Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 894 Pirate King, leader of the revolutionary army, marshal of the navy

There is no protection period for novices at all. Of course, this has something to do with the fact that they were pulled into the sea right after they came up.

Neither S Empress nor S Sha could exert their full combat power. For example, they couldn't use their petrification power in the sea, so they lost easily.

Although Jinbei returned those failed Seraphs to himself, it was embarrassing when compared with other people's creations.

Science should be moving forward, so I, who has always been known as the smartest human being, must show my hand to everyone.

As for the matter of the continental shelf, Vegapunk has already provided the research results of himself and Dr. Tsukimi, which is actually the best solution.

The existence of the Red Earth Continent has lost the meaning of its existence.

Anyway, it’s enough to basically know what Im is and how tricky it is.

There have been so many years of preparation.

Neither the world government nor those who oppose the world government have any choice.

War is inevitable.

According to the latest intelligence, a large number of troops have been gathered on the Red Earth Continent. In addition to the navy, the world government also has conventional armed forces.

Otherwise, where would the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces come from?

Mariejoia has been completely surrounded by a red defensive wall, and the information inside has been completely cut off.

Both sides are making final preparations.

Just above Bika, a signal was sent to summon the rebels across the sea.

A torch completely ignited the direction of the counterattack.

The four seas, the great sea route.

There are fleets and strong men in action everywhere.

The earth-shaking movement made everyone panic.

Basically, all the immediate combat power that this anti-world government alliance can bring is in place.

Mainly people from all directions.

One side is the revolutionary army, and the five top powerhouses headed by Long have extremely strong auras. The four military commanders and the seven strongest supernovas of the younger generation burst out with intense vigor.

The revolutionary light returned against the will of heaven and planned the explosion of Mount Hyjal, which dealt the world government the most fatal blow.

The new generation is like the rising sun, the most shining achievement of Nanhai’s education system.

It is also the core strength that has been honed for twenty years.

Everyone has enough experience fighting the world government and they have nothing to fear.

Starting from planting every spark of fire, the revolutionary army has burned the red flame from O'Hara to the whole world.

One side is headed by Navy Marshal Kizaru, followed by the three general-level combat forces of Sengoku, Garp, and Aokiji, as well as sixteen lieutenant generals including Commander Tsuru, and four naval supernovas.

Originally the strongest armed force in the sea, the sharpest knife in Mariejoia's hand.

This year, he jumped into the revolutionary army camp and counterattacked the countries that joined the World Government. It can be said that it shocked everyone on the sea.

With a profound foundation, a large number of branch bases in the Four Seas have helped stabilize the situation in the entire Four Seas, and can protect civilians in the Four Seas even if earth-shattering events occur.

This is a war of liberation, not an unjust war for ambition.

The word justice will always carry out the spirit of this group of people.

The last party is the pirate force, the symbol of freedom on the sea.

The representatives of pirates are Pirate King Bucky, Red Hair, and Straw Hat Luffy's cadre team.

Yes, the Pirate King of One Piece has rebelled, but this force has not been disbanded yet.

In the face of the great crisis of world change, they are also here to spread the last afterglow.

Anyway, the red-haired man knew that the pirates would completely disappear into the sea after this battle, so it was better to have a vigorous battle.

And Luffy, the successor of Joyboy, needs to be involved.

What if it's still useful? This is Noah's most simple thought about Luffy.

Besides, this child's grandfather, father, and two brothers will all participate in this war, how could he stay out of it.

The young people on board the Merry are all involved, and no one can escape this war.

Representatives of some other special forces also came to Bika.

For example, the king of the Giant Clan, the two kings of the Fur Clan, the Speaker of Wano Country, the Shark King of Fish-Man Island, and King Kobra of Alabasta, etc.

The giants brought with them all the knowledge of O'Hara, as well as the Sarons who had survived that night of fire.

The giant with a particularly unpleasant smile was beaten by Robin when they first met.

It seems that everyone who fakes their own death will experience this. Noah mainly had too many things to do, so he postponed the disaster.

After seeing that Saron was still alive, not only Robin's mood was complicated, but Sengoku's mood was even more complicated.

This bastard giant is a former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

It can only be said that Aokiji is really a good comrade in the navy. If Akainu was still alive, he would be pissed to death.

At least now when Sengoku looked at the general next to him, his eyes were wrong.

Qingzhi also moved his eyes away a little unnaturally, and put aside his original plan to reminisce with his old friends. It was not the right time.

It seemed that it was not the eight-year-old O'Hara girl who changed the course of history, but him, the ruthless admiral.

The entire race of giants is ready for the World Government's Second Hundred Years' War.

So all the bearded tough men were killed from the village, and all of them were violent old men.

At the same time, Noah secretly complained that it was too exaggerated to call it a Hundred Years War before the war started. Shouldn't this style of painting be done by people from Wano?

If Im hadn't seen the real disappearance of a hundred years from his memory, he would have thought that the war was called the Hundred Years War.

