Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 918 Something is wrong!

The Five Old Stars, the highest peak of world power.

There is no difference in the feel, although of course the mechanical half is still a bit stiff.

It was easier than those Tianlong people I had killed before.


Have the group of people down there made any progress? Such crazy shaking is really scary.

When Noah went deeper, Mary Joa's swing became more and more serious, and the gravel on the ground was bouncing.

Among the ruins, he headed straight towards the direction where Bucky's breath came from.

After that, Warring States and others also rushed over, and it was obvious that the four Five Old Stars basically wanted to die and were very determined.

The other four people also had no injuries on their bodies, just simple skin injuries.

Kizaru was the last one to come, and he was obviously the fastest man but he did it so late.

According to him, Master Wu Laoxing hated his acting skills, so he gave him a few hard blows before he died calmly.

Purely personal grudges, he was hit hard by the revolutionary lights a few times, and we feel sympathy for each other.

I really don't understand Im.

They've already transformed the losers into that ghostly state, why haven't they been wiped out of their consciousness?

With the strength of Wulaoxing and the metal half, the damage and blocking effect that can be caused are incomparable.

Just like the half-bodies of those powerful generals outside the Holy Land, even if their energy and spirit are lacking, they are still a strong man stuck on the threshold.

You can't wait in line to die like this.

Will they be more loyal if they become like that?

It was you who was twisted by the experiment and stuffed into the King of Heaven, not these five powerful old men with the power of life and death.

Their lives can be said to be the best in the world. After being distorted, it is impossible not to hate Yim.

Doing this is nothing more than a revenge mentality. He is really a king full of humanity.

Warring States and Noah analyzed while walking. Any information about Yimu is worth collecting.

While walking, Garp suddenly felt a thrill all over his body. This change caught Noah's attention.

Mr. Garp, are you old?

Fart, I can live even if you die. It's just that I don't feel comfortable.

Not very comfortable

The intuition of the strong is beyond that of ordinary people, and sometimes it even achieves predictive effects.

And the one who said this was Garp, the pinnacle of muscle monsters, the ultimate in beast instinct, a monster whose body is much bigger than his brain, and the grandfather of the protagonist like Luffy.

The feeling he said was abnormal!

Noah's look was very serious, and he believed it immediately.

Then——what is abnormal?

Pictures of the war flashed through my mind, frame by frame, passing through each moment.

An army of one million marched into Mariejoia, nothing unusual happened.

The celestial battle between Huo Shaoyun and Fengxue Dragon was nothing unusual.

There was nothing unusual about the Lu Shen battle at Power Rock.

The text from Heaven shattered the defensive force field, and there was no abnormality.

Countless twisted one-winged angels slaughtered the sea, and the sea defense battle began without any abnormalities.

Im watching all this happen. There is a problem!

Noah suddenly said to Sengoku.

Do you think this is all going well?

Huh? Did it go well? You are here

Warring States didn't think so at first, but when Noah reminded him, he felt something was wrong.

The enemy's current performance is very strong, very strong, as strong as suffocation.

There are endless means, and the rhythm of falling on the sea every minute makes people have no time to distract, and it seems that the Alliance army is about to be crushed to death.


The start was vigorous, but it did not cause any damage to the core masters.

None of the 14 top players was injured, and there was never even a moment of near-death.

Only the soldiers at the bottom suffered a large number of casualties.

But for the gods, those little ants are not within the scope of his consideration at all.

After boarding Mariejoia, there was no obstacle for me and others to travel along the way.

Even the five old stars blocking the door were determined to die and actively begged for death.

So everything went very smoothly and was not as tragic as imagined before the war.

The situation where five or six top players died at the beginning has all appeared in Noah's deduction.

A faint sense of crisis emerged in my heart, and the strong premonition was awakened.

“In addition to the power of the King of Heaven that surpasses everything else, what about His calculation power?

Even if Yimu is a lunatic, with the help of mechanical operation, we will always know that none of the previous things can stop us who are determined.

That's right. As long as we don't take into account the power of the celestial phenomena and those one-winged angels that can slaughter the entire sea, we can still break through obstacles and avoid obstacles and get here if we try our best.

Warring States was horrified after thinking about this idea.

Everything seemed to be going so well, like

It's a trap!!*2

The two woke up from their reasoning.

If Im wants to launch a trap, this time and this place is the best choice.

Almost all the extremely powerful people are above Mary Joa.

Noah who is beyond the world, Joeyboy and Luffy who are connected by fate, Bucky who is full of accident and luck attributes.

They had already fallen into a trap when they stepped on Mary Joa.

This time the temptation has a result, it is a dead end.

What an irony.

Buzz~~~~~Boom! ! ! !

A strange stance unfolded, and a stance wave struck from afar.

Before he reached the original position between flowers, he was knocked over by a huge force.

The giant is resurrecting!

Click, click, click.

Buzz buzz~~~~~~

Mariejoia began to shake crazily, as if she was about to collapse.

The huge crack in the ground has opened to the core of Mariejoia, and the hot particle flow inside is emitting a strange light.

The Heavenly Fall text had not created such cracks before, and the Elephant Lord's self-sacrifice impact had not reached this level.

So this is Yim actively causing the collapse of the center of the Red Earth Continent.

And hidden in the sound of the earth cracking is the sound of mechanical operation.

The high-energy reaction under their feet made Noah's scalp numb. This trap was a bit too noisy.

And the strong feeling of weightlessness told these people that this place was sinking rapidly.

Teacher Noah, help!!!!

A shrill howl came from afar.

A group of people were rushing from the depths of Mariejoia.

The leader was none other than Captain Bucky, and he was holding Mihawk in his hand.

At this time, Mihawk's energy was all gone, and his eagle-like pupils lost focus.

Only half of the black knife in his hand was left. ‘Night’ lost its luster and sword intent.

No, it wasn't just the black knife, the body was also cut in two.

Now it's just Bucky who struggles to use his scattered strength to gather them together in reverse.

The fruit suppression force field here is still there, and reaching this level is already Bucky's limit.

Behind him is the dragon carrying Fujitora. At this moment, Fujitora can hardly feel the breath of life and his arms are broken.

The blood flows out uncontrollably, and the strong will lose control of their bodies only when they are dying.

The dragon's expression was one of horror and twisted anger.

Go quickly, it's a trap!!!

The one-armed red-haired man shouted from a distance, and he no longer had the demeanor of the Yonko.

He was covering his injured arm, his face full of the ferocity of an injured beast.

Rayleigh and Straw Hat also looked solemn, as if they had suffered heavy losses.

Noah and the other five immediately turned around and evacuated without any hesitation.

Needless to say, everyone knows that they were ambushed by Yimu in the depths, and escaping from here is the most important thing now.

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