Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 909 If you continue fighting like this, you will lose.

Chapter 909 If we keep fighting like this, we will lose.

When a big war involving millions of people begins, life becomes particularly small.

Someone will die in every second of fierce fighting. The battle surrounding Mariejoia has gone beyond the limits of ordinary people's imagination.

The sound of the roaring artillery never stops for a moment. The demon-slaying order is launched to destroy all enemies, and it will not stop as long as there is one single-winged angel left.

The never-ending barrage of fire knocked down piece after piece of machinery.

Under the command of Staff Officer He, the Navy's rotational salvoes were used to their best effect. In order to maintain the wear intensity and accuracy of the gun barrels, constant adjustments were made. This is professionalism.

The coalition forces of races and countries belonging to the New World are much worse, and are not resolute in execution. There is also a gap in firepower.

Just Guangyue Rihe and Xuehe, the staff can barely survive.

The fighting style of the revolutionary army is different.

Their command is mainly based on data, and part of the computing power on Bika is allocated to Robin.

The focus of firepower is adjusted based on the calculation results of the data, so the results are even better than the navy.

Staff He looked sideways and felt that he was getting old.

But it wouldn't work for her to use data to direct now. After all, she has never taken over before. Changing the method temporarily will only cause chaos.

What's worrying is that after firing several rounds, the enemy still hasn't decreased.

An area was clearly cleared, but was filled again in the blink of an eye.

Even more, such a number is really disappointing.

The one-winged angels who came out last were only slightly better than the elite soldiers in other aspects except maneuvering speed, and were not strong enough to withstand artillery shells.

The bombed pieces were stained with blood, and even the mechanical parts were scattered piece by piece.

But it still couldn't stop them from charging.

Without fear or caring about value, this style of play has exceeded the upper limit of frightening ordinary people.

According to the usual fighting situation, some people would be unable to bear the temptation to flee the battlefield at this time, especially the coalition forces in the New World.

Fortunately, Bika's band was activating its abilities to encourage the soldiers, so they did not cause a mutiny.

This guy Noah really has everything figured out, and this is the only existence that makes people feel safe.

After returning to his senses, Staff He looked helplessly at the smoke on the battlefield.

The current amount of energy poured out alone is enough to destroy the Shampoo Islands more than ten times, or it is close to the normal consumption during the battle of Pioneer Island.

There has never been such high-intensity firepower coverage, which is a huge test for the Alliance Army.

This test comes from all aspects, not just on the battlefield.

How about a supply of shells?

Robin glanced at the data source

Basically, there are about 150 guns for large ships and about 80 guns for medium-sized ships. According to the current firing frequency, ammunition of this strength can be supplied unlimitedly.

It's just that the barrel can't withstand this time, and metal fatigue will come very quickly.

The revolutionary army's gun barrel can withstand 4,000 rounds, the navy's about 3,500 rounds, and the other coalition forces' about 1,500 to 2,000 rounds.

So we don't have much time left.

Metal fatigue is a very troublesome problem. What seems like thousands of rounds actually only adds up to a few seconds.

Of course, no one can achieve uninterrupted firing, but aiming is also troublesome due to internal wear and tear.

The power of firepower will drop rapidly in the second half, but there is no need to worry about ammunition.

Thousands of warships backed by a whole world's arsenal of ammunition and supplies.

With the current productivity at sea, these basic military industries are very strong.

The ship itself cannot hold so much ammunition, so submarines and other underwater forces are constantly transporting it.

Only in this way can uninterrupted fire coverage be guaranteed.

“What about the logistics?”

There are no logistical problems. We will fight regardless of the cost!

The phrase no matter the cost represents a heavy determination.

Don't look at just these warships here. In fact, countless transport ships in the rear are constantly transporting supplies at risk.

The logistics of a million-strong army require tens of millions of people to contribute, and resources such as factories, shipping, manpower, and minerals are flowing like running water.

There is no forced recruitment, these are all purchased or produced with money.

People are shocked to see the expenditures one by one. It is no joke to get ten thousand taels of gold when the cannon goes off.

Now Terzorg has stopped looking at the data, and is so heartbroken that he can't breathe.

You can only sit at the back and keep issuing and issuing. What do you mean by a rich person? This is a rich person.

This battle regardless of cost also means that all the reserve resources of the revolutionary army have been invested. The same goes for other forces and countries.

The tragedy of this world war has many invisible battlefields outside of the war.

How do you feel about the battle?

It wasn't just psychological factors that made Commander He's vision a little dark after standing for a long time.

In the end, she clearly understood that she was a little scared. Even though there was a person with the Encouragement Fruit ability above her head, she still couldn't suppress this emotion.

There is a downside to a strong person being less affected by the fruit's ability. What the commander needs is calmness.

There is also the reason why cold data information cannot be avoided.

Resources are only one aspect, time is another aspect.

The current war situation has exceeded the pre-war staff predictions.

The number of Yimu's violent troops exceeded everyone's imagination, and even now there are still a large number of single-winged angels flying out of Mary Joy.

This has exceeded all the factors that allowed the Union Army to win the war.

Unreasonably crushing the New World Alliance's warriors, fighting spirit, logistics, technology, etc.

The enemies are falling at a constant speed while still growing rapidly.

The blood dyed the sea red, and electronic waste was also attached to the surface of the sea, but it would never end.

Standing on Bika, Staff He could see that the overall number of enemies was increasing.

So with her decades of command experience, this battle will eventually fail.

But the cruel thing is that they will never give the order to retreat.

Even if these millions of coalition troops are destroyed, even if Noah and others die in battle, even they themselves cannot escape the fate of death.

As long as they still have breath, they will be nailed here, because behind them is the sea.

These monsters are endless demons to ordinary people.

As time goes by, as the artillery of the fleet group becomes obsolete, there is no time to replace it on the battlefield.

In the end, it all comes down to hand-to-hand combat, and that's when the death toll increases rapidly.

The Great Steel Wall has had a very good effect.

The defense module composed of electromagnetic adsorption has once again made great achievements. After Franky's modification, in addition to the tunnel and defense system, a new fire control system was installed.

Under the control of Bika, they are also resisting with difficulty.

Of course, being able to block a single-wing attack is partly due to the mid-level experts who stood on the city wall and risked their lives.

They really consolidated the defense line with one against ten or one against one hundred.

But when manpower is limited.

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