Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 887 Ten deaths and no life! ! !

He was distracted because he was about to see the monster he thought about day and night.

He thought about it for a long time on the beach in Wano 2 years ago.

Finally a rough and ridiculous plan was decided upon.

Unify the new world and become the Pirate King.

Use yourself as bait to hook a giant fish. You may achieve your ultimate goal, or you may meet your own demise.

This is the greatest adventure of all, and the secret of Ravdru is far less so.

No one knows what it is, no one knows its capabilities, and no one knows its bottom line.

This is a kind of consciousness that puts one's life on the line, putting one's own life and the efforts of millions of people behind the scenes on one end of the scale.

No one thought that Bucky would come up with revenge in the end, nor did they expect that the plan would be executed so perfectly.

Mount Hyjal is the result of the hard work of millions of people, so Bucky cannot be defeated or lose.

Now is the time to close the net.

If He is truly a god, then come fearlessly.

When he walked to the throne, Bucky's memories had just ended.


The so-called throne is just a golden throne made by Taizog's ability. Bucky, who has seen everything, has no feeling about it.

I sat on it casually without any preparation, and there was no sense of ceremony at all.

Even very relaxed. This may be my last time, so naturally I have to be more wanton.

Holding the permanent pointer to Raffdrew in his hand, he began to play with it unconsciously to cover up his trembling hands.

Captain Roger definitely didn’t expect that I would be the Pirate King in the end, hahaha.

Bucky even laughed when he thought about this.

And from the perspective of others, the Pirate King first walked to the golden steps with deep meaning, and then slowly walked to the throne.

During this period, the invisible momentum became stronger and stronger, and even oppressed some pirates to lower their heads unconsciously.

In the end, Bucky's careless sitting was even more heartbreaking. This is the magnanimity of a king, and the Pirate King is Bucky's bag.

Someone's heart broke as Bucky sat down.

Luffy, who had regained consciousness, wished he had just died on the sea, why should he see such a cruel scene.

No~~~My One Piece! ! ! !

Tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

Plan to continue

“I am the Pirate King—Captain Bucky!

Pirates rejoice, your king is born! ! !

Roar! ! !

All the pirates were cheering, even if it had nothing to do with them.

But it didn't matter, everyone was conquered by this charming king.

People all over the world are also worried, what will the pirates do after they have a king?

Will this world fall into war?

It's time to reveal the secret of Raff Drew!

Hiss~~~~! ! !

Both those present and those behind the phone looked at Bucky with burning eyes.

This is a great secret treasure recognized by the whole sea. In the past few decades, it has inspired countless young people to pursue the goal of going to the sea.

Is Captain Bucky about to announce it? So atmospheric!

At this moment, both the World Government and people around the world who were still watching the live broadcast, including the heartbroken Luffy, all looked at Bucky.


Speaking of which, the live phone bug was immediately shut down.

People who are still watching the live broadcast are angry, how can this be done! ! !

How could it be cut off at such a critical juncture!

The people at the scene also looked puzzled as to why. I won’t tell you.

Lord Pirate King, may I ask, Rafdru?

After all, he still couldn't hold back his greed. The pirate who had been bewitched by greed had the courage to ask.

But what the Pirate King said next gave them an ominous premonition.

Everyone, I don't have much time left.


The huge Mount Hyjal began to shake violently, as if some terrifying creation was about to break out of the mountain.

The mountains changed, the rivers changed their courses, and everything was turned upside down without even noticing that the entrance to the sea had completely disappeared.

The remaining pirates instinctively began to huddle together for warmth, which was not a good thing.

Bucky stretched after confirming that all the phone bugs were closed, and finally he could stop pretending.

“Everyone, let me reintroduce you.

I am Buggy, the Pirate King, and Buggy, the Revolutionary Army.

Are you surprised or surprised?


Bucky's voice echoed on Mount Hyjal, but the pirates couldn't believe it.

