Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 892 The Unfinished God-Slaying

He stretched out a hand and pointed it at Garp.

Be careful, your right hand can control your body!

Long, who already had experience in fighting, hurriedly shouted that Im's move would be an instant kill if no one cooperated with him, and he himself fell to this move.

Control? Who doesn't?

The sound of shouting came from further away, and there was not a lot of anger and hatred in it.

boom! ! ! ! !

Blah blah blah blah~~~~

Red raindrops fell from the clouds, and eventually the whole sky was dyed red.

The sound of rivers, lakes and seas flowing appeared in the void, and red waves washed down from the sky.

Countless figures were rising and falling in it, and each one was filled with monstrous anger.

The endless tide instantly flooded the battlefield, and even the hundred-meter-high Im couldn't avoid the impact of the huge waves.

Terrifying pressure squeezed from all directions, and the hot breath made the giant's eyes stagnant for a moment.

Thousands of roars echoed in his mind, and even the gods felt suppressed.



Surprise arose in Im's body for the first time.

How is it possible, he should be in the West Sea.

He is the person who breaks his destiny many times! ! !

Should be killed! ! !

The giant looked at the figure in the void with murderous intent so strong for the first time.

But then he lowered his head, because there was an attack that was too severe to ignore.


This time, the naval hero did not feel the pervasive oppression in the red world.

Instead, I felt the blessing from the world, as if countless people were punching an iron fist together in an invisible place.

The power of thousands of people gathered into his fist, and the sense of endless power made his heart burn.

You monster, die!!!

Exaggerated to the extreme, the fist blasted into the chest of this half-human, half-machine body without any hindrance.

clang! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The purest power was poured into the monster's body, and the black armed color exploded crazily.

In the end, even Garp himself could not bear the terrifying power, and blood blossoms exploded on his arm, with the sound of bones breaking inch by inch.

The legendary power, which even the strongest conjoined warriors cannot withstand, shows how much it exceeds the limit.

The boundaries between humans and gods are easily broken.

Im's chest exploded with a huge gas explosion cloud, and then his body broke the sound barrier and passively smashed into the sea.

The force that broke the sound barrier several times hit the sea surface like a steel plate and made a loud noise. The strong kinetic energy triggered a huge tsunami.


At this moment, the black-haired Garp also has the character of a young man. This blessing beyond the limit allows him to punch beyond the limit at his peak state.

Even though the inside of the arm has been broken countless times, it's so satisfying.

Others were shocked by Mr. Garp's shocking punch, and also surprised by Noah's appearance.

Well, Bucky and the others might be the only ones surprised.

Teacher Nonoa?

Hey, Bucky, good job.

I really wanted to hit someone, so Bucky thought it would be good to kill a division first after killing the enemy.

Before the malice could spread, the scene was interrupted by Im rushing out of the sea.

A huge depression at the boundary of the upper body almost covers the entire chest.

The bones on one side of the giant's body sank, and several huge bone forks were exposed to the air. Blood continued to flow along these sections.

The side of the mechanical body was experiencing a constantly flickering energy flow, as if there was a serious internal problem.

This is also the most serious injury that Im has suffered since the war began. A punch can consume the arm of a person with the strongest physical skills, which is certainly powerful.

Of course, this punch also detonated the damage done by the previous ten top masters, completely breaking the defenses of those who could not see the bottom line.

But he didn't care about this, and stared at the revolutionary light.

Noah, die!*2

Death? Did you make a mistake?

What does the chaotic world rely on! There are so many brothers!

Noah has never had much moral integrity in battle. As long as he can win, he will do anything.

As the leader of a wealthy rebel organization, it would not be too much to give everyone a recovery potion.

After the injection, the injuries all over his body recovered quickly, and even the fatigue was erased.

Then all the strong men looked at the injured god and laughed, and the atmosphere of the villain was immediately filled.

The Thousand-Year Dragon, an ancient creature. It must be wiped out this time.*2

Brothers, chop him to death!

A group of powerful men rushed over with roars.

Noah, on the other hand, held up his own iron bar and slashed at it. The eyes of great swordsmen like Hawkeye were wrong.

At least respect your opponent, he is the god of the world government.

I don't want to either. It will be like this after the recasting. Anyway, it won't affect killing people, so it doesn't matter.

Noah is a pragmatic person. When he discovered that Hedao Yiwen could draw out sharp sword energy after instilling domineering energy, he no longer insisted on opening the front.

This iron bar covered with red cracks is also very powerful and can cut people first.

The sword scratched Im's body with blood marks, which was definitely the top level of the supreme sword.

