Starting from pirates and burning the world

The last thing I want to say about the pirate chapter

The pirate chapter will be finished around tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

I can't determine the specific time, because there is no outline, and I am just writing this out of excitement.

You may have seen that my update time has been unstable recently, because it is really difficult to write.

There are too many characters, and I don’t want to be lazy.

So the updates stuck out a little bit.

It is inevitable that someone will die in the decisive battle, and everyone must be mentally prepared for this.

It's not a disease of youth, it's just that Imu is too strong.

To achieve victory, sacrifice makes sense.

The specific amount of sacrifice will be based on my feeling when writing.

I haven’t read any comments in two days, so I don’t dare to tell the truth.

Don't dare to look, don't dare to break, let alone eunuch.

It was a bit stressful. I never thought it would be like this before writing the book.

I still need everyone’s support. My friends in the book club have always encouraged me and are very heart-warming in addition to urging me to update.

Finally: the heavens, really the heavens.

This book was written about the heavens from the very beginning. This is an obsession!

After finishing the pirate chapter, I will pick up the second world, the Holy Grail of Xingyue.

This world is the meaning and reinforcement given to Noah’s journey, and it shouldn’t be long.

I have laid the groundwork for a lot of noble phantoms and concepts.

The third world will return to the orthodox route and continue to burn.

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