Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 890 The navy rebelled? !

Mount Hyjal erupted in a wave that destroyed the world.

God vs Man.

Ten extremely powerful men risked their lives to fight around Im, and everyone was touching their upper limit.

In order to keep up with the rhythm of the battle and the pressure between life and death, everyone's strength is also increasing rapidly.

Especially One Piece, which still has a lot of room for improvement.

I have to say that Bucky is a very lucky guy. After being promoted to the top master, his fighting starting point is very high.

The first battle is against Nika, and the second battle is against Im.

And every time, he is in the C position of the audience, and the hatred is even more stable.

There were so many comrades who could help him in the battle, and he finally survived the initial fierce battle.

The price he paid was just a life and death, and that Im was targeting him.

Not just Bucky, everyone found out.

This so-called creator's disgust for Bucky is very obvious, and no matter how he attacks, he will deliberately add some force to the red-nosed man.

He didn't notice it at first, which led to the Pirate King almost falling as soon as he ascended the throne.

Except for Bucky, who had a miserable life because of being targeted, everyone else also had a miserable life.

Im's power is really all-round.

The suppression of the fruit's ability has more or less affected powerful people like Long.

Even though Noah had practiced physical skills and other aspects in advance, his attack methods were still lacking.

After all, as elegant as a dragon, it can't fly and stumbles to death, so it is better to restore the previous airborne combat mode.

The battle between a group of people starts with a battle of life and death. Of course, Im will beat the other person to life and beat the other person to death.

After all, he has countless opportunities to make mistakes, but the person opposite him will die every time.

The battlefield is no longer limited to Mount Hyjal. There are battlefields within hundreds of sea miles surrounding here.

Fortunately, the revolutionary army had already completed the evacuation work, otherwise the nearby creatures would have faced a catastrophic natural disaster.

Typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, flames, meteorites, sword energy, shock waves, and impacts.

All kinds of natural disasters and fist, wind and sword energy are powerful enough to destroy a city or a country.

The torrent of destruction released by Yimu can even destroy the foundation of the island with one blow. There is almost nothing in the material world that can block God's attack.

After a fierce battle for a long time, everyone's physical strength was rapidly depleted, but the opponent still looked calm and composed.

He also ignored the wounds on his body, as if they had no impact on him.

It's really strong.

Another great swordsman was knocked out. The ultra-high speed of the battle prevented the injured strongman from taking a rest.

After shaking his slightly distracted brain, his eagle-like pupils returned to focus.

That shot just now really almost killed me again.

There was a shallow crack on the black knife in Hawkeye's hand. If it hadn't been for the material of the supreme sharp knife, both the man and the sword would have died under the blow.

Damn it, why would a half-human, half-machine monster have such superb swordsmanship?

Of course, he also left a wound on Im's body, but it was not as high as Bucky's damage. This made the world's greatest swordsman confused.

But looking up, Im's body has been filled with a lot of scars intermittently, but it has achieved some results.

But there is still a chance to reverse the situation, otherwise they will die.

These ten strong men have given up on the method of war of attrition.

It's been a whole day, but the opponent's physical strength is still bottomless. And after they used countless ultimate moves, they already felt that more than half of them were consumed.

It’s really a bit despairing. Haha.

After spitting out a mouthful of old blood, Hawkeye rushed forward again, wielding the black knife.

The dragon was even more miserable. In the eyes of the gods, the raging storm was nothing more than a breeze blowing on his face, without even the slightest defensive posture.

Only by letting go of physical skills can I achieve some results.

His cloak had been torn into tatters by sword waves, and even his hair was cut to look like his father's.

The leader of Xiaopingtou's revolutionary army was very dissatisfied and helpless.

Not here yet?

Although I knew I had to follow the plan, the overwhelming pressure was constantly compressing my psychological defenses.

Long, who was a little anxious, could only grit his teeth and fight hard. The breaker had not yet come.

Wait, wait.


The redhead's face was heavy.

The effect of his special move is a bit pitiful. His own face fruit cannot be activated, and the opponent's face is bigger than him.

Predict future? useless.

He couldn't see any future for this monster, so he took action without any warning.

There is no need for movement deception and there is no change of direction. It is fast, strong and unstoppable.

The so-called prediction is not as effective as the intuition of the strong, and the threat of death is the greatest aid.

It seems that there is no core of will in that body, and the actions are arbitrary.

