Mount Hyjal no longer had the hustle and bustle of the past two days.

All the scientific research troops and the new generation of the revolutionary army have evacuated here.

Their tasks have been completed, and the rest is left to the highest.

Even Noah had no confidence in facing the gods, so these fires were temporarily dispersed, and it was meaningless to lose them here.

Even Luffy was temporarily sent away. If...if they failed, at least there was still one option that wasn't the worst.

It was exceptionally peaceful except for the dirty bloodstains and collapsed rocks.

The smell of war and smoke seemed to have never appeared before.

It's as calm as an ordinary large island.

But the humming sound kept lingering in the depths of the mountain, and then quickly fell silent, and the entire mountain entered a state of dormancy.

Im here!

Bucky issued a warning, a premonition ability he gained after tearing apart the illusory world.

Then everyone knew that the One had finally arrived!

Suddenly squeezed into this world, without any prelude.

Dong Dong~~Dong Dong~~Dong Dong~~Dong Dong~~

His eyes opened uncontrollably, and the blood rushed to the internal organs of the body at high speed under the squeeze of the heart.

Fear spread throughout Mount Hyjal like a tide.

Such emotions should not appear in the hearts of these people who are still on the mountain.

Bucky, red hair, Hawkeye, Rayleigh, Red Earl, these are the people on the surface.

There are also dragons, Jinbei, Fujitora, Zefa, and Kizaru in the dark.

These ten top masters are all peerless strong men standing at the pinnacle of the sea. They have been ruthless men who have fought in the flames of war throughout their lives.

This kind of power can be said to be the greatest in the sea. There is no battle that can bring together so many strong men.

Even in the battle of Pioneer Island, it was far behind. This kind of power was enough to accomplish great things that countless people could only dream of accomplishing.

It seems that only the gods are worthy of being enemies with these monsters, and when the gods really arrive...

At this moment, I actually felt a fresh sense of powerlessness.

Every cell in the body is filled with fear, how incredible this is.

As domineering as red hair, as arrogant as the Red Earl, and as sharp as the eyes of an eagle, he cannot control his body's instincts.

The suppression of ordinary creatures by superior creatures has appeared in many strong men for a long time.

It's not the gaze that only targeted the target last time, but the full range of terror and oppression.

The thought of looking at an ant was equally transmitted to everyone on the island.

Just looking at it brought great terror.

It turns out you were right.

Many strong men who have never experienced it are filled with fear and recall what the revolutionary army said.

There are actually monsters that surpass the general level, and they are far beyond them.

He suppressed his instinct and looked at the sky but found no enemy.

There was only a small group of dark clouds dripping into the blue sky like ink.

In the blink of an eye, the entire sky was quickly blackened, and it spread faster and faster, covering hundreds of sea miles near Mount Hyjal.

It's not the fierce and domineering sky change of Overlord Color, but the indifference of the gods casually covering the sky.

As the dark clouds lower, it's as if the gods are about to step into the human world.

There was no lightning or thunder, only dead silence, and an invisible and immaterial force shrouded the place.

The eyes of the strong men glowed red, searching for the existence behind the dark clouds.

How can this be!

There is no material found high in the sky.

Is it possible that the so-called Im is an invisible thing, or exists at infinite heights?

The first step for the strong men is not to withstand such a high-latitude blow, but to find the enemy.

However, everyone did the same thing before finding the enemy.

boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! boom!

Ten earth-shaking auras spurted out and shot straight into the sky.

There is an indestructible fist intention, a sword intention that is indestructible, a bright light that shines brightly, a blood-dark silence, an ever-changing wind, a turbulent ocean tide, and a will that shatters everything.

fear? Overcoming fear is what the strong like to do most.

How can a guy who doesn't know anything deserve to suppress me?

This sense of oppression actually caused a huge wave of emotions among this group of strong men who had already found it difficult to find opponents.

First there was anger, anger towards the enemy for provoking them all at the same time.

And my body is actually afraid, what a shame.

Then comes excitement, excitement at the presence of a powerful enemy.

How lucky it is to be able to fight against a strong man who has clearly surpassed everyone's upper limit.

Which swordsman wouldn't want to chop down the so-called gods? The joyous cry of Black Blade Night echoed on Mount Hyjal, Griffin's fiery fire almost ignited the red-haired clothes, and the strong aura of death on Rayleigh's big sword was like We have reached the underworld.

The undisguised murderous intention burst into the void, and the sharp sword energy was constantly exploring this coveted prey - the Creator.

And which taijutsu master wouldn't want to blow the Creator's dog's head off? Zefa and Jinbe's aura was unimaginable, and their belief in killing Him was so simple and unpretentious.

Not to mention the revolutionary army, their eyes were all shining.

This is a shortcut, a shortcut to overturning the old world.

If the gods behind the world government can be killed here, everything will be over.

There will be no turmoil in the world, no loss of life, and no world crisis.

Nanhai can calmly transform the world, and the burning flames will have no hindrance.

There is also revenge, which is an emotion unique to Bucky. He is still thinking about revenge for Teacher Noah.

Let’s talk about this after finishing this.

So in addition to fear, there is also an urge to tremble!

Ten wild momentums rushed into the clouds and stirred the sky, and vortexes of large and small sizes appeared in the sky.

