Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 889 Tell me, does God bleed?

Chapter 889 Tell me, does God bleed?

This Pirate King is trustworthy at all times.

Will he rail against the world government? Or send a signal to fight? Or tell me how you target your enemy?

Everyone is looking forward to it.

No one!! understands fear better than me!

ah? What kind of speech is this?

They are all on their own, and Bucky is not as fierce and domineering as he pretended to be before, shouting loudly what he is proud of.

The redhead wanted to cover his face when he heard this. What kind of devilish remarks did his friend make? Is this guy twitching again?

Long was also a little embarrassed. He was one of his own and had been to a boot camp, so why...

However, despite the trouble, the action was still unambiguous.

The white light advanced forward at a steady and slow speed, firmly hitting behind a certain layer of obstacle avoidance.

Crash, clatter, as if the sound of a broken mirror reached my ears, the enemy appeared!

Long's eyes shrank for a moment, and the broken obstacle avoidance looked familiar.

But this matter was not important for the moment. The next second he saw the true appearance of the enemy, he felt confused.

Is this the Creator?

As the mirror shattered, Im's true appearance was revealed!

How could this happen? How could it be like this?

The so-called gods are also humanoid creatures but they are hundreds of meters tall. However, the height is not enough to make people amazed. At least Oz is much bigger than this so-called creator.

What's even more surprising is that the so-called god in front of him is not a real human being.

But it is obviously an unknown creation!

Half of the body is a human body. It is indistinguishable from male to female but has a beautiful face. It is holy and noble and carries the best thoughts in everyone's heart.

Half of the body is the body of the machine, and the silver-white lines are soft and smooth. Energy of various colors swims on the mechanical body, magnificent like a microcosm of the future world.

But this is a mixture of carbon-based and silicon-based life mixtures.

Yes, it's a mix.

They are very abruptly spliced ​​together with the middle as the dividing line, as if a child randomly cut off a toy and then glued it on.

It's weird and scary, but it also has a bit of a sacred and noble atmosphere.

It makes people intoxicated no matter which side they see, and also makes everyone who sees the front feel chilled in their hearts.

The only harmonious thing is the pair of red double eyes.

There is no concealment of the indifference and arrogance belonging to a superior creature, and there is no change at all due to the reveal of the true appearance.

There seemed to be ten short humans across from the strange-looking creature.

How is this possible?

Why does the creator behind the world government that has ruled the world for 800 years take such a stance?

The strong men imagined the appearance of many gods, which were either as huge as mountains, and when they moved, the earth shook, the mountains shook, the sun and the moon lost light.

Or it is a heterogeneous form, with wings, fangs, and the like that are consistent with the appearance of gods in myths and legends.

Because gods are higher than human beings in the story, even these strong men recognize it in their hearts.

The existence that can make the world government the ultimate support has made countless psychological preparations.

In the past few years, the revolutionary army even secretly collected various legends about gods and spirits on the sea.

After all, the source of many ancient myths is the combination of human senses and supernatural phenomena.

For example, there is a legend about Neptune in a certain sea area, and he is actually somewhat similar to the Mermaid Princess.

Even the legend of Hades is very similar.

The various information they were trying to decrypt were already familiar to the top brass of the Revolutionary Army. The only thing they didn't expect was such a mixture.

This subversion of the inherent impression was difficult for everyone to accept for a while.

Such a gesture has nothing to do with mythology in any way, more like a dark fairy tale.

Although the other party still exudes a power that scares them. Although his own fruit ability is still suppressed.

But after getting rid of the unknown, everyone's hearts calmed down.

And Im's blood-red eyes felt particularly ridiculous looking at the different expressions of the people below.

Do you think gods should be as you define them?*2

The two mixed voices were neither male nor female nor old nor young, and they were transmitted to everyone's ears.

The cold mechanical sound and the pleasant human voice make people's heads swell, which makes people feel so uncomfortable.

