Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 898 Three Beats on the Red Earth Continent

The first time, only this place was resonating, and then the whole Bika was trembling.

Then the people in Nanhai began to respond to this call and recited the declaration.

Then there are the East China Sea, the West Sea, and the North Sea. The Grand Line.

This magnificent sound resounded throughout the world.

In addition to the flames of war, this world also has the flames of spiritual will, burning in the invisible dimension.

In the end, a spark of fire was planted in everyone's heart, and the fire finally became a real raging fire.

Everywhere in the world except Mariejoia was on fire.

When the last recitation was completed, Noah put away the world declaration. He seemed to be looking at the people in Mary Joy through the camera, and also looking at Im.

“This is the world we want. And we will take it all back with our own hands.

World government! The war begins.

The lens is closed.

This time the purpose of the world live broadcast has been achieved.

Some people who did not see the live broadcast will also receive a printed manifesto from Newsbird.

After the issuance of this World Declaration, the fighting spirit and morale of all soldiers in the New World Alliance have exploded.

At this moment, they are warriors who have undergone preliminary spiritual tempering.

Countless fleets gathered from all over the world and headed for the Red Earth Continent.

Each unit has its own tactical goals, and they must accomplish these goals, even at the cost of death.

The navy's white sails that cover the sky are raised in the sea again. This time they represent justice that belongs to the world.

Huo Shaoshan and others led their own fleet to join the fleet of the Revolutionary Army led by the commander of the Fourth Army, and rushed to the Red Earth Continent Marie Joa together.

This scene made both parties feel a little unnatural, but they were surprisingly in harmony with each other.

Maybe this is the understanding after years of being enemies.

Large combat plans have been distributed to various combat units. They just need to follow the orders of the general headquarters.

The assembly and deployment of conventional troops are jointly controlled by Staff Officer Tsuru, Hiyori Kozuki and Robin.

As the chief staff officer of the navy, Chief He has always been a hero among women who is famous for dispatching troops and generals.

He is also ruthless and can strictly implement some instructions that may violate morality at critical moments.

Having the navy's troops in her hands can also reassure everyone.

After all, this is a large-scale cooperative operation plan by multiple forces. If the command is handed over to the revolutionary army or other forces, there will definitely be problems with the execution of the 16 lieutenant generals in the headquarters.

The Revolutionary Army also had this intention in choosing Robin as a regulator.

Robin is a trusted member of the Revolutionary Army. Whether it is ability, character or wisdom, they are enough to take on this important task.

As for Kozuki Hiwakai being a member of the joint commanders, it is mainly due to the special status of Wano Country.

The relationship with the major ancient races is relatively good, and the military strength of this part of the coalition will be more obedient to her command.

For example, the long-hand tribe, the long-legged tribe, the fur tribe, the three-eyed tribe, etc. And the Samurai Legion of Wano Country is also one of the main combat forces, so it has this qualification.

As the Speaker, Hiyori also showed a decisive side in the early internal conflicts in Wano.

Therefore, it is most appropriate for the three parties to hand over the joint dispatching and command authority to these three people.

As for the conventional troops, there are other special combat units.

The science force is under the control of Dr. Tsukimi and Dr. Vegapunk.

The factory in Nanhai has already reached full capacity and has begun processing parts and assembling them.

Countless iron boxes have been transported from the bottom of the sea to the vicinity of the Red Earth Continent.

It is said that Dr. Vegapunk wants to have a good exchange with the technology of the huge kingdom 800 years ago, the kind of military force.

With the scientific research level of Dantou Island, the industrial foundation of the South China Sea, Bika's basic scientific accumulation and the metamorphosis of the black box.

There are no limits to what scientists can do.

The super-conventional combat power is waiting for the opportunity with Noah on the sky island.

The general-level combat power is the main reliance of human beings when facing the king of heaven, so concentrated actions can exert the decisive power.

Attacking the Red Earth Continent must be a very risky thing, as countless traps will be laid inside the World Government's lair.

Now Yimu is no longer the half-human, half-mechanical assembled creature before, but will return to the complete King Yimu.

Based on the tip of the iceberg shown in the Hundred Years War, this king of heaven can single-handedly suppress Pluto and Sea King, and can also smash the infinite continent.

The task left to this group of masters is the most difficult one.

This war is fought on two fronts, with conventional war and top-level war being fought at the same time.

No one can lose.

Everyone is doing their own preparations.

Just a few days ago, just one of Im's core clones almost caused everyone to collapse. The disparity in combat power made people almost despair.

If more than a dozen top combat forces continue to engage in uncoordinated melees like before, they will most likely collapse.

So the top powerhouses, known as the monsters of the sea, put aside their pride and began to seek cooperation, trying to find ways to improve their combat power.

After Noah used all his brains, he gave everyone a secondary allocation.

Merge existing abilities to the maximum, only in this way can survival and victory be guaranteed.

