Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 921 The Light of Inheritance

The cross disappears.

When hope is dashed, when the gods decide to end the game.

When human survival enters the countdown.

When the angel representing death is about to fall to earth.

How many people dare to look directly into the darkness, and who is willing to face death?

Who else is willing to light a light in this world?


The red overlord color blooms again in the blue sea.

Someone gave the answer.

I dare!

The courage to face the gods and his own awareness make the intensity of the Overlord color even higher this time.

The red domineering field instantly covered several miles in radius.

The enthusiasm inside, as well as the unyielding heat and belief are all burning in it.

It was so dazzling above the sea wrapped in fear.

Youthful spirit? No! It is the consciousness of a staunch revolutionary warrior.

But this is far from enough, far from being a match for the gods and angels in the sky.

This is just ordinary domineering, just like a small spark that only shines in a small area of ​​perspective.

Im in the sky didn't even look at it.

The soldiers of the Alliance Army were surprised at first, and then felt disappointed.

This is not a light, just a match. Such a fire cannot illuminate everyone's heart.

Rosinandi, who was standing there, also felt a little disappointed.

Wasn't that sentence meant for me?


Everything... is given to us.

Rosinandi, who had pushed his domineering power to the limit, felt exhausted.

He can feel his own shortcomings and understands that this performance is not enough.

The heavy pressure exerts a firm control on my mind.


Put aside all distractions and try again!

Following the feeling, Teacher Noah must have left something behind.

Rosinandi's mind once again sank into his overbearing lust.

Consciousness travels throughout the red world following the domineering force.

The difference between this place and Teacher Noah's is too big. It's desolate. This is the superficial difference.

It's not the strength and size, but the core thing is missing.

There are no comrades here, no ordinary people, no anger of the people.

This is an incomplete red domineering.

As I walked, I reached the edge.

Extremely depressed, he suddenly raised his head and looked at a place where the aura that made him feel so familiar was there.

This!. So that's where everything is!

There is endless darkness ahead, but there is a red star in the distance that is emitting light and heat.

Teacher Noah! That's it!

He stepped out of his own world into the darkness.

Ignoring the warning from the soul, ignoring the fear of death.

In the world of thought, distance is a very vague concept. He doesn't know how long he will go, but he knows that as long as he keeps walking, he will get there.

This is Rosinandi’s path.

As soon as I walked out, I felt a sharp pain in my soul, and I couldn't avoid the feeling of being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

The pain cannot be shielded, not even numb.

so what.

He continued to walk fearlessly, and the overlord color behind him also followed him into the distance, like a long passage.

Fragments of the past along the way flashed in my mind.

Born in the Holy Land of Marie Joa, he is a Celestial Dragon of the Don Quixote family, one of the so-called 20 royal families.

He has been superior to all humans on the sea since his birth.

Then his father took him away from the Holy Land and returned to ordinary people's lives.

Then human malice enveloped them, and the whole family suffered brutal persecution.

Longing for the outside world turned into fear and hatred.

In the raging fire, his brother chose to go to the extreme of evil, wanting to turn the sea into complete chaos and want to see people's lives harvested at will.

And he went to the navy.

Adopted by his adoptive father Sengoku, he practiced the justice of the navy and returned to the Don Quixote family as an undercover agent.

As for the senses of ordinary people, how can you not mind if you have been hurt?

Until someone tells him what the right path is, a new world slowly unfolds.

Then on Drum Island he finally put down some things and picked up some things on his back.

When Rosinandi came back to his senses, he had already walked in front of the star.

Noble beliefs, unyielding will, anger against injustice, and passionate singing.

Everything is placed here, the source of the light.

I found it!

What to do then?

The heat wave is burning the consciousness, and the weakening of the will means that the end is coming soon.

The power to move the stars? Carry it away directly? Jump in and find death?

This is the will of the teacher. When you enter, you will instantly assimilate into a phantom.


Just when I'm at a loss.


The sound of a door opening appeared in the world of consciousness.

Wrong. Illusion? of course not!

Anger and the power of will roared in, and Rosinandi, who was wrapped in it, experienced an unforgettable baptism.

The scorching power burned every inch of flesh and bone in his body, and his will, thoughts, and soul began to burn in the flames.

ah! ! ! !

It was here, unknown to anyone, that he fell into his deepest misery.

A lot of thoughts, a lot of pictures, a lot of emotions are reshaping his domineering spirit.

He saw the struggles of ordinary people in troubled times.

The pirates burned, killed, and robbed the village, which was ignited into a ball of fire. The villagers knelt down outside the village and cried in pain, and then were directly slaughtered by the pirates.

The world government colludes with the country to squeeze everyone's physical and mental strength to serve those nobles who are not engaged in production.

I also saw that those in power were trampling on the dignity of ordinary people at will, breaking up their families, and depriving them of the hope of living.

Women and children, miserable farmers, tired workers. Thousands of families.

Everything is floating in this sea of ​​fire.

Then they all finally stopped and stared silently at Rosinandi, who had been burned into a ball of fire.

As if to say, do you really know us? Can you really bear our wrath?

The endless anger accumulated by the poor people on the sea was beyond Rosindi's ability to bear. He also felt extremely painful and regretful.

It’s not that I regret coming here, but that I regret my failure.

Is this what Teacher Noah is enduring? Consciousness gradually blurs


Someone stood next to him and put his hands on his shoulders, directing the endless flames to himself.

After being shared a bit of pain, Rosinandi gathered his concentration and looked to his side.

How could it be you?

The visitor smiled, an expression of approval that almost made Roddy cry.

Then another hand was placed on his shoulder. It turned out to be Bartholomew Bear, who had died in 1516.

Da Xiong also smiled, as if the revolutionary army was very happy to have such an outstanding junior.

Then someone else stood up, it was Ivankov, the Demon King. He laughed and shared some of the flames.

Then there were the friends he met in the Revolutionary Army, the enthusiastic young men he developed in the Navy, and a certain giant-toothed shark man from Fish-Man Island.

There are countless warriors all over the sea, familiar and unknown, emerging from behind him one by one and resting on each other's shoulders, bearing the anger and hope from thousands of people.

The pressure dropped sharply, and the boy who stood up again did not show a trace of pain even though his body was burning with fire.

Because he is the flame itself.

‘When we light the way forward for everyone, we are also burning ourselves.

Do you understand now? Rocinante. ’

I understand!

What happens in the conscious space is only a moment.

Countless people are still trapped in darkness, confusion and panic.


Boom boom boom! ! ! ! !

The sea is trembling! The whole confines of Mariejoia trembled, and so did the very foundations of the world.

The unbreakable body of the Heavenly King is also shaking with the trembling of the world.

Wild dark clouds swept across the sky, and red lightning pierced the stagnant sky.

The clouds are filled with extremely angry emotions and will.

Lightning and thunder directly suppressed the entire battlefield, and the air condensed like an iron plate.

The power of will once again begins to interfere with everything in this world.

Even invisible things are pushed away by such a powerful pressure.

This is a rule beyond the control of gods and a power that belongs to humans.

Even the huge kingdom 800 years ago did not understand such power.

The angels of death in the sky looked up at such changes in the sky, as if there was confusion at the terminal.

Young Im looked at the dark clouds above his head with some confusion. With the power of the King of Heaven, he could not dispel such simple dark clouds.

Then he lowered his head and looked at the scattered firelight.

what is that? Why is it different from before?

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