So ugly.

The most powerful one is indeed the Pirate King. It is said that the legend that the Pirate King cannot live on the sea is true.

Bucky inadvertently spoke out what everyone was thinking. He had never seen such an uncoordinated strong man.

Whether human beings or machines, it seems that no matter how they evolve, everyone will move closer to a harmonious beauty.

But the so-called creator in front of him didn't have that sense of perfection at all. It was more like a failed experiment that was forcibly pieced together.

Whether it is a perfect mechanical body or a holy human body, if they are put together forcefully, the feeling of yearning will be lost.

After hearing Bucky's comments, Im felt a rare anger because of Complement's humanity.

“Shouldn’t it be humans who are ugly?”*2

After saying that, he took action directly.

The ants in front of me have seen the true form of the god, and it’s time to return to the embrace of death with honor.


A giant human hand grabbed him from the sky, and the target was Bucky.

Well, even gods have preferences, and this Pirate King should be the first to be sent to the underworld.

The locked Bucky froze completely motionless, his fruit ability completely silenced, and his will began to fight with his body in an attempt to regain control.

I don't understand what kind of power this is and why it can control the body of a top powerhouse in an instant.

If there were only one or two strong men, today's battle might be over.

It's a pity that there are too many God-Slaying people here today!

After Long gained his energy, he hit Bucky with a dragon claw fist.

Let the pirate king let out a miserable howl and fly out of the range locked by the giant hand.

D? A bad joke*2

The mechanical arm on the other side of Im was raised in the air, drawing endless energy from nowhere to illuminate the sea area, and the blue sun descended on the world.

Human, please please me~~*2

The aria of the mechanical sound makes people feel chilled to the bone, and the aria of the human voice makes people feel hot and crazy.

This is the beginning of the war between humans and gods.

Just like when Noah was destroyed, the star cluster composed of a huge stream of blue particles made people despair. Then the blue star cluster turned into a vast ocean and fell in the sky.

This is a wave that is far more powerful than the real sea, and the equal force of destruction pushes against all the strong men.

But this is not O'Hara of the West Sea, nor the exhausted Akainu and Noah, but 10 peerless strong men at their peak.


Someone was laughing wildly, one, two, three, and then all the strong men were laughing.

Im! You didn't disappoint us either!*10

How much inferior is the arrogance of the strong to that of the gods?

Let me wait to please you monster? Let’s wait until you can survive!

The three great swordsmen, red-haired Hawkeye Rayleigh, took a step forward.

The three great swordsmen who were not restrained by the power of the fruit began to go crazy. Excluding Noah, they were the strongest representatives of swordsmanship currently known in the sea.

The three sword lights that exerted all their strength reflected the three people's determination to kill the gods.

This is a god. Which great swordsman would not have the idea of ​​​​killing a god.

Because everything in the world cannot escape the fate of being cut off, only God is worthy of the challenge.

They are lucky. Those famous swordsmen in the past era, such as Shigetsuki Ryoma and others, did not have this opportunity at all, and could only grow old immersed in regrets.

The sword's light surged without limit, and the sword's path that was indestructible mixed with will served as an arrow to charge today.

It is just a routine operation to divide the sea and cut the waves with one knife, even if it is a vast ocean of particle flow.

Following closely behind were two strong men in physical skills, Jinbei and Zefa.

The solid strength in his body is used throughout his body to resist the wave of destruction with human power.

Stand still, take a deep breath, and then open your stance, the pure power on your fists is contracting.

We just need Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler! ! !

The white power channel with unlimited combos and the enemy's attacks begin to fight without stopping. Such hearty punching is really enjoyable!

With the power of five people, they blocked the blue torrent.

The remaining five fruit ability users also use their own abilities to change the battlefield and contain the opponent's power.

After a few rounds of fighting, with the abilities of these monsters who are incredibly rich in combat experience, they have figured out the rules of Im's fruit restrictions.