Hawkeye, Rayleigh, and Red Hair, these pure swordsmen, were all there constantly exchanging their experiences.

As the pinnacle of swordsmanship, they had already tested their own path with Im, but the result was a disastrous defeat.

The swordsman with the strongest attack power in the sea is not as good as a muscular man like Garp in terms of damage contribution. Even Bucky's fruit ability is on par with them.

This is really a shame. The sharp knives of Mihawk and others were cracked.

Fortunately, the revolutionary army's black box can still be repaired, otherwise it would not be able to fight at its strongest state.

This time! No matter what, you can't take a step back!

Bucky and Straw Hat unexpectedly got involved. The two guys who disliked each other unexpectedly started talking to each other, discussing some unexpected tactics.

Noah has high hopes for this group. After all, no one can guess what surprises these two guys will bring.

Aokiji, Ryuu, and Jinbei are the most silent group, and the three of them are making up lessons.

The doctor from Victoria on Xiaokong Island was dancing and gesticulating.

A weather map was hung in front of them, and all kinds of information were quickly filled into their brains.

They weren't the only ones learning, Fujitora was also there.

This calm top fighter of the Revolutionary Army was listening to what Dr. Tsukimi was saying, his brows furrowed.

Can you support such intensity?


It seems that Tenghu, a middle-aged and elderly man, was not angry at his failure to perform as he should in the battle with Im's clone. The tiger was finally about to show its fangs.

It’s just 23 coins. Let’s see how I shock the world!

His battle has begun, before everyone else.

As for the red count, he was taken to a special room with a strange look on his face and saw his teammates.


Skull? A weak mermaid? There is also a revolutionary army cadre with an ordinary atmosphere?

Is this strength too weak? Could it be that I was not put on the front line?

Thinking of this, Gugao Zhihong became very angry. The defeats in the last two battles had severely lowered his strength.

But no matter how low you are, you won’t be able to fight with these people!

Don't get me wrong, your mission is more difficult than the average top combat force, and it is the most critical link!

Baloric, your mission is

After listening to it, the Red Earl was a little shocked. How could there be such a combination? At first glance, it sounded so ridiculous!

Okay, leave this to me!

After arranging these top combat forces, Noah began to use the Gate Fruit to shuttle crazily across the sea.

Now the final battle is a fate that no one can escape, and inviting people has become extremely simple and crude.

In the castle on Drum Island.

Make a price and follow me!

I knew you guys wouldn't let me, a poor old man, go! Fuck!

Some people are difficult to invite, but they still have to give some face to Noah who controls a lot of resources.

Of course, it is also possible that his disciples are involved, and he is a little worried.

Under the lighthouse at Twin Heads.

Various collector's editions, as well as the legendary hardcover version of The Golden Vase*.

Hardcover!!! Needless to say, let's go!

Some people are easy to hire, and a small hobby can be easily picked up.

Not to mention meeting up with old friends.

When all the people were gathered together and all the arrangements were completed, the Red Earth Continent was in sight.

The million-strong army has all been assembled, and the battleship groups are distributed on both sides of the Red Earth Continent.

The mighty coalition army stopped advancing when they were still far away from Mariejoia.

Many people looked at Bika above them and wondered why they didn't continue to advance. Such a distance could not form an effective attack.

Marie Gioia. Something's wrong.

The already red continent towers into the clouds. And there was an ominous bloody light on it.

The conventional forces of the World Government have already stationed in Mariejoia based on intelligence, but so far there has been no news.

This gave Noah an ominous premonition.

After waking up, Yimu will not be beaten passively, so...

A ray of light emitted from the red earth continent, and a huge illusory figure stood in the void.

It caused a little commotion in the fleet below, and anyone who suddenly saw a human figure taller than the Red Earth Continent would be panicked.

This is a projection. But who is this ordinary-looking boy?

After a brief shock, everyone realized that it was just virtual imaging technology, which was already in use within Bika.

So Bucky’s final question is what everyone wants to know.

Sengoku has confirmed that he is not any official within the World Government, nor is he the Five Old Stars.

It's Im!

Noah actually recognized this image.

This is the young man Immu who made an impassioned speech in the court.

The huge shadow looked at the fleet group surrounding the Red Earth Continent, and Bika in the mid-air seemed to be in a good mood.

“It makes me feel really good to see you guys struggling so hard.

Human beings have to go through the process from hope to despair before they can understand what fate is.

So this time I will destroy this terrible world and let everyone return to my arms equally.

This is God's mercy!

Sure enough, you shouldn't expect a guy who has been crazy for 800 years to say anything powerful. He is really a boring villain.

Noah never lost a fight. His ability to pierce his heart is unparalleled.

After the amplified sound spread to all the sea areas near the red soil, it was difficult for the young man to maintain his smile.

Noah, you think you can save everyone?

I'm much more reliable than the guy in the straw hat.

Another blow, and the Creator's expression turned into that of an evil ghost.

straw hat

Humans better die!

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