Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 895 The official start announcement

This press conference was very formal, and Morgans, the president of the famous World Economic News, was invited.

Knowing that I would play such an important role in such a world-famous event.

Morgans killed the spy lurking in the newspaper office overnight.

You bastard, I'm also a member of the revolutionary army! Gah gah gah gah~~

The president, who looks tough and energetic, is very high-spirited. Who among the gossip reporters these days doesn’t have the time to stay by his side?

Young ones, the boss is taking you to find a backer!

Then he took the entire newspaper office to the territory of the Revolutionary Army. No place on the Grand Line was safe before the final battle.

He himself was a capable general recruited by Boss Noah, and he resolutely returned to the organization at this time.

For this live broadcast, he did a lot of cleaning work on his bird feathers to ensure they were shiny and shiny.

Huh~~ Morgans, you can do it! It's just a press conference, calm down!

When I walked into the live broadcast room confidently, my breath still stopped for a moment.

He obviously didn't look over, but the feeling of oppression made people feel numb all over.

Even if he knew in advance who were the people here, he was still panicking. The unconscious emanation of the spirit of many strong men already made him want to escape from here.

The live broadcast room is not too small. There are a few chairs on the stage and a medium-sized conference room under the stage.

But even so, the room cannot contain the aura of so many top bosses.

It seemed like the shipping king at the same level as him had curled up in the corner motionless. What a lucky guy.

Several other dark kings have disappeared into the sea.

After coming back to his senses, he coughed twice and prepared to go on stage.

After all, it was a formal announcement to the whole world, and Noah and the revolutionary army were fully prepared.

As the camera opens, three people sitting on the high platform come into view.

One Piece Bucky. Monkey D. Long, leader of the revolutionary army. Admiral Kizaru.

Just the departure of these three people has made the entire sea crazy.

It is simply a fantasy that three incompatible forces would sit together.

The navy's mutiny has not yet received official news to the people at the bottom, so it is just some rumors and they do not take it to heart.

So now are some terrible facts confirmed?

These three people are enough to change the world.

Pirate King Buggy, the man of the hour a few days ago.

He single-handedly conquered many pirates and ascended to the throne of the Pirate King, and even reached the existence of Rafdru.

It can be said that the pirate is the common enemy of the navy and the revolutionary army. His appearance here really shocked everyone.

And Kizaru is known as the strongest marshal of the navy.

It is said that his methods are insidious and vicious, and he has gained the support of most of the navy and the trust of the world government.

After successfully reaching the summit, drastic reforms were carried out on the navy.

The recent military operations all over the world are all the work of this marshal.

He who controls the strongest armed force in the sea has always made it his mission to destroy pirates, and the navy and the revolutionary army are life-or-death enemies.

Monkey D. Long, the leader of the revolutionary army in the middle, is even more amazing.

In other words, his life is a legend.

He was born in the navy, but together with the late revolutionary light Noah, he carried forward the revolutionary army and even occupied the South China Sea openly.

Since its debut, the main focus has been to be a vanguard against the world government. Wherever there is oppression, there will be resistance forces led by the revolutionary army.

The purpose of the Revolutionary Army is that there is no room for pirates to survive, and they are incompatible with the Navy. High-level officials from both sides have fallen at the hands of the other side.

So when the leaders of the three most powerful forces sat together peacefully, everyone was shocked.

Just hearing about that kind of grievances and hatreds makes it impossible to coexist peacefully.

Some people with a keen sense of smell have already smelled that the world is about to change.

And if these three bosses can sit together, even overthrowing the world government is not impossible.

After all, it is really possible for these three parties to work together.

Ahem, it was before the phone bug.

After Morgans gave a brief introduction to the identities of the three people, no matter how ignorant they were of current affairs, they understood that something big was going to happen in the sea!

This is not a prank, it is a very formal and serious press conference. In other words, this solemn atmosphere is more like a prelude to a war.

After the show, Morgans gave up the C position to Long, the leader of the revolutionary army.

A calm male voice began to tell the story of the lost history with firm power.

Hai Yuan calendar 800 years ago.

The huge kingdom enslaved all races and oppressed all people to establish its own technological empire.

It was an era without morals, and those in power constantly broke through the bottom line of human nature for the sake of desire.

The cruel experiments created various destructive weapons as a means of enslaving intelligent creatures.

Later, Joyboy led all the humanoid races and humans who were unwilling to be enslaved to launch a rebellion, starting the sea war that had disappeared for 100 years.

After going through many hardships, they achieved victory, bringing the dawn of peace to all races.

