Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 897 The Power of World Declaration

Noah's mentality was very relaxed when he came back to the world with his original appearance.

This is not the first time he has greeted the whole world. He even did an exclusive interview during the Battle of Pioneer Island.

Besides, I have already met Im, so there is no need to hide the appearance of the World Government.

The final battle was basically a clear card, but the opponent's card was a bit too big, or too big.

As a result, Noah could only think of ways to improve his chances of victory.

To put it bluntly, the appearance of revolutionary lights can increase morale by at least 10%.

An invincible person who always has trump cards and plans as a comrade will always make people feel more at ease.

Moreover, these people present are all acquaintances, so they are naturally more relaxed.

To some extent, everyone here has dealt with Noah. Of course, some people may not know it themselves.

So in order to unify the forces present here first, he decided to say something heartfelt to make everyone lower their guard.

“I’m back, and it’s not easy to come back.

This world once filled me with questions.

Over the past 20 years, I have been thinking about one question all the time.

Why is the sea the way it is now?

Why don’t intelligent races get the dignity and freedom they deserve? Why are there still people who don’t have enough to eat in an era when technology is so advanced?

Why do ordinary people have to live a precarious life? Why do people still tolerate the exploitation of slave owners?

Why are there descendants of gods like the Celestial Dragons in this world who are above everyone else?

Why can the world government exist for 800 years?

Why can’t we, the vast majority of whom are at the bottom of society, unite?

So many questions made me very troubled when I just came into this world.

So I traveled around the world actively or passively, and experienced life in various identities.

From the small fishing village in the East China Sea, to the Omniscient Tree of O'Hara, to most cities and islands in the four seas, to every assembly point on the Grand Line, even to the Red Continent of Mary Joa, to the Marine Headquarters, Marine Vando, I have all left my footprints.

There is a pause here for everyone to think about. How many people can listen to so many questions just now?

“In the South China Sea, I am Noah, the light of revolution.

A lunatic who came up with a delusion and led a group of equally crazy people to rush forward regardless of their own safety.

The leaders of the Revolutionary Army nodded with smiles on their faces. It was this man who led them down this path.

It's just that they have no regrets, and are even very honored to be such a madman.

The five old stars in front of the screen have very complicated hearts.

After all, it was O'Hara who changed the course of the world and gave birth to such a monster.

But a person who likes to think about the root causes of these horrors from the very beginning is still a devil who confuses people even if he has no power.

Almost as good as the one behind them. One is physical and the other is spiritual.

It's a pity that no one of them can deal with them anymore.

Noah looked in the direction of the pirate at this time.

In the Cross Guild, I am Captain Baki's mate, Himura Kenshin.

With the One Piece journey on the Emperor Baki, we saw the birth and formation of pirates.

I saw the deformities and contradictions in this. I also saw how a kind soul can fall into darkness.

Disorderly freedom tends towards chaos and ultimately evil.

And how many can persist in themselves?

Roger opened the era of great pirates seeking freedom, but he also made the entire sea pay a heavy price.

That’s why One Piece Buggy came into being. I admire Bucky very much for this.

At every most dangerous moment, he would reverse the adverse trend with his very strong personal charm and ability.

This Pirate King deserves his title. He is the person who understands freedom best in the world.

Several big guys in the Cross Guild looked calm. Except for the Red Earl who joined later, everyone else knew Noah's identity.

And that seemingly funny captain is really quite awesome.

Bucky was already in tears on the stage. What could be better than sincere praise from the person who trusts you the most?

The remaining pirates couldn't accept it for a while.

So Bucky could have been from the beginning

The Pirate Alliance's attack on the Red Earth Continent in 1516, the battle of the fall of the Four Emperors, and the final battle of Mount Hyjal.

It was all premeditated!

The sea is really being toyed with to some extent, and the emperor is all part of its calculations.

They were eliminated early and deservedly lost.

Winner and loser, as losers, they have lost the qualification to talk to this man and can only watch everything happen and proceed.

The naval forces sitting together had an ominous premonition after watching Noah's speech.

The skill of such a person sneaking into the pirate force is indeed a bit powerful, but it is not too much beyond their expectations.

After all, Noah is well known for his rigorous nature and many vests.

Will the Navy

Coming, coming, coming.

When everyone saw Noah looking this way, alarm bells rang in their hearts.

“Don’t be nervous, in the Navy I am the Chief of Staff to the Admiral.

My good friend, Ackerman, who has interacted with almost all of you.

Crunch~~The harsh sound sounded in the live broadcast room.

