Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 891 Breaking into the battlefield!

Only the World Government can afford the funding for the navy in the whole ocean. With so many people trying to chew the horse, is he crazy for having separate bases?

Wait for the revolutionary army!

Revolutionary Army! ! !

Does the Revolutionary Army have money? They are so rich. It is said that there are many profitable industries all over the sea.

Do the revolutionary army have the courage? They have too much. From the first day this organization was established, it was against the world government.

The five people looked at each other with murderous intent. If Nanhai really accepted it, it would be a big trouble.

It may be a fact scarier than One Piece.

But they were incompatible with each other before. How could it happen that Pioneer Island was like that? ! ! !

The pressure like a violent storm was put on this little rookie intelligence officer. The huge pressure made people almost suffocate.

The navy has sent troops from all over the world to attack the royal city. Together with the revolutionary army, they are overthrowing the rule of the world government, sir!

It turned out to be the revolutionary army! ! !

A thick pile of materials was presented, and Wu Laoxing suppressed the anger in his heart and looked through it.

Let's put aside the letters asking for help from those countries. Let these people die, it doesn't matter at all.

The intelligence from cp0 to cp9 was what dealt them a heavy blow.

The navy's sixteen vice-admiral-level fleet groups set off and have not returned yet. After cleaning up the internal CP department, they suppressed all countries in the paradise stage, hindered shipping, and stopped all operations outside the Holy Land.

Peach Rabbit, Tea Dolphin, White Hunter, and Luo Nandi led the Four Seas Branch to conquer the World Government's participating countries and put the king and nobles on trial.

During this period, the four major commanders and cadres of the revolutionary army assisted

The king of the Principality of Mawson was hanged, the eldest prince

The king and queen of the Western Ti Kingdom were hanged

Kingdom of Goa Kingdom Hanging

The long list attached to the back is written in blood-red handwriting, and they are basically all members of the world's franchised countries.

If these countries were marked on a map, the entire world would almost become the same color during the Four Seas stage.

Revolutionary Army.Navy

An internal review was carried out and the new generation of the navy was dispatched to the four seas for polishing.

The revolutionary army launched rebellions all over the world, so Supernova was sent to help suppress them.

The paradise stage was unstable, so the entire fleet of the Vice Admiral went out to clear the sea.

Wow~~~ It’s really a well-planned rebellion, very orderly.


Taking a deep breath, Wulaoxing became particularly calm.

Where's Malinvando?

Marinfando. No information has been leaked.


The intelligence officer exploded into a mass of flesh and blood fireworks on the spot, and Wulaoxing no longer wanted to hear any more information.

The blood and organs were mixed together with the broken champagne on the ground, and they were indistinguishable.

The information in his hand was cut into countless tiny scraps of paper and remained in the air.

ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Terrifying murderous intent raged crazily in this conference room, and Wulao Xing's eyes were bloodshot.

Im's failure to return put too much psychological pressure on them, and now they have experienced the mentality of the worst person in the world - betrayal! ! !

No! But! Forgive me!

After saying that, Wulaoxing had disappeared from the conference hall.

Five terrifying auras rushed down the Red Continent and headed straight for Malinfando with a determined murderous intent.

Why are you still sitting in charge? Im has not come back and the navy has rebelled. Does this holy place in the world still need anyone to guard it?

No, nothing is needed.

The strong wind howled in the ears, the white clouds were left behind, and the owner of power lost his daily calmness.

Five top masters are going to defeat the Navy Headquarters today.

What they need is to vent their anger and punish the betrayers.

Kizaru! ! ! ! ! !

This naval marshal who was trusted by them dared to fool himself and others like this. He must be cut into pieces!


At their speed, they arrived under the Red Earth Continent in just a few minutes, and preparations for battle were already made.

But before I even got close, I felt something was wrong. It was too quiet here.

There is not a single warship in the port, which is very abnormal.

Even if a large number of soldiers were dispatched to the four seas, even if the lieutenants took away all the fleet and elites.

There are always personnel left behind at the headquarters, and supplies that go out are always transported by ship.

Marinefando is a purely military fortress, without any production resources.

The result. Now the huge fortress has turned into a war shape and been blocked, and the port is empty.

No wonder no news came out. After this mode is turned on, in order to prevent the big pirate from escaping, it cannot be escaped until it is lifted.

This is obviously a war model reshaped for the Golden Lion Incident, and it is just standing on the sea so peacefully today.

The huge justice on the headquarters building seems to be mocking the incompetence of the world government.

Falling on the road of Malinfando, the five old stars looked at the empty headquarters and felt uneasy.

There are traces of battle everywhere, and there is a lot of blood.

Some World Government spies lying in the ruins still had expressions of disbelief in their eyes.