However, the so-called Celestial Dragons who now live in the Holy Land Mariejoyana are the descendants of the twenty royal families in the rebel army. Their ancestors stole the fruits of victory.

Controlling ancient weapons with desire reopened the extermination war.

In these 100 years, the huge landmass was broken into thousands of islands. Countless races and lives were wiped out.

The Tianlong people used the power of King Yimu to expel the multi-racial alliance headed by Joyboi again, and imposed cruel punishment on the defeated.

Eventually it returned to a more ignorant and feudal form of rule, and erased any information from history.

But the historical text has made all their crimes public.

All the information was deciphered after O'Hara scholars sacrificed their lives for research.

There is no worldly nobility, no descendants of the Creator, no so-called noble bloodline.

There are only thieves, only robbers, only parasites!

Therefore, the wise people in the sea decided to stand up and overthrow the sinner of the sea who had stolen the fruits of victory.

Let all races appear equally on the sea.

Our revolutionary army has been fighting on the sea with this spirit, and sacrificed for the greatest belief.

He represents the revolutionary army and makes the so-called truth of the world known to the public.

On this occasion, he must expose the hypocritical mask of the so-called Creator of the world government. This is the great cause of justice.

While Ryuu was telling the truth about history, Otohime was chatting with Robin.

“I didn’t expect that the historical truth is like this, but fortunately you O’Hara scholars deciphered it.

Otherwise, we on Fishman Island would still be paying a heavy price for so-called equality without realizing it.

But why was Long's mood a little strange when he said it?


Look Luffy.

Otohime looked up and saw a child with empty eyes sitting there in a daze.

How would Joeyboy write in such detail? He didn't even understand why he lost the battle. He just wrote a few words except apologizing.

The text of history

I am an unqualified scholar and a most qualified scholar.

Robin's words revealed the meaning of artistic processing.

This is history, and it has always served humanity.

Otohime thought about it, and there was nothing wrong with it. Maybe this is best.

The dragon on the stage had changed his tone and talked about his outlook on the outside world.

There would be no slave trade and no class differences. Everyone would have enough to eat, go to school and have a brighter future.

This is not empty talk. We have been trialing it in the South China Sea for eight years.

Sea trains connect ordinary people’s travel methods and save a lot of time.

A variety of shipping methods also make the flow of goods smoother.

At the same time, we have also set up schools and literacy classes in every region so that everyone in the sea can read and understand the principles of life.

What's more important is that we continue to develop civilian technology so that all people can have enough food and meat.

From economy to humanities to technology and systems, everything has been implemented and can cover the entire sea.

So our future is the hope of a new world.

Long Shao finished his speech with unusual emotion.

He reported on his hopes for the future and the achievements of the revolutionary army.

It's a comfort to everyone.

At this time, Navy Marshal Kizaru also began to speak formally. All he has to do is stab the World Government in the heart.

Under the rule of the World Government, the crimes committed during these 800 years are too numerous to mention.

Eight hundred years ago in the Hainan calendar, the Tang Quixote family imprisoned the small human race Dongdongta, and in the same year wiped out 7 humanoid races.

In 762 AD, the Celestial Dragons ordered the World Government to establish the maritime kingdom of Techila Wolf.

A never-ending bridge kingdom was built. All those who resisted the world government were called war criminals and were escorted there to be enslaved to death. The number of deaths in 800 years cannot be counted.

700 years ago in the Haiyuan calendar,

Hai Yuan calendar 600 years ago. Hai Yuan calendar 500 years ago. Sea Circle 400 years ago. Hai Yuan calendar 300 years ago. Hai Yuan calendar 200 years ago.

As Kizaru continued to tell, everyone saw the killings and crimes committed by a terrifying empire on this planet.

For the sake of profit, venting, and the truth, all kinds of human freedoms are deprived and people's rights are stolen.

These are all labeled with various bright names, but between the lines only slavery, death and sin are seen.

And Kizaru's story is not over yet.

Frevans discovered the amber lead mine in the year 1408 of the Hyalinian Calendar. Citizens died one after another due to the development of amber lead. However, under the huge interests, they colluded with the world government to not announce it to the public, allowing the civilians of this country to continue to develop it for 100 years, and died during the period. The number of people cannot be counted.

In the end, in order to keep the secret, they blocked the entire territory and burned the entire country, destroying the country.

At this time, Luo in the audience had already clenched his fists and lowered the brim of his hat, not wanting others to see his painful eyes.

The sins of the World Government are finally revealed to the public.

His parents, mother and sister all died tragically in that white disaster. The raging flames have been returning to the dreamland in my sleep until now, and now I am finally relieved.

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