Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 899 Confrontation between Huo Shaoyun and Natural Disaster

A thought from the gods is a disaster for humans.

As a product of the highest technology 800 years ago, Yimu, who has entered the realm of gods, is naturally the same.

Red clouds began to spread from the sky of Mariejoia, and the thick clouds quickly covered the sky within a radius of 500 miles.

It's beautiful, as if you were transported to the sunset for a moment, and the warm light shines on people's faces.

But why is it getting warmer and warmer, even a little scorching, and the shape of this cloud is too distorted.

As the blue sky was completely covered by clouds, people discovered what kind of clouds were here!

It turned out that the sky was covered with a sea of ​​​​fire on the sky.

The hot air and falling pressure made it increasingly difficult to breathe, and sweat trickled down your face before evaporating.


The sea of ​​fire in the sky was licking its tongue wantonly, looking at the blue sea below and provoking arrogantly.

Human, feel the real burning.

There was no rain in the sky, but hot flames fell one after another.

The amount of fire falling like a downpour is really scary, and the flames pour down like a waterfall.

It turns out that in addition to the particle flow and thunder, there are also such natural disasters.

This is the purest destruction of living beings.

Human beings have worshiped and feared fire since the day they were born, because it can bring light and death.

For example, what is brought about now is indiscriminate death.

There is a small island in the new world with such a climate, and there is no life on the island.

But even natural disasters will not occur on such a large scale.

Let's put it this way, the land shrouded in fire rain already includes the surrounding Malinfando, G1 branch, and Shampoo Islands.

If it were allowed to land in the human world, the Arqiman mangrove, the only strange tree in the world, would also turn into ashes.

Not to mention that the blow to the coalition fleet was even more devastating.

With most warships being made of wood, fire was the natural enemy of many forms of navigation.

Even modified warships or steel warships have many wooden sail masts.

Even if you jump into the sea, you will be cooked by this natural disaster that can burn mountains and boil seas.

As expected of the King of Heaven, Im. There was such a movement just by saying hello, which shows that the ancient weapons that destroyed the world are really powerful.

Humans are always so good at destroying themselves.

As the leader of the sky island group floating in mid-air, Bika can already clearly feel the heat of the fire rain.

Heavenly King, isn’t it normal to be able to control natural disasters at will? So humans are also prepared.

Doctors of Visalia, please!

Well, we still have some experience in controlling the weather.

Above the blue sea.

Seeing that the sky above them was covered in flames without leaving a single gap, the coalition soldiers felt a sense of despair in their hearts.

Obviously, the morale was high before setting off, and he thought about following the thousands of troops to conquer the Red Earth Continent. However, as soon as the game started, the enemy's random moves shattered his inner defenses.

Anyone who has experienced natural disasters along the Grand Line is aware of it, but isn’t this level really a legendary mythical battlefield?

Wait, it’s windy! A cool breeze!

This was not an illusion. The soldier could feel the wind coming from afar from the sweat on his body.

First, the breeze blew across the sea, causing a wave.

Then strong winds whipped over the masts, whipping the sails up.

Then a storm swept through the sky, converging into a huge air current.

Finally, a hurricane crossed the sky, circling under the burning clouds in the sky.

When a slight change broke the established destruction, everyone knew where the wind came from.

Of course, if it was just the existence of wind, it would not have much impact on the fire rain.

After all, fire borrows the power of wind, and wind helps fire. This is the law of nature.

It is not enough to fight against such a natural disaster on our own.

Union soldiers felt the second force coming in.

It was water vapor, and the skin that had been evaporated by the heat felt moist again.

There is evaporation of water vapor in the sea.

The entire ocean itself emitted a large amount of water vapor due to the pressure of the fire rain, and white steam rose in threads on the sea.

There are even top experts who dive into the deep sea and use their own power to control water to affect the ocean currents on both sides of the red soil.

White steam rises like wolf smoke from the sea, and countless steam columns sway between the sky and the earth.

The dense clouds are like a cage of gauze covering the blue sea.

The violent wind that swept through the world finally found its comrade-in-arms, carrying it straight into the sky from the sea.


One is releasing heat and the other is absorbing heat.

Heat can only transfer from high-temperature objects to low-temperature objects spontaneously, and the knowledge of physics is vividly demonstrated in the confrontation.

It was still a bit difficult to fight against the fire clouds all over the sky with the power of Feng Shui. With the overwhelming rain of fire pouring down, the defense line quickly collapsed.

At this time, the third force arrived belatedly.

It's too late to hang on to it.

After all, the higher the temperature of an object, the faster its molecules move. The lower the temperature, the slower the molecules move.

What comes is a low-temperature cold wave.

The soldiers above the sea once again felt magical changes.

Above the dome is a sky full of fire and rain, below is an endless typhoon, and above the sea is a low-temperature cold current.

They were a little uncomfortable being burned by the flame canopy before, but now they felt a little cold.

Fortunately, the strong wind did not forget to take away the third comrade.

So the cold air also flows upstream and merges with the power of Feng Shui in the sky. Rapid cooling and condensation occur in the middle layers of the sea surface.

In the end, they merged successfully at the forefront of the confrontation.

So the combination of strong wind, water vapor, and cold air is a blizzard fighting a cloud of flames.

The strong wind swept the ice power and rushed into the sky.

The white snow dragon received the blessing of the entire sea, became huge and violent, and flew into the wind with its claws and fangs, and flew into the flame cloud.

Then I saw hundreds of snow-white giant dragons swimming among the red fire clouds.

The clouds were dispersed in a short time, and they continued to fight against the sea of ​​​​fire in the sky.

Stab it~prick it~prick it~

Ice and flames collided continuously, and a tug-of-war began immediately.

This is a showdown between ice and fire. It is also another confrontation between man and God.

This is the attack of the natural disaster combination prepared in advance.

Jinbei stood calmly in the deep sea, constantly accelerating the surge of water vapor from the water source, heat source, saturation difference, turbulence diffusion intensity and other aspects.

This is one of the results of remedial lessons, and only a strong fishman at his level can control all of this in a precise way.

Aokiji no longer directly uses the power of freezing, because it consumes too much physical energy, and he does not have the confidence to affect the entire 500-square-meter sea surface for a long time.

So I participated in a method that was less laborious and more suitable for this kind of combat, which was to simply release a lot of cold energy.

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