Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 893 God’s Memory and Joyboy

In the white light.

Noah landed from the sky and was speechless looking at the magical country in front of him.

It's not time travel, this is still the world of One Piece.

I was brought here just after touching the white light on Im's body, so it's a memory?

Then this memory is really amazing! ! !

There is boundless land beneath your feet, and you can't even see the color of the ocean as far as you look.

No matter where you go from the air, you can only see land and mountains, as well as countless futuristic buildings.

Noah even saw it from mid-air

Infinite continent? It turns out it’s not just the moon.

So a bold guess is 800 years ago!

The pinnacle of technology and power in the One Piece world.

The train hovers on the ground and runs at high speed, which is much more advanced and faster than the sea train.

An aircraft flew across the sky at an extremely fast speed. It was several hundred meters in size and directly broke the sound barrier. The jet at the tail was filled with a stream of hot particles.


Is the huge kingdom so powerful? There is something special about the era Im lived in.

Whether it is the current time point in the One Piece world or the technology in the previous world, it is not as good as here.

No wonder Vegapunk was ahead of his time simply by learning from the books.

As for why there is such a scene in the memory, of course Im is also in it.

As for where?

A battle in history is taking place beneath our feet. There is no grandeur, no fist, shadow, sword, wind, or even fruit power.

An ordinary young man led a group of strange people running wildly in the wilderness.

Among the races recognized by Noah were the long-hand clan, the three-eyed clan, and the giant clan.

Then they were all caught by the power grid of a combat robot.

Then something similar to an escort vehicle drove by, and a group of guards came down to escort the group of people into the vehicle.

One of the giants tried to resist but was knocked to the ground and placed in a pair of strong shackles.

That guard is a fruit user, and of the animal type. Even this pair of guards are of the animal type. Is the overflowing fruit... artificial?

So that giant is Im?

The gods at this time are really weak, but why don't they look like half of their future bodies?


When the camera changed, it turned out to be a huge trial court. Sitting on it was an ordinary human judge-like character.

The surrounding electronic screens are all full of high-level human beings, and their arrogance can be seen through the screen.

Im, for inciting the experimental subjects to rebel, he is now sentenced to go to Laboratory 0 to undergo transformation.

Although he spoke an ancient language, Noah still understood the meaning from his memory.

No, scientific research must have ethical principles. You have entered a forbidden area.

Wild! The whole world is under our rule!

Sure enough, human beings in every era will eventually become like this.

Noah shook his head and turned to look at Im, wanting to see the expression of this giant boy.

Um, where are the people?

What about such a big giant?

Why is there an ordinary young man standing in the position where he looks like a criminal?

The young man gave an impassioned speech.

The huge kingdom will eventually be destroyed by human beings themselves! We must...ah!!

A strong electric current came from the collar, and the boy lost consciousness.

So he is still a decent young man at this time?


Act III.

Several scientists are looking at the data.

And Im was among the crowd of people watching. It seemed that this experimental subject that was about to undergo transformation was a difficult thing to handle.

Im, you are also a well-known genius in the scientific research community. Why did you help those experimental subjects escape?

Qiao, what we are doing is wrong. It is wrong to wantonly experiment on humanoid races.

“But we conquered this land, conquered the infinite sea in the distance, and conquered all races.

Isn’t it just to continue to advance scientific progress?

Are you really promoting science? You just want to become gods.

At this time, an expressionless old man walked in.

Yes, we once regarded Devil Fruit as a gift from God.

The study of fruits has accelerated the pace of science, and it has become clear that the birth of fruits comes from humans.

Now we can even create fruits at will, why can't they be gods?

Science will surely enter the realm of myth.

After saying that, the screen blurred and began to fast forward. The boy named Im experienced endless torture in a short period of time.

And Noah is even more confused, what is the dark history of the hot-blooded boy?

The scene paused again in a laboratory, with a fruit placed in front of the emaciated Im.

Still the same old scientist.

The intelligent race wanted to control the power of fire, so the Burning Fruit was born.

Because I was afraid of and longed for the disaster power of earthquakes, I got the earthquake fruit.

Some people even want to control the power of time and have the time fruit.

Human desire is the most terrifying source in this world. So do you know what the fruit of human beings' most resistant desires will be?

Im's eyes were dull, and the experiments over the past few days had made him miserable and he was on the verge of collapse.

We have guided this root, so we have this one - the Renren Fruit. Ordinary form.

This is a monster born from the emotion that humans fear most and least want, so eat it.

Im obediently ate it, and in addition to being afraid of sea water, he had the power to suppress other devil fruits.

