The outside world needs intelligence, and it also needs strong people as its backbone.

Everyone knows that if they and others fall here, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Especially the light of revolution, people cannot accept that the light that guides the way forward is extinguished again.


Noah began to try to use the Gate Fruit in this area to break through the space, but the once again enhanced suppression power of the fruit prevented the power of the unawakened Gate Fruit from being exerted at all, and could only slowly gather in the palm of his hand.

Kizaru's elementalization was also disturbed and he could only move within a few meters. This speed could not be used at all.

For the strong, the distance that can be reached in an instant is like a divine punishment.

To make matters worse, when they ran outside, they actually saw the defensive force field from before. This position turned out to be inward at the moment.

The enemy is trying every possible means to hinder the evacuation of these people.

Even with the abilities of more than a dozen of their masters, it would take a long time to break through a force field of this intensity, and time was not on their side.

Then it got dark.

There seems to be something blocking the sunlight of Mariejoia, which is 10,000 meters above the ground, as if it is dragging the entire top of the red earth into the deepest abyss.

Damn it, it's too late. Even if I can't leave, I still have to send those two people out!


Noah yelled and Bucky understood what to do at this moment.

Without any hesitation, he placed the dying Hawkeye on the ground, then formed his hands into claw-like shapes and began to claw hard at the space in front of him.

Kara, Kara, Kara, Kara.

This is the skeleton of the arm wailing. Forcibly using the fruit ability is to compete with the entire space controlled by the King of Heaven.

But Bucky, who was fighting for his life, didn't care at all and let the blood from his arms spread all over the ground.

In the end, the invisible restrictions were torn apart at the cost of bleeding all over his body. It was very brief and lasted less than a second.

And this less than one second is enough for the strong ones.

Together they worked together to forcefully break through a small point in the obstacle avoidance, and released the entanglement with the space door.

In the end, Noah put his hands on the area that was torn apart by Bucky, and let the blood spurt out from his hands to forcefully open a small door.


In the short distance of a few meters, Kizaru activated his speed.

Carrying Hawkeye and Fujitora, they flew out of the door, and a flash of light took them straight to the field hospital.

Then the Menmen Fruit completely lost its power, and the strong ones were knocked to the ground by the force of the counterattack.

Noah was cut all over by the turbulent flow, and blood flowed all over the floor.

He was not seriously injured at all, so he immediately got up to check the injuries of his comrades.

What's going on down there? How strong is Yim?

He's already here.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The huge heartbeat sound was very depressing in this confined space.

The ancient breath moved up deep underground.


Noah looked at Yimu and lost his voice, and then...

Noah and others on Mariejoia didn't know that the Alliance troops outside were completely stunned.

How surprising it is to see that the last red earth continent is disintegrating, or disintegrating independently.

A huge crack extended upward from the sea, splitting open the sacred mountain like a canyon.

The shaky Marie Joa made everyone a little confused for a moment.

Immediately some people thought that Noah and others had won and defeated the final boss, Yim.

That's why this final core symbol representing the world government fell.

But some people had a bad premonition, how could Yimu be defeated so easily.

Moreover, Noah and others did not come out of the holy land that seemed to be about to collapse.

The command headquarters above Bika has stalled at this moment because the data has collapsed.

Marie Joa's energy index has exceeded the detectable limit, the values ​​of various detection instruments have exploded, and some instruments have smoke.

Thick smoke and wildly blaring sirens disrupted everyone's position.

With the scientific research equipment based on the Magnetic Fruit Base Station and the improvements made by two doctors, it is very rare for this situation to occur.

It seems like the worst has happened.

Vegapunk threw down the garbled code in his hand, which was a rare act of rudeness. He really saw the end of science.

Dr. Tsukimi also opened his squinted eyes. Is that also science?

When the data could not show such a degree of change, the people in the command center were already standing on the edge of Bika, watching the huge movement in the distance with their naked eyes.

Being able to create such kinetic energy that could destroy heaven and earth is daunting.

It was surprising even from a cold scientific perspective, and it was even more difficult for ordinary soldiers to accept it.

This, how can this happen?!

God, this is a god!!!

It's hard for people to believe their eyes anymore, because everything happening in front of them is so incredible.

After the rock peeled off, more and more of the silver metal structure contained inside was exposed.

From the sea to the top of the mountain, everything has similar structures.

In other words, it is possible that the entire rock pillar on the Red Earth Continent under Mary Joa is part of the true body of the King of Heaven.

It is ten thousand meters high just above the sea surface, and it is also unfathomable below the sea surface.

The size of the King's body has exceeded everyone's imagination.

In their knowledge, such technological creations are already like gods, and they are gods.

How on earth can such a body move?

The colorful energy flow under the rock wall and silver metal wall is responding to people's questions.

Horrible data bursts out from these wandering particles.

The energy carried by each of their lines is beyond imagination. It's incredible even for Bika to have the Thunder Fruit as an energy source.

This is technology that completely surpasses Devil Fruits.

It proves that fruits have limits, but human technology does not.

This is the pinnacle technology of 800 years ago, which can drive such a large technological creation. The energy required for this is simply unscientific for ordinary scientists.

Bega Punk was in a rare mood. It turned out that the ancients had been standing on the top of the mountain watching his climb.

Such changes left the three commanders in the headquarters at a loss.

The three of them can only wait and see what happens. As for the dozen top experts who are still above Mary Joa, it should not be their turn to worry about it.

Although the King of Heaven's territory exceeded these people's expectations, it was no problem for Noah and the others to retreat.

As long as they are still there, there is hope for humanity.

While I was thinking this, suddenly the King of Heaven moved!

The entire King of Heaven actually began to sink, and the sea was squeezed so much that it began to deform.

At the same time, the bottom of the metal wall attached to the body suddenly fell off, and then one after another, the silver metal walls like flowers unfolded.

The metal sheet alone is 10,000 meters long. The outer wall is filled with technological lines, while the inner wall is painted with wonders of people worshiping gods.

The silver flowers blooming above the sea are filled with sunlight and are so beautiful.

This is the crystallization of science and theology, with the word future engraved on each piece.

The doctors have been fascinated by it.

Dr. Tsukimi, Dr. Vegapunk, what do you think the purpose of the change in the king is?

Our suggestion is for Noah and others to evacuate the sky.


Before the doctor could finish speaking, these metal petals were rising rapidly upwards, causing a strong wind due to the wind pressure.

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