.

But at this moment.

Be patient.

Noah said that even if they encounter the worst situation, they should not be impulsive, there will be a signal to counterattack.

Robin, don't be impulsive and tighten your fists! Be patient, be patient! ! !

Someone in the battleship under the deep sea burst into tears. He would not allow the elder brother who had told him stories since childhood to be humiliated like this!

Bingshan, don't stop me!!!

The grown-up Super Boy is almost crazy, and the grief from his heart makes him unable to think.

bump! !

Franky!! Don't forget the mission Noah gave us, it's not time yet!!

Tom also had tears in his eyes and his fists were shaking.

This is not the time to be willful.

Not even close! Soon, soon.

In several other places, there were young people who wanted to soar into the sky but were suppressed. Only one sentence was engraved in their minds, wait for the opportunity! ! !

Some soldiers are furious, and some have lost the power of anger.

The war song above Bika has stopped.

There are limits to the fruits of encouragement. When she saw that the revolutionary lights were extinguished, the firm courage in Betty's heart also retreated.

Even the most passionate songs are so hollow when sung.

The power of the fruit is just the power of the fruit, not the power of God.

When those with abilities themselves lack courage, no one can inspire them.

He even stood on the high platform with trembling hands and was helpless, as dazed as a child.

This attitude was not unique to him, most of the soldiers and cadres of the Alliance Army also fell into this kind of despair.

Some people dropped their weapons and leaned on the mast indifferently.

There are also people who are quietly evacuating backwards, seemingly preparing to find a deserted place to end their lives.

Some people cried bitterly and hammered the deck hard, full of unwillingness.

Some even fell into madness, their eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, and they were ready to die here.

The elephant owner also knelt down on the sea. It seemed that he had lost this battle.

The figure of the young boy Im appeared in front of the cross looking at humans.

Isn't this enough? Isn’t it enough to break everyone’s heart?

Then a large number of single-winged angels erupted from the bottom of the huge bud again.

Endless mechanical bodies cover the sky, and only dots of sunlight can occasionally shine through this layer of shadow. The spots are like one desperate heart after another.

It took a long time to fly before it stopped, and the tearing sound of the airflow was already numbing.

At this time, many people could not even raise the slightest bit of resistance, and a feeling of surrender was brewing in their hearts.

Maybe it would be nice to simply die like that.

Young Yimu looked at all living beings very indifferently, as if part of his humanity had once again been stripped away.

Your hope is here.

The race that has been surviving for 800 years has lost its last chance.

I heard that there is a red power that will never lose the will to resist.

Really, Noah?

Im looked at the calm man, as if the person tied to the cross was not him.

Noah raised his head with difficulty and looked at his comrades and relatives above the sea.

He smiled helplessly.

He had thought that he and others would be in a desperate situation, so he set up a back-up plan, but he didn't expect that it would be so desperate.

I didn't originally design it for this situation, but it is indeed suitable.

Look at Im.

You know, the one tied to the cross is actually God, but I don't believe in Him.

Then he turned to look at the sea.

His eyes swept over everyone, including relatives, students, and disciples.

There are thousands of ordinary people.

Actually, I'm not hoping.

Noah had wanted to say this for a long time.

He can bear hope, but he cannot become hope.

The soldiers on the blue sea are even more desperate, and the light of revolution has abandoned them.

As if he couldn't see the changes in these people, the man continued his family's shortcomings.

It's just a soul from another world that came to this world with a seed.

I don't like this fucked-up world. There is no freedom, no equality, no dignity, no Coke, no memes, and no One Piece.

My name is Noah, really.

I have no regrets about the sea, and I am very satisfied with this journey.

Listening to Noah talking about something he didn't understand, Im was very impatient.

This is not what He wants to hear. It should be fear, regret, and giving up.

Why do you act like you have no regrets? Humans are really a race that shouldn't exist.

That's enough, admit defeat, human.

It is not shameful to admit the inferiority of human beings on behalf of these ants.

But Noah, who was talking about sex, seemed to have no intention of shutting up.

The cross seemed to be his throne, and the pain of having his strength drained was like a breeze blowing on his face.

Along with the chatter of this talkative light, those strong men who were caught were also inexplicably speechless and relaxed.

Even those fears were washed away a lot.

In the end, Im had no choice but to remove the projection of the cross.

Before the projection disappeared, Noah looked at a certain boy below.

“The world has a new light, and I leave it all to you.

Then come and save me! lights!

At the last moment of disappearing.

Remember, it's everything!

Impatiently waved his hand, and the one-winged angels in the sky were ready to move. The world was hopeless.

The god looked at the sea at his feet indifferently, and the three most likely variables had been caught.

The game that belongs to the gods ends here.


At this time a young man raised his head.


The power of red blooms over the sea again.

lights! Reappearance!

This world always needs people who come after us, and Noah will eventually leave here.

A reader who has always supported me has a birthday today.

So send him a blessing.

There is a sacred crow drum under the Buddha Temple.

Happy birthday! ! !

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