Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 914 Someone will always die

Having lost its tough skin, it is no longer the invincible fighting elephant it was when it was young, but an old elephant trying to make use of its remaining energy.

Except that the initial charge had an effect, after that he was trapped and struggled in place.


Returning to the battlefield is to face such a dangerous situation!

She could feel that if the war song in the sky hadn't stopped, the current alliance army might have collapsed.

what to do! We must find a way to break the situation!

And Counselor He, who was above Bika, finally felt the pressure.

Then he looked at the doctor.

“It’s almost time to put in some of it.”


Countless iron boxes locked here in the deep sea began to rise.

Gurgling, gurgling.

The sea water is churning again. It was the Great Steel Wall last time, but what is it this time?

A curious one-winged angel came closer and got the answer, grabbing Him with a giant hand.

Gaba, just crush the neck, and then send out a laser to pierce the enemy's brain.

Bang bang bang.

Countless boxes were opened, and huge war weapons flew into the sky and started killing directly.

Pacifist X, Pacifist Type 3.

He is over six meters tall, has laser power, super strength, super speed, and super defense.

All technological creations have been enhanced.

Dr. Vegapunk took out almost all of the Pacifist models.

The original permissions of these weapons, which can only be built with the resources of the World Government, have been completely rewritten, and now the doctor has entered the final battle instructions.

It’s a showdown with these one-winged angels. The battle of science is also the doctor’s obsession.

The sky full of single-winged angels and massive pacifists began to fight in the air.

laser? Who wouldn’t? Various light skills exploded in mid-air.

The collision of bodies also started.

In terms of average combat power, the Pacifists are higher than the single wing, but they are definitely inferior in terms of quantity and high-end combat power.

The fighting between the two sides gave ordinary soldiers some time to breathe.

As the impact weakened, some severely damaged ships broke away from the battle sequence and returned to the rear.

Many scrapped gun barrels were also dismantled and thrown into the sea to reinstall new artillery pieces.

The highly excited warriors took out some food and water and replenished their energy while firing.

At the same time, the new firepower system was re-arranged to maintain pressure on the front.

It seems that the scale of war has been pulled back a little.

But the command knew that this was just a chance to breathe, not an opportunity to turn the tide of the war.

The role of pacifists in this battle is also to delay cannon fodder.

The core of this battle has never been the peripheral battles. It is just a means for Im to prepare for his complete recovery.

However, the New World Alliance was frozen to death by this hand and could not move.

If it was just an ordinary boss battle, He wouldn't let so many people block here, but would evacuate immediately after firing a salvo.

It now depends on how long the pacifists and the strong men below can hold off. The fleet group has begun to arrange an active evacuation as it is damaged.

I hope Noah and the others can drag the war to the next stage quickly.

In the blue sea, after the initial impact, the single wing once again had the upper hand.

These pacifists wearing the skin of Moria have begun to be suppressed.

When you can't defeat the enemy, you can only implement self-destruction tactics.

The violent explosions reflected the very unsightly look on Vegapunk's face.

The difference in quantity is too big.

It’s not time for the S’s to come on stage yet.

It is really painful to just watch people continue to sacrifice.

Above the blue sea, the soldiers guarding the Great Steel Wall are also constantly making sacrifices.

As the first line of defenders, the coalition forces relying on the outer wall disappeared with the destruction of the entire module.

The enemy's firepower is getting stronger and stronger, and they have broken through the defense many times and been beaten back by the soldiers tenaciously.

Among them was the fishman team leader who was cursing in the street.

The evil dragon, the little boss of Fishman Street, once had a glorious name: Noah's Challenger.

As a result, he joined the revolutionary army after being beaten for several months.

Now he is a staunch revolutionary warrior and a role model for his sister. He is also a high-quality idol in Fishman Street after Tiger and Jinbe.

Anyone who mentions the evil dragon should not give a thumbs up, it is the macho man who was once defeated by the lights of revolution.

Having gone to school and understanding the truth, he felt ashamed of his past thoughts. Now this last stop is the last step to liberate the whole sea.

In order for my friends and family on Fish-Man Island to walk freely around the world, it doesn't matter even if I give up my own life.

It’s worth it anyway!

As the captain of the team, he is now cursing anxiously.

“Why haven’t the new Great Wall modules arrived yet!!!

Several enemies have already broken through! ! ! He%¥ # %¥ # ”

The evil dragon holding the serrated knife roared angrily. Standing in the gap, he was covered in wounds, and the team members beside him had already fallen here.

So he was the only one listening to his roar.

Looking around, everyone is fighting, and there are many gaps in the surrounding area with no one to support them.

In front of him were endless red-eyed monsters, and he knew that he had reached the end.

But even if you die in battle, you can't let these bastards pass by!

Murloc Karate! Mysterious Art. Crazy Shark!

The rising seawater formed several sharks surrounding him, and there was a cold light between the sharp teeth.


Another collision occurred, muscles were torn, and the sound of broken metal erupted at this small gap.

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Do you know what a shark is!!! Monsters!!!

Huge seawater erupted from the core, but the single wing still did not break through the gap.

Only a 3-meter-tall blue sawtooth shark man stood on the spot.

The serrations on the serrated knife in his hand were broken, leaving only half of the iron rod which was used as a short staff to support the body.

Bah! The flesh and blood of you monsters is really disgusting, and you are teeth-crunching.

With a piece of half-mechanical, half-flesh spitting out of his mouth, the evil dragon had never felt in such good shape.

Even if there were seven or eight big holes in his body, even if one of his legs was gone, he was still able to defend himself after all.

We can't embarrass Fish-Man Island, but we just might not be able to see Charlie.

A gust of wind blew and he returned to the sea forever.


The belated Great Wall module arrived again and blocked the gap.

Report, all members of the team guarding module 352 were killed.

. Got it, continue.


The red murloc in the transport module wiped his tears, but he couldn't stop them no matter how hard he wiped them.

Huge hand like a cattail leaf fan was fanning his face crazily.

He is Tiger, the hero of Fishman Street, the big brother of the evil dragon, and the pioneer who leads them away from Fishman Island.


Bloodshot eyes looked at the one-winged monsters outside the wall.

That was my brother just now! My brother!!!!

Jagged Shark Man. Evil Dragon!!!


Tiger, who was so grief-stricken that he couldn't help himself, used all his strength to restrain his thoughts of going out for revenge, jumped into the water and continued to escort the Great Wall module.

This is his mission and he is not qualified to be willful.

Don't stop even if you shed blood and tears.

We must be worthy of the sacrifices of so many brothers who share life and death! !

Charlie, who was taking refuge in the South China Sea, suddenly shed tears, and the crystal ball in her hand broke into pieces.

You have to come back alive.

Sorry everyone, I thought I could make tens of thousands of dollars after I gave my speech, and it would be over in two or three days at most. As a result, 4,000 was collected in consecutive days. It was really difficult. I almost went crazy when I wrote it. These days, the eunuch's heart has changed.

Anyway, it will definitely not end perfunctorily, so I can only continue this rhythm.

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