Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 908 The song that should be played the most

But children are the bottom line. She simply has no mentality to face a cruel war, so let us finish this war.

The redhead nodded, his eyes becoming more determined.

My choice is a bit selfish, and having a fruit is indeed more suitable for such a scene.

But isn't it just to protect those who need to be protected from facing all this?

let's start!


The crisp drumbeat kicked off the rhythm of the performance, and the Red Count beat his drumsticks slightly unfamiliarly.

The sound of the drums is just the beginning, then the drums explode!

Buzz buzz~~~

The crazy king of soul's electric guitar joins in, and a hot feeling hits.

Then Otohime’s electronic keyboard brought the main melody.

Restlessness, fury, strength, courage, resistance.

The powerful notes hit everyone's heart.

The stormy prelude has arrived, giving the soldiers, who had been demoralized by the mythical battle and the mechanical bodies in the sky, a shot in the arm.

Then the music stops! The expecting soldiers looked at each other.

Arise! Hungry and cold slaves!

stand up! Suffering people all over the world!

The blood in my heart is already boiling! Fight for the truth!

The old world is in ruins! Slaves, get up! stand up!

The war song sounded, and the rough, violent, fierce and rebellious female voice penetrated through the ears, and the brain felt like it was being electrified.

The trembling feeling was unstoppable, and all Union soldiers felt the courage.

The power of songs is not to infect people's hearts, but to penetrate them.

Human life is short, and they are lucky enough to follow the right people to the right place to fight the most correct war in the world.

This is a great war, an unyielding struggle of mankind, and a choice of mankind that even the gods fear!

Don’t compromise and fight to the end!

Breathe in, breathe in, breathe in, breathe in, breathe in, breathe in

Power bursts out in the heart, and blood circulates at high speed.

There has never been a savior! Nor does it depend on a fairy emperor!

To create human happiness! It’s all up to us!

As the song spread throughout the battlefield, the eyes of all the soldiers were filled with anger.

Anyone who stands in the way of a better future must be defeated.

Even the gods above cannot stop us!

Destroy the Red Earth Continent and liberate the shackles that are weighing on people all over the world. They need freedom, dignity, and life.

The one-winged angels in the sky clearly felt the difference in the Alliance army, and seemed to have undergone an invisible change with the music.

Im not understanding that just a sound wave can make people fearless of life and death?

He lacks humanity and does not understand the power of this song, let alone the power of this song plus the inspiring fruit.

It is the product of everyone's best wishes and most fearless courage.

“Courage is not knowing what fear is, but understanding and overcoming fear!

This is the most beautiful light in the human soul.

Looking at the untouched twisted mechanical body with one wing, Noah felt that the time had come!

The war has reached this point.

There was no other way except actual frontal combat, so the general headquarters finally issued an order for the entire army to go to war.

Commander Tsuru, Hiyori Kozuki, and Robin.

The three people took out their communicators at the same time and issued instructions to the Alliance army.

Operation codename: Demon-Slaying Order.

Target: Marie Joa.


When the order came out, all the generals drew their sabers and pointed straight ahead.

Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!

The order to fire was transmitted throughout the tens of thousands of warships in a sound of transmission, and countless artillery pieces were aimed at the last traces of the red earth continent.

Boom boom boom boom boom! ! ! !

The roar was punctuated by the whine of cannonballs streaking through the air.

The smell of gunpowder smoke instantly filled the entire sea.

The sky briefly lost sunlight for a moment, because the cannonballs had covered the sky.

In order to protect their own bodies from being disturbed, these single-winged mechanical bodies directly formed a defensive wall to block the front.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The explosion of the cannonballs resounded on the sea, and the continuous vibrations shattered the clouds in the sky.

The kinetic energy and thermal energy of the gunpowder exploded in the mechanical body.

Blood and metal limbs flew across the battlefield, clearing an entire floor of monsters.

But these emotionless creatures didn't care at all. After the first round of volleys passed, there was a gap for the barrage.

Even the intervals between attacks in batches were seized by this group of monsters.


The mechanical bodies gathered near the Red Earth Continent rushed towards the battleship. Their instructions were to clean up all intelligent creatures.

The flesh and blood of the soldiers on the ship were what they longed to tear into pieces.

The most tragic and cruel war in the world is about to begin. Millions of lives are being fought here, and no one has retreated.

The Union artillerymen were still firing shells, trying to kill him a few more times before he died.

What bullshit gods, I don’t believe that they can’t be killed by explosions!

The soldiers who serve as escorts have already grasped their weapons and are ready to deal with the impact and fight. Even if they die, they will be buried with them!

When a mechanical body was about to approach the fleet, it suddenly hit a wall, a high wall standing above the sea.


The one-winged angel exploded directly and died due to his own speed and the hardness of the wall.

The sea is boiling, and countless bubbles are rising from the sea just in front of the fleet group.

What is this? Just as Huo Shaoshan was about to cut through these, he received an order from Staff He.

It's reinforcements. And doesn't it look familiar to you?

Finally, with a crash, another huge metal wall emerged above the sea, and then the second metal wall was ejected from the sea and placed on top of the first one.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.

Countless huge mechanical walls emerged from the bottom of the sea, and began to quickly combine with each other using magnetic attraction technology.

Under the influence of electromagnetic force, the steel wall built a city wall in front of the entire Mariejoia fleet.

The black walls, blue energy lines, and electromagnetic adsorption structure.

It does look familiar. This is the Great Sea Steel Wall of the Revolutionary Army.

On Pioneer Island, the Revolutionary Army relied on this technology to block the navy's fleet of one hundred thousand elite soldiers.

At this moment, it was taken out again to defend against the swarming twisted mechanical bodies.

The Great Steel Wall once again found its meaning, which is to protect.

“The Demon-Slaying Order continues to fire freely.

All major general-level combat forces climb the city wall to assist. Unless they are all killed in battle, they are not allowed to take a step back!


16 lieutenant generals and hundreds of major generals from the headquarters went out to fight and guard the Great Wall with their orders.

The Coat of Justice never retreated even a step when facing the enemy's attack, even if the sea was stained with blood.

Revolutionary Army, attack!


There are giant dragons soaring into the sky, flames erupting in the void, and even weapon queens killing everyone in a single-winged group.

The young generation of the revolutionary army is dazzling in style.

The Samurai Legion Guards the Great Steel Wall


One after another, flying slashes were struck out in silence, and countless cuts were struck down.

A swordsman lives by the sword and dies by the sword.

Hymn of Courage + Demon-Slaying Order + Great Wall of the Sea + Unyielding Warrior.

This is the response Noah gave to Im!

The arrangement of conventional combat power ends here, life and death are determined by destiny!

It's time to challenge the gods, everyone!

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