The dark clouds made a cracking sound as they were overwhelmed, and dots of light came out from behind the scenes.

Maybe the gods behind the scenes were not really prepared to face so many human beings, so the shields laid out casually could not stop the powerful men from spying on the gods.

Above the clouds, red eyes looked at the struggles of the ants under their feet, and they were slightly fluctuating.

Im felt the power of the era that was running rampant.

After arriving at Mount Hyjal, I planned to wipe out the island and sink my will to resist into the deep sea, just as I had done for hundreds of years.

Maybe the guy named Bucky will have a little resistance, just like the light some time ago.

After all, even the Creator would take a high look at a Straw Hat who could defeat him in this era.

The meaning of Nika cannot be described simply as powerful.

Just like Xihai, he uses a high level to suppress the thoughts of all sentient beings, and then uses particle flow to completely wipe out the entire island.

This was true 2 years ago, and it was true 300 and 700 years ago. Life has always been just a number in His eyes.

Im immediately locked onto the Pirate King Bucky.

There was a feeling about him that made Him very disgusted. It seemed that he had done something that was contrary to the sea, history, time and era.

You can clearly feel a kind of resentment hovering on Hong Nose's body, which can only be seen from his own perspective.

Even more infuriating than Joey Boy.

This reminded Im of the feeling of seeing Noah for the first time. He was the kind of fish that slipped through the net and refused to succumb to fate and fate.

Why are there still people who break fate?

So he decided to simply erase this man and this island and this history.

The battle of the times is just the moment when he meets his destined opponent, and the final victory will only belong to him.

This is a historical reincarnation after 800 years, and no one can interrupt this process.


It is a bit beyond expectation that so many humans with some strength will gather here.

No powerful person's energy source can escape his own detection, and this is not something that can be compared with some ridiculous knowledge.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Such energy fluctuations have never been seen even in more than 800 years of history.

The last time I saw such a scene was during the Hundred Years War.

A magnificent sea war, giant airships covering the sky, thousands of super giant biological weapons in the sea, and core energy that can destroy the world.

Living beings were wiped out in droves, the world was reduced to a state of tatters, and even I...

But I won that year too.

Im still calmly allowed these people to ambush him. In the eyes of God, no matter how hard the ants struggled, they would only have the same result.

Under the gaze of these eyes, the so-called strong man was still as pitiful as a little insect, and even his body was trembling.

Of course, this time it cannot be as smooth as erasing the revolutionary lights.

After all, there are 10 Transcendents gathered together, and their combat power has reached a critical value.

Then let's eliminate some unlucky guys first.

Something happened before the particle flow started. The ants didn't care about their body's fear at all and instead started an active attack.

This is different from the humans of the past.

Those ten auras penetrated the dark clouds like ten sharp swords.


In the constant recovery over the years, more and more of His humanity has returned.

This is what those pigs on the red earth fear, and it is also the pace at which He is about to break free from the shackles.

Since you want to resist the gods, let me see your courage.

Perhaps only when they exert all their strength and then are crushed by an irresistible force, that kind of despair will be the dessert that the gods like.

Aren’t the so-called gods such boring creatures? Just like 800 years ago!

After Hawkeye and others exploded with momentum, they broke through the sky again, but they still couldn't see where the so-called Im was.

The boundary between gods and humans is not so easy to cross, because the enemy's breath cannot be felt at all.

But one person out of 10 is special. That's Bucky.

The strong sense of crisis once again stimulated his instincts, and the power of the split fruit in his body seemed to be frightening.

But isn’t this kind of fear something Bucky has often encountered in his life?

He was afraid of fighting and the Four Emperors. I was afraid of those big pirates, and I was also afraid of taking responsibility, but in the end they all came over one by one.

The withdrawal of the fruit also points to the direction of the source of fear.

So close your eyes and feel silently.

Red Hair, Hawkeye, and Dragon have never been afraid of anything in their lives, so they are definitely not as sensitive as me!

Now Bucky has everyone on his resume.

It happened that Mount Hyjal had been torn apart by him once before, leaving an aura of fragmentation in this space.

found it! ! !

The malice that stood high in the sky looking down at them was so great.

The look in his eyes, like looking at a small insect, made him particularly unhappy.

Although mobilizing the power of the fruit suddenly becomes difficult now. But Bucky's feeling is not that strong, because what he has to do will be difficult every time.

I have a solution.

Bucky bears his own responsibility as the game-breaker.

The secret dragons, Kizaru, and others have long since stopped hiding. It is meaningless to make a sneak attack in front of such an enemy.

Everyone surrounded the Pirate King and protected him in the middle.

The trust between strong men is originally very fragile, but as the core link on this battlefield, Bucky has achieved the role of linking everyone's trust.

Surrounded by nine powerful men, even the gods could not even think of hurting Bucky at all, and he felt completely safe.

White light slowly emerged beside him, converging on his hands intermittently as if the signal was unstable.

If he had used such sluggish moves in a fierce battle, he would have been killed countless times.

Gathering strength with difficulty and stability, he aimed his hands in a certain direction in the void.


Even with Im's emotionless godlike attitude, he was surprised that he was able to lock onto himself very accurately.


There was a loud shout, and everyone was listening to Bucky's speech to the gods.

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