What the Fur Tribe brought with them was the full combat power of the Moon Rabbit Tribe and the coalition forces of the ancient races.

After they signed the Universal Declaration, they also understood the meaning of this war.

If you win, you will return to a peaceful and stable world; if you fail, you will just sink into the new world.

In the eyes of the Huge Kingdom and the Five Old Stars, these people are just experimental subjects without any dignity.

The humanoid race is also the weak side with no choice.

Also following by the way was the elephant owner.

After running wildly with Zuowu for a long time, the elephant owner sensed the disappearance of Joyboy and fell into confusion. In his mind, he didn't understand why such a thing happened.

This is completely different from the prophecy 800 years ago. If there is no such belief to support it, what is the purpose of walking endlessly on the sea for 800 years?

In the end, he decided to participate in a war without an ancient agreement. It seemed that the fiery boy back then was right.

Although it is a pity that his comrades have not returned, the power of this era has begun to gather.

Then let's fight, the final battle.

The arrival of the Wano Speaker is reasonable.

After Kozuki Hiyori fed Momonosuke and ate the fruit, he completely secured his position as speaker.

The entire country has been preparing for war for a long time.

All the samurai troops, led by Chi Sheath, went out to sea in large numbers and returned to the open sea.

Even the high external walls were destroyed, and Wano was completely established.

At this extremely dangerous time, all members of Congress passed the resolution to found the country.

You can't let your benefactors fight alone. The battle that belongs to Mitsuki and Wano does not need to be avoided.

In this way, they expressed their determination to break the boat.

As for Hades, he had disappeared along with the collapsed wall and disappeared without a trace.

The King Shark of Fish-Man Island cannot come without him. He is the earliest die-hard ally of the Revolutionary Army, and his parents are both high-ranking cadres.

Regardless of failure or success, they were all bound, so they simply brought out all the fish-men troops and handed them over to the revolutionary army.

By the way, he also brought his sister. In the current sea, only the Revolutionary Army can protect her.

After Im returned to Marijoa, Shirahoshi fell into a state of trance.

It is said that you can always hear and see some scenes, which are scenes of driving thousands of sea kings rushing out from the deep sea, or struggling in the sky full of gunfire.

Even if you are nestled in your own palace, you can't stop these fragments from flashing back.

The super-giant sea kings near Fish-Man Island also often riot, sometimes surrounding the island and sometimes dispersing.

Anyway, both parties were in pain, so Shark Xing simply took his sister to find his mother. Princess Otohime's knowledge and color could calm her daughter's emotions.

But the fundamental problem cannot be solved. Neptune was created as a biological weapon.

It can no longer be solved by emotional comfort. The two doctors can only set up some shielding devices and don't know if they will be effective.

Because Neptune's existence is very special, after consulting everyone's opinions, Shirahoshi was brought to the South China Sea away from the battlefield.

They couldn't do anything to let a mermaid princess who looked like she would never be underage die, and a tall person or an older person would not die yet.


Cobra was speechless when he saw Weiwei. This girl almost broke her heart when she stepped out.

Now he is participating in the final battle, and as an old father, he is helpless.

Of course, he himself is here, because as one of the top twenty royal families, this is not a time to waver.

A mature king knows what to do to make his country better.

The changes in the World Government made the orthodox Neferutari family feel uneasy.

So he brought his two captains of guards to help in the battle.

The legendary Bell of the Falcon, which cannot be killed, and Gaka of the Jackal.

As the first gathering of anti-world government armed forces, there was no quarrel or tearing.

Everyone quickly sat down and started the combat meeting.

The course of the war quickly took shape after referring to Im's memory and the advice of the two doctors.

Then! It's time for us to make our announcement to the entire world!

People from all over the world and the Grand Line were pulled to the center of their respective towns by the newly installed broadcasts, and saw a live phone bug or a technological projection.

Under the navy's order maintenance, everyone could only wait without knowing the situation.

It couldn't have been Pirate King Bucky who did it again. We haven't said anything about Rafdru last time yet.

That Pirate King is very good at making things, and he likes to be on camera.

The effect of this live broadcast gathering is so good, it can be seen that Bucky has contributed a lot.

The fragments of Ralph Drew are really heart-breaking.

Zira, Zira.

As soon as the picture lit up, the whole world was shocked.


How can this be!!!

Fake, fake!!

Some people were so frightened that the things in their hands fell on the floor, others were stunned in panic, and some even scratched their heads and were speechless.

The people at the bottom have no idea about the storm on the sea, and even if they do know, they cannot bear the impact of this picture.

The wild and free Pirate King Baki, the mysterious and powerful leader of the Revolutionary Army Ryu, and the serious and serious Navy Marshal Kizaru are all in the same frame! ! !

I have a headache. I admit that I am not mentally prepared for writing a book for the first time. So now that I’m writing, I feel the urge to mess around, is it normal?

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