Yes, they would never have thought that the entire Navy would rebel and abandon their headquarters.

What a ridiculous speculation this must be.

The muscles and bones over there were broken by Garp's punch.

The one with no scars on his body is the crane's fruit power.

The one that was hammered into a puddle was from the Warring States Period. It can be seen that they were in a hurry.

Yes, otherwise the attack wouldn't be so rough.

After walking around, there were almost no living people. The changes at the Navy Headquarters made Wulaoxing's mood even more explosive.

There is no outlet for venting, this group of marines has done an incredible job.

They pulled out a phone bug, which was directly connected to the Admiral.

They will not contact them directly for non-major incidents, but will send people to the headquarters to issue orders.

This is the majesty of the world government, and even the navy marshal is not qualified to communicate directly.

But now.

Brumbulu, brumuru.

Unfortunately it didn't get through.

Of course, no one picked it up. The current Admiral has been beaten into a dog in the New World.

Kizaru touched his empty right arm and felt helpless. If he had known better, he might as well have continued fishing at his headquarters.

As for the ringing of the phone bug, I couldn't hear it at all, and there was still blood in my ears.

Wulaoxing found out another secret phone bug, the holder of it was Warring States.

Brumbulu, brumuru.


It's really brave that I can still get through.

Sengoku. Why? Don't talk to me about bullshit justice!!!

Wulao Xing questioned the other party angrily, choking the phone to death.

Maybe it's for that bullshit justice you talk about?

What did the Revolutionary Army give you?

Um, gave me a job.

The five old stars looked at each other.

You will regret it.*5

The call was hung up and they returned to Marigio.

The course of this world has completely spiraled out of control overnight.

In this case, all that's left is to accept your destiny.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, Warring States looked a little helpless as he hung up the phone.

They didn't believe it.

You should have said it was for ambition, and they would have believed it.

Just like they don't understand why the revolutionary army would do such a thing now, but we are just doing it.

Noah murmured easily, then turned to look at the two doctors and a large amount of historical texts.

I'll leave it to you two here. I have to rush to the New World to attend a friend's gathering. If I don't go, someone will probably be beaten to death.

The battle situation there must be very difficult, and Im's data has been estimated based on the intelligence constantly sent back by the revolutionary army.

How should I put it? It is indeed not a human being.

There are many skills that can instantly kill a general. Fortunately, the personnel are well prepared, otherwise Bucky would have been wiped out long ago.

However, this doctor's eyes are so weird, are all the people who have been beyond the sea 500 years so perverted?

It turned out that since rescuing people from Egghead Island, Begapunk had looked at Noah with a strange look in his eyes, full of desire for knowledge.

We must come back alive. I will give you a physical examination then.


Noah smiled awkwardly and didn't know what to say. Why was this Vegapunk different from what Long said.

Quickly lead the people to open the door and retreat, leaving the perverted scientist alone.

Everyone is pressed for time.

Why are you so interested in Noah?

Dr. Tsukimi doesn't understand. Is this child a pervert imprisoned by the world government?

Don't you think he's weird? That unique soul band is really wonderful.

It is different from all the samples I studied.

Vegapunk looked at the place where Noah disappeared and said something that no one understood. The data he inadvertently collected while on Egg Head Island was very unusual.

There is a reason why the Gate Fruit cannot be liberated.

Then I invested in the historical text renovation project, and I have plenty of time to study Noah.

Time flies by in an instant, and by the time Noah and his people arrive in the new world, it will be the most dangerous time of the battle.

Ten of the top masters in the sea were all exhausted and were scattered in all directions by Im.

The lucky ones are Baki, who has dozens of broken bones in his body and can still be alive and kicking. The less lucky ones are Kizaru, who is missing arms and legs.

The worst thing is that a strong man like Long was beaten until he couldn't see his human form. It was too tragic.

There will be battle attrition soon, and there will be no way to save them.

Seeing the huge monster in the distance about to kill him, Noah grabbed a person from the space and threw him out.

Go ahead! The decision is yours!

Huh? You~~~!

The dragging naval hero is forced to join the battle!

He originally planned to scold the grandson, but when he saw his son's miserable condition, the old man became furious and transformed in the air.

The strongest physical skill is to control every detail of your body, even the metabolism of your cells!

Life is returned!

The sense of danger in Garp, who turned into a black-haired macho man as if he turned back time, skyrocketed.

In addition to his muscles and bones, even his hair turned into long hair in an instant, making him look handsome and handsome.

Iron Fist!!!

The huge fluctuations during the charging period attracted Im's attention. The fluctuations in the power that distorted the space in the air were appalling.


Im rarely recognized a human being, but it's a pity that he will die if he comes!

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