But this ability was not very useful in that era, and technology could do it all.

Until the experiment on combining Devil Fruit with objects achieved a breakthrough, it was listed as the top fusion material.

As long as you give up your own body, you can fuse any weapon.

But without containment measures, the kingdom would not dare to incorporate the seeds of hatred into weapons.

Ordinary weapons are reluctant to part with this top-notch material.

After that, there was another experiment, but it had no effect and he was forgotten.

The scene continues.

This time two teenagers were imprisoned together.

A boy named Joeyboy did the same thing as Im.

He was fed a most useless rubber fruit.

But he is still optimistic, and he never loses his smile even when he is tortured by the experiment.

Hey, just wait, Im. I'll get you out!

After that, the ancient races collectively rioted, and with the help of some forces in the human race, a huge rebellion war was launched.

And Joyboy also took advantage of this and escaped.

Im, unfortunately, was captured and sent back to undergo more brutal experiments.

Only the constant war reports from the outside world could comfort him. It seemed that the kingdom had lost control of many areas due to civil strife.

The rebels on the opposite side created Neptune and Hades.

Two weapons that were about to reach the realm of gods gained the upper hand in the war. For this reason, the huge kingdom was also developing its own weapons, the King of Heaven.

Noah on the side has a big head, and the expansion is a bit abrupt, and this guy is about to turn black.

Then on a dark and stormy night, 20 of the top state controllers came to the laboratory for their desires.

Im, sign the contract. We will worship you as our god.

With no choice, Im was once again pushed to a dead end.

The rebels took him to the King of Heaven. After painful torture, he lost everything, and He was born.

The huge kingdom came to an end with the emergence of three ancient weapons.

Straw Hat, who is cheered by everyone, is a great hero that everyone admires.

The Heavenly King, who is also a great hero, is just a weapon. Looking at the straw hat riding on the back of the Elephant Master, he is still exuding a hearty smile.

That free will and the sound of the drum inspired most people.

Im's heart is filled with pain that is eaten by thousands of ants.

You didn't come to save me, Joey Boy.

Under the bewitchment of the twenty royal families, the real war began.

The king's brazen attack destroyed the final peace.

The war that lasted for decades shattered almost all the continents, turning the infinite land into countless islands.

Several wars that transcended the limits of the world plunged the global magnetic field into chaos and wiped out a large number of lives.

Many ancient races perished in this battle, and those who survived were severely damaged.

Only humanity is victorious as always, no matter which side.

Natural disasters are like toys in the hands of humans, and those with fruit abilities must rely on large troops to act.

It was obviously 800 years ago, but the war was fought like a war in the future.

All kinds of extreme weather converge on a magical channel, directly cutting both sides of the world. This is the Grand Line.

The Red Earth Continent is the only remaining core land, and Mariejoia is also the name of the original huge kingdom.

In the end Im victorious, He sat on the throne and fell into a deep sleep.

The defeated races were all rushed to the new world. The defeated Kozuki clan drove Pluto to build a high wall to isolate themselves from the world. Fishman Island and Neptune dived into the deep sea to survive.

The defeated Joyboy left behind a prophecy of his return and disappeared into Lovedru, a place full of jokes and loneliness.

The twenty kings and their descendants stayed in the Valley of Gods.

In the end, due to Rocks' madness, he moved to the last continental shelf, and the world became like this.

After listening to Noah’s explanation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The pinnacle of technology, human madness, betrayal and hope, victory and defeat.

Noah was deep in thought. If he had the same experience as Im after traveling to that era, I'm afraid the color he would bring to the world might not be red.

Everyone's growth is uncertain, and O'Hara's fire can be regarded as shaping himself.

A hot-blooded and upright young man became an experimental subject, and finally degenerated into a villain. It is really a story that makes people want to curse.

Robin summed it up sharply, the world is so fucked up.

Moreover, the encounter with Joeyboy was also a key node in Im's darkening.

Anyone who sees someone who commits the same crime as himself and escapes to become a hero while he continues to suffer in a cold laboratory will feel resentful.

The body of the human splicing machine is a twisted heart.

Vegapunk nodded, this memory is of great reference value.

The scientific level of the huge kingdom is definitely far ahead of this era.

The unimaginably huge King of Heaven surpasses the existence of the other two ancient weapons.

Moreover, the spliced ​​clones can compete with so many top masters, and were even in a state of crushing them at one point.

It's really scary.

It’s very sad to think about how Seraph, which I worked so hard to create, lost in the first battle.

It's like I thought of an imm, so that's it.

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