A group of people fought along Noah's overlord color field. Originally, the ten people were able to draw a short tie with Im, but now they finally had the upper hand after adding the super fierce Mr. Garp and the more powerful Noah.

The blessing of red is no different from the blessing of the world. Human power can do all this.

Just like that, we returned to Mount Hyjal.

Work together to drive Him into the Well of Eternity!


Although I don’t understand, the revolutionary light is the most insidious person.

Ah, no. He is the most resourceful person. As a teammate, you can definitely listen to him.

All kinds of ultimate moves were fired together, blasting Yim downwards.

At the same time, there was a buzzing sound immediately on Mount Hyjal, and the entire island sank into the sea.

The revolutionary army hollowed out the entire mountain and replaced it with its own technological creations, which served as both a place of execution and a prison.

I don’t know how many PhDs have been put into research here in two years. Whether it can be solved depends on this issue.

Even the strong human beings who have fully recovered will only have a slight upper hand. When their physical strength is exhausted, they will still be beaten to death by this monster.

So the only option is to take the last step.

In the end, Im was blasted in before completely sinking into the sea.

Then the mountain turned on the shielding mode. No matter how hard the enemy struggles, they will be unable to break through the blockade in a short period of time.

He persisted despite the violent shaking, even if he could only hold on for a few dozen seconds, it was enough.

Let's retreat quickly!!

After Mount Hyjal sank into the sea, Noah shouted loudly and then turned around and ran away.

This area is still under the control of Im, and the fruit's abilities are stagnant, especially Noah's Gate Fruit.

So I can only run wildly in the air with everyone.

What are we running for?

The Red Earl didn't understand Noah's intention. Although the mountain made by the machine was very powerful, it still couldn't trap Im.

The Well of Eternity is the one that explodes very powerfully.

? understood!

Everyone started to speed up as hard as they could. Noah said that if he was powerful, he was really powerful. You could tell by looking at how fast he ran.

Im also knew this, because the purple light under the lake was so bright that it was dazzling.

Power rock?*2

Boom boom boom boom boom boom! ! ! ! ! !

The entire new world is trembling, and the most primitive kinetic energy burst is almost impossible to defend against.

After the shock wave, mushroom cloud, high temperature, and tsunami had all passed, Noah and others returned to Mount Hyjal.

His face was solemn, because the suppression of devil fruits still existed here.

Everyone is ready, this monster is not dead yet.

Gulu gulu~~~

Sure enough, the water surface began to ripple.

A broken Im flew into the sky again.

With only one hand and the upper half of his body left, Im looked very cold, as if he didn't care about life or death.

This made everyone feel bad. The red-haired man felt some disharmony at the beginning of the war, and now it has been magnified to the extreme.

Congratulations to you, Noah. Congratulations to me too, Im.

! ! !

It was creepy. The voice that spoke at this moment was no longer the weird heavy voice, but a muddy and hoarse voice.

After saying that, the body fell down as if it had completely lost its life.

From Noah's perspective, a white light emerged from it, ready to break through the space and fly away.

He instinctively tried to catch it, but unfortunately, the white light passed through his body and flew out.

And his own consciousness fell into a strange memory.

The sudden change also shocked others. This last strange scene and Noah's fainting cast an irreversible shadow on this battle of killing gods.

And in Mariejoia.

The Five Old Stars knelt before the throne again, and a shadowy figure sat there.

“I am back, which means your god is back.

So, do the descendants of the Twenty Kings have anything to say?

Wulao Xing feels bitter in his heart. This is the result of 900 years of cultivation.

He knelt on the cold floor with his whole body trembling, without any confidence to remain calm.

My lord, the whole world will lie at your feet.

The Neferutari are really a smart family. Let the Don Quixote family come to see them first.


The Five Old Stars staggered out of the temple, and the world would eventually be destroyed.

Noah also woke up in the medical room above Bika.

When I woke up, I saw Robin beating Vegapunk. It seemed that this guy was planning to do something inappropriate.

Long Sengoku looked sad, and Luo and Sabo who were squatting in the corner were very sad.

Is this when I die again?

Wake up! Wake up!

Facing the concerned eyes of everyone, Noah showed a helpless expression.

Maybe we really have to gather everyone's strength to fight the Red Earth again.

Then fight!

The big bosses at this moment all had the same expression, as long as Noah wakes up.

As for the Red Earth Continent itself, it must be conquered by force, and there is no possibility of negotiation between the two parties.

Three dozen Red Earth Continents, tsk tsk~~

There was an update today, so I'm a little late, sorry. Everyone come and support me

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