Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 917 Going deep into the Holy Land

In a flash of lightning, he struck out in a half-dragon manner. Terrifying power lingered on his fist, and the red and black lightning reflected the boundless destructive power.

boom! !

Then he was punched hard on the Great Steel Wall and vomited blood.


It was only at this moment that he realized that most of his physical strength had been consumed by the enemy. There was already a big gap and he was in poor condition.

The enemy will definitely not give him a chance to heal, and he will have no choice but to fight to the death.

At this moment, a single wing was already attacking the field hospital.

It seems that the enemy has also discovered that part of the New World Alliance's resilience comes from its unreasonable medical capabilities.

Therefore, this situation of my own is a disaster!

Kidd wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and laughed loudly.

Teacher Noah said that all moves with dragon attributes must be carried out in an aggressive manner in order to exert their greatest power.

Even if he is seriously injured, he still has to drag this guy to die with him! !

As soon as he stood up, he was stopped.

Leave this to me, you go heal your injuries first.

The coat of justice floated before Kidd's eyes, and he was a comrade in the Navy.

Um. It's the Navy's grand prize candidate Rocinante, right? What kind of strength can a warm-haired guy have? He looks so graceful and can't fight at all.

No need, this enemy is very strong!

Kidd decisively rejected this strange kindness. If he can still trust them if they join forces, it won't work if they directly replace him in the battle.

Kidd has never had the habit of letting others die for him.

I know, that's why I said trust me!

The blond warm man is still determined.

For Rocinante, this moment has been waiting for a long time. It is time to announce his existence to the world! !

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Overlord color! ! ! !

Heavy mental pressure spread around, and the air became sticky.

This is the overlord color that has erupted countless times on the battlefield. I can just count dozens of them.

Everyone is almost mentally immune to this pressure, and even the dark clouds in the sky have not changed.

However, this one is different.

Red, red domineering energy emerged in the void like a sea current, rushing down and washing over the blue sea, adding a strange color to the black steel Great Wall defense line.

The overlord color of red! ! ! !

Kidd was stunned. The feeling in this domineering spirit was so similar to that of Teacher Noah, but how could this be possible? ! !

The brain shuts down immediately.

Not only Kidd was stunned, but the other strong men of the New World Alliance also paused for a moment.

Fortunately, the pacifists were still fighting tirelessly so no one died.

Teacher Noah asked me to pay more attention to some idiots who are easy to get into trouble, so go heal and come back to help me!

Teacher Noah?

This title made Kidd's eyes look wrong, but healing was the most important thing. This enemy was difficult to deal with.

wait me back!

After saying that, he turned around and transformed into a dragon, tearing some wings to pieces as he flew.

Rosinandi's move really shocked many people. Many navy's thoughts were about when did he join the revolutionary army.

Even Staff He was busy looking at the red color on the sea surface, and the cold light in his eyes was no longer concealed.

The Revolutionary Army is such a big deal.

Robin on the side continued to command calmly, as if I didn't understand what you were talking about.

Maybe, there are always some people with extraordinary talents.

The talented Rosinandi was so excited at the moment that he spent many years in naval boot camp and then participated in many sea battles.

At this moment, he is a real backup to the general, and he is also qualified to be called a monster.

This red domineering power made those single-winged mechanical bodies particularly disgusted, so the enemy couldn't wait to start attacking.

With the blessing of domineering, Roddy is not ambiguous at all, and he can fight hard and hard.

This time let him hold up a beam.

Sword energy, explosion, bullet, gunpowder, laser, sea tower stone,

There are deadly attacks everywhere, and if you lose, you will be eaten by the one-winged angel.

The blood dyed the sea red, and even the sea beasts without intelligence dared not approach due to the bloody smell here.

There is a great fear that lingers in the soul.

It is a will to destroy everything.

With every trembling of Mary Joa, the aura of the King of Heaven is gradually recovering.

The smell of blood and smoke of war spread across the sea.

There is a unique signal emitting from an angle that no one can see, a signal that only belongs to a certain kind of weapon.


Something like a pair of eyes seemed to light up in the deep sea.

There was a slight fluctuation on a huge ship lurking on the bottom of the sea, which seemed to be hostile.

Then there was no feedback fluctuation, and the place once again returned to the darkness under ten thousand meters.

It seems like there was a little fluctuation in this ship just now. Did you feel it?

It seems so. Could it be that he was discovered?

Don't worry. Even so, we have already accomplished half of our goal. We only have to wait for a while.

The three strongest shipwrights continued to be busy in the deep sea, and the time required to debug one of the most ferocious warships was simply not enough.

As for the previous fluctuations, they all kept it in their hearts.

The feeling that the ship has come to life is not an illusion, but it is not unusual for even the ship spirit to come to life for a while.

And the target of this fluctuation is not only aimed at warships, but as the will spreads farther and farther, until it reaches the South China Sea.

Bai Xing, who was looking at Xia Li being inexplicably sad, suddenly saw some pictures.

Endless fleets, death, blood, one-winged monsters, parents and brothers lying in a pool of blood, and the silver gods in the sky

Father, mother, brother, the king of war

There is no longer worry in the big eyes, but a kind of fighting spirit, a kind of anger, and a kind of unwillingness.

A unique power emerges from the depths of his soul, and it seems that he can protect his family.

Kai Xing, who was next to Bai Xing, suddenly felt that the breath of his sister beside him became very strange.

It seems that she is the ocean, the born king.

Shirahoshi? Shirahoshi?!伱.!!!

The super-giant Neptune species, which had been far away from the center of the world, suddenly heard something. It was the call of the king! !

On the Red Earth Continent, the battle with the Five Old Stars was much faster than expected.

No matter how hard you crush people of the same level, you still have to fight one-on-one for a whole day.

The result of this battle.

Looking at Saint Jaygolucia Satan across from him who had been chopped to a bloody pulp.

Noah would never regard this result as a normal result.


Jaygo Lucia was very calm and allowed the blood from half of his body to flow down, without any intention of controlling the wound.

It's nothing, I just feel that the current battle is meaningless to me.

Our world government has been destroyed by you.

And the new world you are looking forward to will also be destroyed by God. Spirit.

There is no winner in this battle, we are all losers, losers!!!

So. Just need to be decent.

It turns out that life is worse than death.

Noah had no idea of ​​explaining to this old guy. If time hadn't been tight, he would have really wanted to erect a gallows on Mary Joa, and then push them, the sinners of the world, up for public trial.

But there was no time, so I had to follow his wishes.


Even if it is a god, I will kill him to show you.

remember! Victory belongs to the people!

Cut off the head with one sword.

Without looking back, he walked towards the depths of Mariejoia.

Im, here I come!

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