Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 913 The Strongest Medical Treatment

This is the current situation that experts have to face,

Once the body loses control, what follows is a seamless hunt.

You can get hurt, but you can't stop.

Xiao Feng tried his best to save his friend who was already in terrible condition by using countless human-demon boxing techniques.

He was hurriedly sent into the corridor of the Great Steel Wall, and after being put on the rail car, he went back to take revenge.

There is no time to feel sad or worried, and the medical department is absolutely reliable.

Bonnie had lost all consciousness when she was sent to the hospital on her deathbed.

“It’s not bad, he’s not dead, and he’s not missing any limbs.

What a lucky little girl.


A white halo of light enveloped Bonnie's body and began to forcibly stop the bleeding. Everything in this space was under control.

Then an emerald-like flame burned on the gap, with a rapid regeneration effect on the body.

Small wounds heal quickly under the invisible suture needles, and not even a scar can be seen.

After the internal and external injuries were cleaned up, the surgical fruit space was recovered. The biggest challenge in this battle was to preserve physical strength.

Bonnie, who seemed to have no wounds, was still awake. A reindeer passed by slowly and hurriedly and slipped a pill into it.

Then someone slapped the girl on the forehead, pulled out a bubble and threw it outside, destroying a one-winged angel.

The whole process was quick and easy.

At this time, a muscular old man came over and inserted a needle hard.

The stinging sensation caused the unconscious Bonnie to immediately open her eyes, with cold sweat breaking out all over her body and a look of shock on her face.

The picture before she lost consciousness was that she was covered in blood, watching countless one-winged monsters surrounding her, looking at her body as greedily as if they wanted to share their prey.

The breath of death dragged her into the abyss, and she seemed to see her father in the boundary between life and death.

Big Bear showed a rare smile and waved his hand to call her over.

As a result, before he and his father could sit by the campfire and talk, several forces joined forces to take him away.

Sitting blankly on the hospital bed, she was at a loss as to why the world after death was so busy and there were so many wounded.

Is there a war in Hades too?

Hey, now that you're fine, get out of here!

A rough female voice broke into her mind, and then she was pulled out.

His instinctive attempt to resist was easily suppressed, and he obediently had fate pinched by the back of his neck.

After throwing it aside, Bonny, who was stumbling, moved to the corner of the room to continue recovering.

Looking at his body, there was no injury at all. It seemed that he was not dead.

Looking up, this is a huge bright battlefield hospital.

There are people inside, and the bustling operating rooms are lined up far and wide, with many doctors constantly performing rescue operations.

A rail car taken from the Great Steel Wall was frantically transporting the wounded outside.

With her eyesight in charge of the intelligence department in the paradise stage, she still recognized a few people.

The immortal witch Kuleha has amazing medical skills.

Manufacturer of various mass-produced drugs and longevity potions for the Revolutionary Army. It is said to be one of Mr. Noah's teachers.

Now he is sitting in the center directing first aid, and his methods are a little rough.

Anyone who doesn't cooperate will be knocked unconscious or stabbed with a knife, which is extremely efficient.

It seemed like she had pulled him off just now, and her strength was unfathomable.

I heard that she once cut off her white beard, but I don’t know if it’s true or not.


A muscular old man kept inserting needles and administering medicine between the rail car and the hospital.

That's Kurokas from Twin Capes, the Pirate King's ship's doctor.

A strong man who can extend Roger's life, his movement speed is not weak.

It is said that he likes third-level magazines and is a senior first aid expert.

A ray of emerald green flame flashed across his eyes and landed on a wounded person.

The electrocardiogram, which was already dying, started beating again, and the effect was immediate.

This is Marco the Phoenix.

The captain of the First Division of the Whitebeard Pirates has now inherited the position of captain.

The ability of the phantom beast species is the most outstanding fruit in terms of treatment, and it has a very good recovery effect on mutilated limbs and trauma.

As for Luo, who has been opening the surgery space, he is one of his own.

The fruit of surgery is the pinnacle of medical treatment. As long as you are not breathless, you will not die in space.

The one who keeps shooting pink bubbles is Sabo, the successor of the meat ball fruit.

This ability has special meaning to Bonnie, so she took a few more looks at it.

A little reindeer is constantly giving medicine and rescuing the injured, and can even speak to comfort the patients.

So this is Chopper, the great pirate with a bounty of 200 Baileys, the disciple of the witch.

Kuleha, Kurokas, Marco, Luo, Sabo, Chopper.

This is the strongest medical force on the sea. It would be difficult to die if they work together.

Just as Bonnie was sighing, she heard Kuleha scolding Luo.

Don't think of yourself as the savior! Luo!

We have said many times to conserve physical strength, and our medical power should be used at the most critical moments.

As long as they are treated to the point of immortality, they can be sent to the rear. The subsequent battle will be a test for us!

If you can’t even do this well, have you learned these two years in vain?

The witch's aura overwhelmed the entire audience, and her anger made those around her feel that they were the ones being whipped.

As a top doctor who has witnessed countless major wars, Kuleha naturally knows what to do when.

At this stage, it is the best choice to send the seriously injured to the rear. The wounded can save their lives and the doctors can use less energy.

With an army of millions, how many can even the top experts heal?

The function of the surgical fruit must be used for special combat power.

Luo still hasn't cultivated a heart like a butcher.

At this time, Kuleha felt that someone was looking at her, and turned around to see a little girl named Bonnie.

One of the marked combat forces.

What are you doing here, get back to the battlefield!

If you use the highest standard of medical power, you must produce corresponding results!

quick! quick! quick!

As the witch roared, Bonnie ran away with her head in her arms, got on the return rail car and killed her.

If you don't go back, the scalpel will be inserted into your forehead.

After taking a puff of cigarette, Kuleha looked at Mary Joa in the distance and had a headache.

Why do I want to get involved in this kind of thing?

As he spoke, the murderous aura in his body could hardly be restrained. Saving people was not as satisfying as killing.

When Bonnie returned to the front line of the Great Wall, she found that the battle situation was becoming increasingly unfavorable, and the sound of artillery behind her was obviously much sparser than before.

The enemy still hasn't changed much.

The defense of the Great Wall was already in danger, and all the masters were stained. Some people also disappeared from sight. It was unknown whether they died in the battle or were sent back for rescue like her.

The giant elephant in the core was also wailing, wrapped in one-winged angels and bleeding continuously.

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