There is also a limit to how much the opponent can suppress the fruit user, unless they specifically target it like when they want to feel Bucky's feelings.

Under normal circumstances, it only delays the activation time of the fruit, and cannot even limit the intensity.

What's more, even if these strong men don't use their abilities, they are still peerless strong men with no shortcomings.

In this case, let's start the vigorous battle to kill the gods.

Lightning storms, long rivers of blood, blazing sun, falling meteorites from the sky, and the power of decomposition all blasted towards the body of the god.

The all-out attacks of the strong men can wipe out almost everything in the world, but this is still not enough for Im.

Both the human body and the mechanical body can ignore elemental damage. Only the kinetic energy and some special powers that come with it cannot be shielded.

He just stood there and faced the human counterattack without dodging.

What are gods? Gods have the greatest power, the fastest speed, the strongest defense, and the longest lifespan. They dare to be called the Creator because they surpass all human beings.


A dazzling bright light erupted, and a huge shock wave interrupted all attacks.

White gas explosion clouds steamed up, terrifying heat radiated outward from the core, and the entire new world seemed to be trembling.

Even when fighting in the air, the aftermath caused Mount Hyjal to drop dozens of meters.

That's the only way? Humans.*2

The eerie and sacred sound had no ups and downs.

A hundred-meter-tall humanoid creature floated out from the core of the explosion, carrying a billowing heat wave.


Raise your fist and smash it down.

The terrifying shock wave blasted out beyond everyone's imagination.

With just a simple punch, Zefa and Jinbe's taijutsu, which they were proud of, were crushed by each other.

Damn it, why is this power so strong!

The two of them were directly blasted hundreds of meters into the sea, their blood burst out, and they had countless broken bones.

This is taijutsu.

Again, one hand was in the shape of a knife, raised and then chopped down.

The huge sword energy was so sharp that it could cut through space and struck at the three great swordsmen.

Clang! ! !

The three people's weapons blocked the sword energy together.

Dazzling sparks flashed crazily at the collision point, and the three magic weapons screamed.

Cutting iron, breathing, will, all the qualities that a great swordsman should possess are exactly the same in this sword energy, and they are even stronger.

The combined efforts of several people were still pushed several hundred meters away, until the sword energy collapsed on its own.

After stopping, the hands of the great swordsmen were trembling. Countless rays of sword energy passed through their bodies, leaving bloodstains on them, and their aura dropped sharply.

This is the way of the sword.

All the ten strong men were defeated with a single gesture. But Im didn't seem to use all his strength.

In 800 years, the gods will also progress.*2


Im still looked at the so-called strong men who were repelled calmly.

The same thing was tried 800 years ago by more powerful people, but they all failed.

Only He sits eternally on the throne of void.

At this time, a strange man interrupted the Creator's immersive pretense.

You're bleeding, monster.

The Pirate King seemed to be unable to feel this despair and said it lightly.

It's just the despair of not being able to beat the opponent, it's not as painful as making up lessons on the Island of Resurrection.


Im felt a crack in the human half of him. Was it falling apart?

He reached out and touched the red liquid and fell into silence.

Then the sense of danger surged, and the so-called Creator seemed angry.

You! How dare you!*2

Tell me, does God bleed?

The Pirate King, who is not afraid of death, once again used his interrupting skills to directly carry the entire audience!

If you want to show off, ask me, Uncle Bucky, if he will answer!

The furious Im looked up and was suddenly interrupted for a moment.

Malice, unconcealed malice surrounded himself.

Kill Him! Cut Him to death! Blow him up! Crush His head!

For a long, long time, no human being has been able to express such primitive thoughts to himself.

The ten ants in front of him looked at him as if they were prey, and the malice in their eyes was so naked.

God, are you ready?

The war has officially begun!

It's a waste of time. Please support me. I can basically finish the pirate chapter in five days (can't guarantee it). Start the next chapter.

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