Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 915 A different Bai Xing

The war will not end because of the sacrifice of a certain squad leader, and no one else is even sad except Tiger.

Because too many comrades around me have died in battle.

The more powerful people are, the more dangerous they are because they are at the front.

Two lieutenant generals from the Navy have died in the battle, and Smoker has just returned from the field hospital in the rear.

Unfortunately, he encountered a scene similar to Bonnie's.

When encountering danger, he instinctively transforms himself into an element, but the Smoke Fruit is neither fast nor strong enough.

So he was hit by several weapons inlaid with sea tower stones.

It was difficult for him to face the overwhelming one-winged angels when he was so weak.

The group of freaks swarmed up almost as if they had smelled the sharks donating blood.

He was almost chopped into pieces by the enemy under the sword, fist, and laser.

Being rescued by baby-5 who happened to be killed was considered a blessing in misfortune.

Many senior cadres of the Revolutionary Army also died. Swordsmen like Barney Joe died directly in the melee.

The crow had no chance to rescue and could only bombard the group of monsters with terrifying sound waves.

The original pirate side was even worse. After the disbandment of the Whitebeard Pirates, several division captains who followed were not familiar with the logistics system and died in the battle without even a chance to rescue them.

Diamond Jozi almost watched Rakjo being torn into pieces, and his limbs fell into the sea with the meteor hammer.

Falling into madness, he rushed out of the Great Steel Wall and charged towards the monsters crazily.

But what about diamonds? For people 800 years ago, they could create whatever they wanted.

Then he was surrounded and his strength was slowly wasting away, and he might fall at any time.

The analysis of the diamond's cleavage surface is carried out simultaneously, and it will break like an ordinary stone with one knock.

Nature is the hardest. What does this have to do with war?

And such impulsive behavior means that no one can save him.

This is the cruelty of war. The weak have no right to make mistakes and be willful.

Everyone was fighting hard. Neptune waved his trident and led the fishman guards to fight along the Great Steel Wall. At the same time, he was covering the actions of Tiger and his module team.

The Great Knight of the Sea riding Hoai really has a kingly demeanor, controlling the water flow to drag the enemy into the deep sea and explode it.

There are many military medals left on his strong body.

As for what followed behind him were his eldest son Shark Star and second son Huang Xing, the two princes also had good fighting prowess.

The three fathers and sons work closely together and have a tacit understanding.

In fact, before the war started, Neptune was furious when he saw his two sons running towards him.

Grab Shark Star and beat him up.

How could you come here!!! And you brought your brother with you!!!

Come on, war is not for brats like you to participate in!

“But I am the king of Fishman Island now, and it is my responsibility to lead the fishmen to participate in the war to liberate the world!!

The strong men all over the world have put their lives here, why can't I!

Shark Star will not admit defeat even if his nose is bruised and his face is swollen. He is the king of Fish-Man Island and must shoulder his responsibilities.

“Brother is right, as the princes of Fish-Man Island, we must have such a responsibility.

What's more, we are among the top ones on the island in terms of strength, so we can't just watch others work hard.

This is called ideological awareness!

Despite Neptune's fierce appearance, he really couldn't control his two grown-up sons for a while.

The king of Fish-Man Island has always been famous for his bravery. When he was young, he even fought with Tiger.

So for a moment, I really didn’t know what to say. I hope you would hide in the back and survive?

I'm sorry for the few soldiers who have sacrificed their lives.

What about your sister? Are you going to let Karata take care of it alone? Leave it to the South China Sea and leave it alone?

Shark Star, Emperor Star, look at me! ! !

A sharp female voice interrupted the conversation, and Princess Otohime arrived.

Shark Xing, who was still tough before, suddenly wilts. They have been afraid of their mother since they were children.

The kind that can see through any lies, the words are super sincere, and the blood is suppressed.

After joining the revolutionary army, he gained a lot of iron-blooded aura, which was totally incomprehensible.

The two of them squatted aside obediently.

Actually, it was Bai Xing who asked us to come. She said she saw the war in the sea and your fall.

So I want to come and help you. We came in her place because we were worried that she would run away alone.

Car Star also wanted to come and was stopped by me. I have already ordered that if we all fall, he will be the new king.

This is impossible!!!

Neptune was furious that these little guys dared to lie in front of them.

No matter how worried Bai Xing was, she would never come alone. She was a very good child, how could she do such a thing.

And Otohime’s expression changed drastically! No, I was careless.

What else did Bai Xing say!!

Looking at their horrified mother, they didn't dare to hide it.

Bai Xing said that she heard or saw a big sister from the mermaid tribe saying that when war comes, the whole sea will be swept into it.

After hearing this, Otohime found Noah, and Noah took a long time out of the intense preparation time before the war.

I took Bucky to the South China Sea to see Bai Xing, and I could only feel that this little girl had become slightly different.

It seems that his temperament has become a lot more mature, and his aura is a bit dangerous.

It's true that the resurgence of the King of Heaven is really careless and affects all aspects.

So Bucky was asked to try the torn world again, but no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find anything to tear into pieces.

That big sister has left. She said some things are unavoidable and the future will be left to you, and then it became a bubble.

The legend of the mermaid.

The helpless Noah could only let Bai Xing stay in the South China Sea and not go anywhere, and other measures could not be deployed.

We can only ask the logistics department of Nanhai to pay close attention.

As for Shark Star and Emperor Star, they are determined to help their father and they can't drive them away, so just let them be.

So Neptune could only take his two sons to join the war.

In addition to Fishman Island, there are many other strong people who also have families.

After all, the situation in the sea is that the relatives, friends and disciples of the strong have a better chance of controlling their own destiny.

Class training like that of the Navy and the Revolutionary Army is beyond the previous education methods.

Such as the alternative swordsman squad.

Koushiro didn't mind at all that Kuina would shine in the war, and was even happy.

As for worry, that emotion was suppressed the moment Gu Yina picked up the sword.

How can a swordsman not face danger?

Moreover, my daughter has participated in many life-and-death battles. Being able to reach this point in the swordsmanship is already the greatest luck.

If he hadn't died in this battle, he would have seen the scene where Gu Yina was promoted to a great swordsman.

As for himself, Zhan Long has invaded his swordsmanship.

The will of our ancestors is truly unfathomable. Sure enough, this world belongs to young people.

And a very embarrassing thing is that Guina and Sauron's combat power has surpassed her.

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