Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 906 The oppression of endless Yimu

The flames in the sky began to slowly converge, and it seemed that this method was no longer within the scope of Im's attention.

Without the support of the gods behind it, the red fire cloud could only slowly dissipate into the void unwillingly.

Only the snow-colored dragon was left flying in the sky, and then he was unwilling to forget it.

The reappearance of blue skies and white clouds did not bring a sense of relief.

The battle in the sky is no longer the focus of both sides.

Even if this sea of ​​fire descends, it will be of no use, because greater fear has already arrived.

Ryu, Jinbei, and Aokiji returned to their positions a little tired.

A total of more than a dozen top powerhouses stood on top of Bika with sad expressions on their faces.

Even though they were prosperous and domineering in the first few decades of their lives, they have been severely affected in these few months.

Turning one's hands to make clouds and turning one's hands to make rain, the gods' methods are truly unbelievable.

Now they are at a disadvantage again.

The blood-red eyes scanned the bodies of the Alliance soldiers.

The one-winged angel began to target all living creatures in this sea area and prepared to unconditionally obliterate them.

Under the sun, the enemy's strange and sacred posture caused a great impact on the Union soldiers.

How does it feel to have half an Iron Man appear in front of the Alliance fleet, where steel battleships are not even popular?

Simply at a loss.

It's far behind the enemy in terms of mobility.

The veterans feel that only the first round after focusing the fire is the most useful. After all, these monsters are still guarding the last red soil and have not flown out.

Guarding the body of Mary Joa is the underlying logic of these single wings.

That posture surrounding the core of the battlefield was simply intimidating.

Just thinking about these countless one-winged monsters flying over makes me feel scared.

As disgusting as a ball of flying insects, what's even more deadly is that this flying insect can easily kill an elite soldier.

Apart from the cannon, the fire stick in your hand doesn't seem to have much effect.

How could morale not decline under such a disparity in combat power? The subsequent melee would have to be left to fate.

Angel?! So disgusting.

Taotu's hand holding the hilt of the sword was a little sweaty. This densely packed one-winged monster gave her a bad feeling.

In just a few minutes, you can feel that you are targeted by hundreds of enemies.

It seems that these semi-mechanical monsters can perform calculation and analysis after measuring the target's strength, and strengthen the targeted number of targets.

As her heart became heavier and heavier, she understood that this time was a real fight to the death.

At this moment, the strongest thought deep in her heart was where did the arrogant woman she met in Donghai go? It would be great to sing a song.

Didn't I sing very well when I was on Pioneer Island?

Smoker was equally nervous, although it was sad that not many angels were targeting him.

But the weapons in the opponent's hands can cause damage to those with fruit abilities.

Because the sea tower stone is embedded in the bodies and weapons of those monsters.

He is really wealthy, and he only has a little inlaid on his ten poems.

However, the other party has ruled the sea for more than 800 years, so it is easy to achieve such accumulation.

That is, there are sea towers and rocks in the sky, and the sea is under your feet.

It feels very uncomfortable to feel that I am surrounded by the curse of the sea.

The ability to elementalize has been abolished again. Enemies with this number will fall into the white mist state at any time.

When the time comes, if you become weak for a moment, you will be chopped into pieces.

Why are good fruit-powered users becoming more and more useless in the final battle?

The promised era of invincibility in the natural system has passed before we can even enjoy it.

Other high-level generals have the same mentality. Their morale will not collapse like ordinary soldiers, but they have already taken a life-saving posture.

This battle was the last tragedy in his life.

Noah feels very troubled. The current situation is not what he wants.

Im, who has not yet fully appeared, unleashed one of his trump cards.

With the power of a heavenly king to control so many combat units, many of them have the aura of a peerless powerhouse.

The average combat power is simply outrageous.

It may be very difficult to win this battle.

If these machines are allowed to break through the defense line, all living things in this world will first face a round of massacre.

Im's clone ability itself is within the expectations of the staff. If you can have one super powerful body, you can have countless other bodies.

It’s no surprise what this pinnacle product of technology can do.

Noah completely treats Im as an infinitely enhanced version of Ultron to fight.

Change the celestial phenomena, shatter the continent, restrain those with fruit abilities, have a defensive stance, and have super computing power.

It can only be said that it is fortunate that the One Piece world did not have the Internet 800 years later, otherwise this battle would have been basically lost.

It seems that being primitive has its benefits.

With the technology of 800 years ago, it would be very simple to use scientific explosive methods.

Any number of production lines can do it, but the operation of this half-human body limits Im.

You still have to pay a price for the distorted appearance of your heart. This so-called god still can't let go of the past.

Of course, with his ability, even if there are loopholes, he can still sweep across the sea.

Fortunately, this gave the Alliance Army a chance.

Use a larger number of troops to suppress and blockade. After Noah and the others decide the winner with Im's body, they can relieve the crisis and remove the last obstacle to the old world.

But now it seems that the staff's calculations have made a serious error.

It is still difficult to compete with the highest product of a technological kingdom to explode troops.

Even the best power of all humans in the sea seems to be lacking.

In terms of quantity, lights are still flying out from all directions on the Red Earth Continent, and Mariejoia is simply like a beehive.

Space ability?

Yes, scientists from the huge kingdom can already create devil fruits, and have even thoroughly studied the principles of their birth.

It is normal to develop this ability with the help of the characteristics of the fruit and apply it to the King of Heaven.

Controlling the celestial phenomena may be the same as the Alliance Army. It is developed by combining various fruit abilities with scientific and technological capabilities.

Science is the primary productive force, which was practiced more thoroughly by the ancients.

As for how many angels are stored in the King of Heaven, the details are not clear at all.

If there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant. If these soldiers are defeated, the single-winged mechanical bodies that swarm in can kill all of them.

I didn't expect that the tactics used on Im before would be carried forward again by the enemy, and I was speechless.

The balance of war once again tipped in favor of the King of Heaven.

The Union Army was once again pushed to the edge of the cliff.

The most important thing to do now is to restore the morale of the soldiers, otherwise they will collapse before the battle.

Without these millions of soldiers surrounding them, these single-winged machines would turn the entire sea into a river of life and blood.

Even if they finally defeat Im, they will only end up with a shattered world.

We also have to face the endless regret in our hearts.

If you want to boost morale in such a scene, you must use your trump card.

You must know that when it comes to the power of propaganda, it is also unparalleled in contemporary times.

Even if we take over all the methods from 800 years ago, it will be useless.

These are works belonging to humans, and only purely intelligent creatures can resonate with them and inspire their own strength.

It's your turn to take the stage!

Buzz buzz~~~

A sound of mechanical changes sounded at the top of Bika.

A wide stage just appeared here. The mysterious lines on the ground and the surrounding equipment all indicated that this place was not simple.

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