Kill on sight? He has no sense of color, so kill him with a hammer.

Trying your best to survive is just a matter of scraping. At any rate, his special move still caused the enemy to bleed.

For some reason, the red-haired man always felt that this Im seemed to be deliberately fighting everyone here.

Did the bloody God have no panic at all except anger?

The current battle situation is a very strangely balanced situation. Maybe Im has some stronger cards, but for now it is indeed maintained in this state.

The top ten masters are fighting with their lives. Based on the current situation, it is estimated that someone will die in half a day.

The killing here was lawless, and the Red Earth Continent fell into extreme panic.

Wulaoxing's mood collapsed.

Master Im is gone?

How long has it been? Why haven't you come back yet?

This is impossible! It's not just like the one in Xihai that just wiped out the pirate king and returned to the throne, but

Something happened? !

Sir~! ! Where have you been?

The Five Old Stars understood that Yimu’s special characteristics could not be described by simple gods at all.

What is involved here is the fate of the entire sea, and even the lives of himself and others.

The longer I waited, the more cold sweat broke out, and this unprecedented situation made me feel more and more unsure.

Is there such a situation in 800 years?

No, not even once.

Mount Hyjal looks like a trap. It's scary that Bucky can take out Nika's man.

No trap can stop Im's return, not even the end of the era.

Continue to wait?

Keep waiting.

What if the worst happens?

Then let's destroy this world together.

The Five Old Stars walked out of the temple with sad faces. This time they did not call Lord Im, but directly called Im.

The implications of this are intriguing.

When I first came out, I saw that the whole holy land was in a mess with running guards everywhere, even CP0 was among them.

what happens?

Sir, someone has sneaked into the Holy Land and stolen items and is now being hunted.


Wu Laoxing was a little angry. How could something be stolen in Marie Joa!

Everyone in the Holy Land has been strictly vetted, and their family background and background are the most loyal lackeys of the World Government.

Theft of things means that the Holy Land is no longer safe and can be stolen or killed.

The value of the Celestial Dragons is extremely important at this point in time, and what happened before cannot happen again.

The five people who were already upset became even more angry, and an unprecedented unfortunate feeling was born in their hearts.

You know, they haven't had this kind of emotion for a long time after standing on the top of the world.

They are all incompetent. If this group of people has the mobility of those lunatics in Nanhai, why should we worry!

What was lost?

The text of history.

History text?!

What was stolen were the huge historical texts. This was not an easy thing to steal.

Users with devil fruit abilities have infiltrated into the Holy Land. They are really audacious!

And you need special abilities to do it, but why you want to steal the historical text is a question.

The Five Old Stars are so familiar with the words above that they don't care at all.

They are just the barking of some losers, and the content was given to the Pirate Alliance many years ago.

The hard stones on the body are even more useless.

How many pieces were lost?



A deep malice enveloped the Holy Land.

Being able to steal the entire historical text here, the things here are far more terrible than losing other things.

After calling CP0's remaining deputy commander to hunt him down, Wulaoxing returned to the conference hall.

It's been a troubled time, and this matter is certainly not simple.

One Piece, Im, is it related to the loss of the historical text?

I always feel like there's a behind-the-scenes person behind everything that's happened recently.

I also feel this way. The last time was before Pioneer Island. Numerous coincidences led to South China Sea independence.

So this time.

Probably not. Noah is dead. No one has the ability to do this. It might be an accident.

After saying something that he didn't even believe, Wu Laoxing fell into silence.

It's okay. I've been here for so many years and it will eventually pass.

Yes, I don't believe there is other bad news.

Wulaoxing, who was enjoying the misery, said that he had to be strong and also asked someone to clean up the champagne on the floor.

Without their order, most people would not dare to come in for cleaning.

At this time, the new intelligence officer came to report the situation tremblingly. His previous old boss had just ran away, so he could only bite the bullet and take over.


He knelt directly on the ground, his body shaking in panic.

Lord Wulaoxing~~~The navy rebelled!!!

Well, the navy rebelled?!!!

Do you know what you are going to say!!!

The five old men stood up in a flash, looking like evil ghosts!

In the past, this was a fact that would not have been believed at all, but today, when things happened one after another, I instinctively believed it.

Otherwise, there would be no thunderous wrath.

Does Kizaru really dare to risk the disapproval of the world and lead the navy to rebel?

Besides, no matter where they go, they will have the courage to accept these people.

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