The famous lieutenant generals of the headquarters stood up one after another and were a little overwhelmed, their chairs making noises due to their movements.

Everyone looked at the smiling devil on the stage in disbelief.

Warring States snorted with dissatisfaction, what do these naval generals look like?

How dare you call this point of determination an example for the navy. What about concentration? No determination at all!

When I first found out.

Forget it, there wasn't much movement anyway, as long as the camera didn't sweep over, it would be fine.

It’s no wonder that the navy reacted so strongly. Most people really didn’t know this time.

The eyes of the lieutenant generals of the headquarters changed instantly. Is this bastard one of our own?

In the past two years, they have been tormented by Hai Dui's internal changes.

And during the internal review, many old guys fell into it. Although they also have their own problems, it is impossible to say that they don't mind when the culprit surfaces.

But the changes in the situation are no longer within their control, and the Navy has already made a choice.

So I could only look at the young man who was smiling a little wantonly on the stage, nodded helplessly and sat down.

At least when Revolutionary Light was a teammate, I was really happy.

And the Navy has indeed gone in the direction that everyone wants to see, so he deserves some credit.

However, the fact that Warring States and others remained calm without any action showed that they were the group of people who had known about it for a long time, and they really had a sense of confidentiality. snort!

Noah's revelation continued to shock Dahai +1. This was already a surprise for countless times. It can be said that everyone was numb.

Five old stars in the sky! Why let me know such a cruel truth.


Wasn't two years ago a period of great change for the Navy? Wouldn't it be this guy's first plan to allow this bastard Kizaru to take advantage of the opportunity?

Even if they turned into half-human, half-machine bodies, these five old men almost went berserk.

One of the sinners who allowed himself to become like this can be regarded as returning to his position.

Ahem, I have been colleagues with most of them, so you should believe in my abilities.

This time our resistance to the world government does not mean to rely entirely on force, but a decision of will made by uniting all the intelligent races in the entire sea.

We visited ancient races in the new world, visited ordinary countries in the world who want to live a good life, and also visited many, many people.

There are students, workers, scholars, farmers, people from higher classes and people of insight.

After integrating the needs of people and races in various places for life and all aspects of life.

A work that can be said to have given everyone hope was born. This is also the answer we have been pursuing for so many years.

New World Declaration

Blah blah blah

There was a sound of cloth shaking, and the scroll, which had been expanded countless times, was unfolded in front of everyone.

Wano Country, Zuowu, Fishman Island, Long Hand Clan

The dense writing on it is dazzling.

Here are the names of 567 countries and races in the world that have been summarized so far, as well as the signatures and handprints of their leaders.

The declaration that has won the trust of so many people is also our common oath, and it is an existence that we must protect with our lives.

The New World Alliance is an alliance that belongs to all Dahai people.

Everyone will have corresponding obligations and rights.

This is a torrent of history that originates from the present and moves toward the future.

Anyone who stands in the way of this flow, whether human or divine, will be crushed by us.

The body can be destroyed by the enemy's guns, but the spirit is immortal and will be passed on forever and never be extinguished!

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should treat each other in a spirit of brotherhood.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

and shall not differ on the basis of the political, administrative or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; all forms of slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited.

The declarations of world equality seem to contain infinite power, and each word strikes the hearts of people all over the world like a mountain.

What is the world like between people, between people and wisdom, between races, and between people and managers. between countries and between religions.

Everything is classified as equal, which is such a grand idea.

The spiritual core is like the most tempting apple, attracting every intelligent creature.

They crave this, they want this.

This is the framework of the new world, and they are willing to sacrifice everything for it.

There are also people who are afraid of these things and are afraid of these things.

People in the old world resisted from the bottom of their hearts, but they were powerless.

When Noah finished reading, all the strong men present stood up and felt a kind of power throughout their bodies.

The baptism of this impact is like a waterfall washing away some of the filth stained in the past years.

At this moment, they are united.

The national representatives in the audience also stood up with tears in their eyes. This day has finally arrived.

What they desire most is not to become superior, but to have equal rights.

Enjoy a future where you are no longer oppressed or exploited.

What the eyes invariably convey is the desire to read it again.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

When they read aloud in front of the whole world, a sky-reaching flame seemed to light up in the sky above the entire live broadcast room.

Spreading in all directions, cleaning away the filth of the past.

The old world is wailing in flames, and the old, corrupt, greedy, and sinful people are trembling.

There is nothing more powerful, and I’m not sure whether it will be blocked at this level. Anyway, just send it.

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