Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 907 Four people on stage

Da da da da da da

Several figures stepped onto the stage firmly.

This is both a stage and a battlefield, and everyone is holding their equipment and showing determination.

Of course, the arrogant master in the lead was a little awkward.

Noah in the audience said with confidence that this show will definitely satisfy everyone.

As for morale? Explode directly!

On the high platform.

Four people stood there, holding no swords, guns, swords or halberds in their hands.

But drumsticks, electric guitars, keyboards and microphones.

Da da da da da, several gorgeous ray light effects streaked across the sky, attracting everyone's attention.

The aura was full, and the projected image rose into the sky of the battlefield.

It's just virtual imaging, not very high-end.

The soldiers of the Alliance Army couldn't help but look to the sky. It seemed to be a performance by their own people. What inspiring speech are you going to deliver at this time?

All the one-winged angels also looked there, and Im also used the perspective of the outside world to see what tricks this group of rebels were going to pull off.

The stage style is presented in mid-air, which is the style of Iron and Blood.

The rough black iron frame, charred wood, randomly stacked sandbags, dust, and blood stains were all messy and unsightly.

The four people just faced the millions of troops and the gazes of countless blood-red eyes.

Most people would be frightened by these looks, but not them.

Perhaps such energy was a first for the players, but who were they?

He is an extremely strong man, a high-ranking official with life and death in his hands, an undead person who is forever between life and death, and the most determined revolutionary warrior.

The aloof red Baloric is truly the most powerful man.

When Noah found him and told him to give him the most difficult task.

This man immediately agreed, because he knew that if he followed this madman, he would be able to see the most magnificent colors in the sea.

He guessed part of it right, but also part of it wrong.

The battlefield is arranged on the stage, and his weapon is a drum set.

With pale skin, a punk black leather jacket and a blood-colored cape, the rock count's look shocked the sea.

He resisted, but was convinced by the revolutionary light in a few words.

Did you know? Baloric, your most powerful ability is actually not your swordsmanship, nor the longevity and youth brought by the vampire fruit.

These are all so fragile when facing Im.

Your sword energy cannot break the defense when facing the King of Heaven, and your fruit ability will be limited by the opponent's ability.

Just like me.

This was the first sentence Noah said when he found the Red Earl after Mount Hyjal, and it came from the bottom of his heart.

It is also based on my own experience and is very convincing.

Although the Red Earl was unhappy, he was indeed so powerless against Im's divine clone before.

“In fact, your greatest advantage actually comes from deep within your soul.

It is the innate sense of sight, the ability to read through memories and perceive emotions.

This is the most powerful gift given by the sea.

What is talent? Anything that can surpass ordinary people can be called talent.

To connect with human emotions and master this inner power.

After being persuaded, he finally accepted the arrangement, which seemed to be very interesting.

It's a bit uncomfortable to hold a drumstick with a hand that's used to holding swords. Fortunately, I can learn this skill at any time with my memory and master's body control.

The second person to take the stage was the Grand Inspector of the Revolutionary Army, Otohime.

The iron-blooded reviewer within the organization, a strong woman with countless blood on her hands.

A strange woman who is well-known throughout the world and has appeared on the battlefield many times.

Her weapon is an electronic keyboard.

This was her second time on such a decisive battlefield, and every battle she fought was unusual.

In the first battle of Pioneer Island, he acted as a plug-in for Robin, assisting the battle through his ability to perceive, capture, capture, and control emotions through his own experience.

And the second war came to the highest stage in the world, showing human courage to the gods.

It can be said that she is the key lady, and she only fights the most brutal wars.

Otohime easily accepted Noah's arrangements for her abilities. Anyway, she used her knowledge and knowledge to handle official duties on a daily basis.

The perception of this talent is a very useful interrogation tool.

It is not a problem to use it for performances now, and this is not the first time that the reverse output of knowledge and color is possible.

For this battle, she, a frail person, also underwent exercise and medication.

It's no big deal to smash a few bricks with one punch. She evolved from a weak woman who could break bones even if she hit the table to breaking bricks and rocks purely because of her money.

Now she has the ability and physical strength to support this stage from beginning to end, and she will not think about fainting early last time.

There is even some excitement at the moment because I have never had such an experience.

Dressed in a cool black punk style, she also wore fierce eyeliner to match her fierce aura.

The third one to take the stage was Legend of the Sea.

Legend has it that there is a floating skeleton in the sea, constantly wandering around and devouring the souls of sinners.

Late at night, this skeleton will also play the violin or electric guitar to the moon, bringing a piece of music that directly touches the soul.

He is Brooke, the King of Soul.

A bohemian afro gives him the unyielding power from music.

Brooke, who was holding Denji now, was trembling with excitement.

Perhaps with his strength, he can no longer intervene in such a top-level war, but his ability can bring strength to all alliance soldiers, and that is enough.

This is the biggest stage he has ever been on.

How lucky this is to be involved in so many magnificent events on the sea after being saved by Noah.

Make an enemy of the gods and let him see the power that belongs to humans.

The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage, and the greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage!

Brooke, who has endless longing for music, feels himself sublimating, and the power of the underworld fruit is stirring deep in his soul.

Threads of green fluorescence burst out from his body, and Brooke, the soul behind him, was revealed in mid-air.

The last one to take the stage was the lead singer.

Miss Bello Betty, a musician who has performed well in both Pioneer Island and Techila Wolf.

As the commander of the Eastern Army, she is a woman who does not give in to men, and continues to set off wars of resistance in the world.

When it comes to courage, this one really has it all.

Betty's style has become strange since she met Noah.

From a fierce woman standing on the city wall waving flags and shouting slogans, she became a well-known overseas musician.

He has taken on new roles in major wars many times, boosting everyone's morale and doing very well in reverse.

This time she didn't show any hesitation as before, but walked forward very calmly.

There is nothing she can do about falling behind in combat power, but as long as she can shine in this war to liberate the sea, she can do anything.

This is the strongest buff group formed by Noah.

Otohime and Baloric's reverse spiritual transmission ability doubled, transmitting the exciting musical emotions intact into everyone's hearts.

And the blessing of Brooke's Soul King cannot be underestimated.

Plus the inspiring fruit of Bellobetti as the core root.

The combination of various abilities, coupled with the communication strength supported by the high-tech stage, covers the entire battlefield through the base station of the magnetic fruit.

With them here, the morale of the soldiers is absolutely guaranteed, even beyond the limits.

The red-haired man standing aside looked at Noah with guilt in his eyes as he was about to say something. He was interrupted by Noah.

“We feel guilty for not being able to keep women and children away from war.

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