Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 896 I’m Noah, long time no see

Year 1461 of the Haiyuan calendar.

The World Government sent Sister Carmelite to the giant tribe to abduct children, which eventually led to Charlotte Lingling's rampage, causing countless casualties, and contributed to the birth of one of the Four Emperors.

It’s really amazing that the birth of the Four Emperors was also the work of the World Government.

In the year 1501 of the Hainan calendar, the pirate king's orphans were searched for on Batelila Island in the South China Sea, and the babies on this and nearby islands were massacred.

He talks about looking for sinful blood, but what he actually does is a sin deeper than sin.

At this time, Ace lowered his head deeply. His birth was indeed burdened with sin.

Not from his biological father Roger, but from those babies who died in vain. This is the sin he has to bear.

Mother's love is great but also selfish, for those children who have not truly felt the beauty of the world

Luffy and Sabo patted Ace's shoulders. They understood what their elder brother needed most at this time.

The Warring States Period also felt guilty, and the Shanghai Navy was all guilty of the incident of the deceased child in the South China Sea. They have no shame in talking about justice since they did not stop this incident.

After Capron's wife and children were entrusted to him, he had an unshirkable responsibility for this matter.

Year 1502 in the Haiyuan calendar.

At this point, Kizaru paused and looked somewhere down the stage.

O'Hara's scholars studied historical texts without authorization and tried to decipher the truth of the 100-year disappearance, which was discovered by the World Government.

The Demon-Slaying Order was sent to deal a devastating blow to the entire island, cutting off the inheritance of knowledge on the sea.

Admiral Akainu destroyed the refuge ship and killed all the civilians on board.

At this point, countless people glanced at that corner directly or accidentally. The expressions of Noah and Robin were unusually calm at the moment.

It's as if it's not O'Hara but any other island.

Only the fire in his eyes remained.

That fire came from 22 years ago and is still burning in their hearts.

This fire also ignited the original fire in the entire world, and he traveled all over the world and the Grand Line with anger.

The years of the Haiyuan calendar are 1503, 1504, and 1505.

Kizaru's tone slowly became heavier and heavier, and everyone's resonance became stronger and stronger.

After all, it is difficult for modern people to empathize with things that happened hundreds of years ago. Those countries have disappeared in the long river of time, leaving only a few lines of cold words.

Only when the events of the past few decades are closely related to ourselves can we have more feelings.

Hear about the destruction and disappearance of countries that some have heard of and some have not heard of, and the crimes committed by the world government.

That heavy and dark feeling severely oppressed everyone's hearts.

The emotions of Kizaru and the marines were even more ups and downs.

In this document alone, the words genocide, genocide, and countless numbers of people appear countless times.

It was so heavy that even a top expert like him couldn't bear it.

After all, the Navy has been a butcher's knife in the hands of the World Government over the years. How much of the boundless sins here belong to them?

Maybe they have been fighting for justice, but as tools of the world government to maintain their rule, they have also shed a lot of innocent blood in their hands.

This time, in addition to resisting the world government for a better future, there is also a mentality of atonement.

The 16 lieutenant generals who were brought here also understood how ridiculous their past actions were.

There is nothing wrong with them fighting pirates and maintaining order in the sea. But it is an indisputable fact that a brutal ruler was maintained.

For 800 years, the navy.

After finishing speaking, Kizaru put the manuscript aside. He didn't want to say the rest of the content.

He walked straight out from behind the stage and watched the live broadcast. His emotions were hard to understand.

Under the gaze of countless people at the scene, under the gaze of countless people in the sea behind the phone bug.


Admiral! Kneel down!

This is for the Navy's past! It’s also for the future of the Navy!

The sixteen lieutenant generals in the audience, Sengoku Garp and others all stood up and watched the usually lazy navy marshal kneel down in shock.

He is indeed more suitable to be a marshal than me!

The Warring States Period was conquered by Kizaru's actions for the first time. Sincerity is the power that can touch people's hearts the most!

When Kizaru stood up, the people in the venue reacted, and applause rang out in Noah's hands.

Afterwards, everyone applauded. Whether it was sincere or not, this man was amazing!

Then everyone looked at Bucky, wondering what this pirate king who was incompatible with both the navy and the revolutionary army could say?

Everyone instinctively felt that the pirate might not have anything to say.

But they were wrong, Bucky had never lost when it came to being in the limelight.

I, Bucky. The current Pirate King.

I declare that after destroying the World Government, pirates will withdraw from the stage of history.

Literally, there will be no pirate power, no Cross Guild, and no Pirate King in the future.

Captain Roger created the era of great pirates. As the successor to the captain's will, I declare that the era of great pirates is over.

The impact of these words was no less than those of the previous two.

After all, the Great Pirate Age is a symbol of an era in the past 20 years. Countless young people set sail on the sea in the name of pirates.

They brought freedom, endless pain and the birth of sin to this world.

When Bucky announced that the era of pirates was over, everyone was in a trance.

The red-haired and Luffy struggled slightly as the Pirate King spoke on the stage and then gave up.

They also understand that the progress of the times is not determined by individual will.

Then accept it calmly. Anyway, you can still travel and have adventures in the future. Luffy's trip is far from over.

None of the last big pirates raised any objections, and this happened naturally.

The revolutionary army announced the truth of history, the navy exposed the sins of the world government, and the pirates withdrew from the stage of history.

Next is.

For a new world and a better future, for future generations to grow up without worries, for the spirit of justice to be passed on,

We will form the New World Alliance and launch a formal war against the World Government.

After the declaration of war was issued, the whole world once again fell into a state of speechless shock.

Countless people are panicking about the war, but some are eager to try it.

As soon as the ambitions of the careerists arose, they were frightened by the warships cruising on the beach. The panicked people also felt relieved when they saw the flag of the revolutionary army.

It seems that the connection between the war and ordinary people is severed, and they just need to wait for the results.

There is no way to cause chaos in the paradise stage of the other three seas and the Grand Route. The navy's fleet has already deployed and controlled the entire area, leaving no chance for chaos.

As for the New World, the pirate forces have been almost wiped out.

The South China Sea is even calmer, and they themselves are the ones sanctioned by the world government.

They have long been dissatisfied with the government that is preventing them from living a good life. As for whether the revolutionary army will win, there is no need to consider it at all. They will definitely win.

Therefore, after being shocked, the whole world could only calmly accept the news that the war was coming.

There was little room for riots to survive in the first place.

Outside Marie Gioia's shrine as the trio rocked the world at the launch event.

Wulaoxing is watching the live broadcast calmly.

The wails coming from inside the temple behind him and the rich smell of blood pulled the atmosphere among the flowers into hell.

But they no longer care. The five old stars finally understood the trend of the three major forces merging on the live broadcast screen.

It turns out that all the smooth sailings over the years were false. The three parties must not have just merged as stated in the live broadcast, but have already started cooperating.

That's why we can tell this big lie to hide the world government's eyes and ears.

The wisdom and calculation required are so chilling.

I didn't expect that Kizaru's acting skills were so good.

This guy Sengoku must be dishonest. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the navy to escape control with his methods.

The concealment and delay of intelligence must be Crane's fault.

Zefa made the arrangements too early. He should be the initial liaison.

There is a problem with Akainu's death. His death broke through the most stubborn obstacle to the cooperation between the Navy and the Revolutionary Army.

Bucky, I can't figure it out. What kind of price would it cost for him to give up the title of Pirate King? It can't be true that he is honest and upright.

Watching the live broadcast, some doubts were solved, and some were deepened.

There are too many unsolved mysteries here, which are inconsistent with their common sense.

The biggest question is what kind of opportunity can the three parties really merge together, and who can win everyone's trust.

What can I do if I think about it so much?

No matter who wins or loses, our fate has been decided.

A sudden sentence made Wu Laoxing wake up instantly, yes, everything is too late.

There is no world government anymore, no pinnacle of power, just a bunch of twisted half-human monsters.

It turned out that half of the body of each of the five of them had been cut off and replaced with a mechanical body.

Just like Yimu's clone, the piece together is both weird and spooky.

Like five wretches, they fell from the clouds to the bottom of the mud.

The only good thing is that they did not disappear along with the blood of those royal families, and they still have the qualifications to participate in the final battle.

no matter what the result

‘Let me die’*5

But the appearance of a person in the next live broadcast made the five old stars who had been transformed unable to calm down.

The heart that wants to die becomes even more painful.

I am already half-human and half-ghost, but my most hated enemy has become so famous. It’s really just the difference in the world.

Then I had a sudden realization, it turned out to be like this!

It's better to kill the culprit first.*5

How could there be a lack of jealousy in the depths of a twisted soul.

The camera turned back to the press conference.

A figure that was very familiar to the whole sea walked up calmly holding a huge scroll.

Noah! It's Noah! It's Noah, right?

He did not fall out of the revolutionary light.

So everyone has guesses about who this change comes from today.

If it were Noah, all this might really happen.

Hello everyone, I'm Noah, long time no see.

I'm pressed for time today, so I'll correct the typos tonight.

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