Pirate King, Revolutionary Army.

These two names are absolutely impossible to put together.

Now there are two situations: either the king is crazy, or we are crazy.

The leader of the Four Emperors and the last Pirate King.

Bucky left endless legends and even myths in the new world.

As a result, One Piece directly jumped back? My Majesty~~~~~! ! ! ! !

I'm sorry, fellow pirates, I don't have much time left for me, and the time left for you is gone.

Clear the place, let’s begin!

Clearance? It can't be that literally.

The pirate, who had not yet recovered from his madness, was in a state of brain failure and could not react for a while.

I've been waiting to die for a long time!

A red-haired boy jumped into the air and turned into a pink dragon and flew towards the pirates.

The huge pink dragon body even blocks out the sunlight, and its sinister look is a bit cute.

It's Kaido!!!

No, it's Kidd from the Revolutionary Army!

“Mom @, that!#@! It’s really the revolutionary army!”

I surrender @!!! I really...%¥ah~~~

With a breath of dragon's breath, a large number of pirates were burned to death, and Kidd, who was baring his teeth and claws, rushed into the crowd.

His good friend Kira came up with two machetes, and he wanted to compete with his friend who stole the show.

Ah da da da da da da da!

Sabo's prince fighting method is directly killing people, and it is just right at this time.

Huge flames roamed crazily on Mount Hyjal, and even if a master blocked the way, they would be taken away directly by a set of gorgeous ancient martial arts.

Fire Fist Ace would not watch his brother kill everyone without making any achievements himself.

Of course, the youngest Luffy had already taken off and passed his brothers, making it awkward for the two family members who had to protect Luffy.

Kuina and Zoro's mountain-building pattern of one east and one west can be said to be a model of efficient killing.

The two of them were very sorry that they could not participate in the final battle, but they also understood that staying here would be a hindrance.

So all the unwillingness in his heart was poured out with his sword.

Countless powerful men of the new generation came in and slaughtered the remaining pirates most efficiently.

The Straw Hats looked confused and alert. Even with their average brain capacity, they still couldn't understand the turn of events.

And there are so many acquaintances here~~~most of them are related.

So are we considered to be on the pirate side, or on the revolutionary army side?

Konis, who studied under Robin and Otohime Faye Wong, was a little confused. Who should he help?

Luffy must not be able to tell the difference. His father is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and his two brothers are showing off their skills on the battlefield.

Sanji, whose sister was killing everyone inside, took a puff of cigarette. Don't ask him, he didn't know.

Kebi smiled naively. The master was the chief instructor of the Revolutionary Army, and his composition was also problematic.

Chopper has been sold to Nanhai in advance, and his identity is now the Xunlu of Nanhai.

Weiwei is a little simpler. The empress is just a big cadre of the Cross Guild, and she can only be considered to have some connections.

In the end, the only pure pirate was Usopp. This is really sad.

The long-nosed man suddenly felt that he was in danger.

But now that Luffy is seriously injured, it's dangerous for them to stay here.

Just as he was about to rush out with Luffy, Reiju flew over.

This is not against you, come with me.

Sanji is a little reluctant but there's nothing he can do about it. Now is not the time to be willful.

There was a shocking reversal at the coronation ceremony of the Pirate King. The emergence of the revolutionary army was a shocking plan no matter how you looked at it.

It didn't seem like a good thing to get involved, and Luffy's body wouldn't be able to withstand the ensuing battle.

Seeing her brother's resisting eyes, Reijiu could only say helplessly.

Luffy's father doesn't have time to take care of him now, so we can only divide our efforts to save him.

This sentence is full of flaws, Luffy still has a father?

No, Luffy's father has no time to care about his dying son?

It sounds awkward no matter how you listen.

At this time, Cornish asked a little weakly

Is Luffy's father Mr. Dragon also here?

Yeah. So come with me.

Everyone drove the Melly into a secret underground dock.

“Drive straight here to leave Mount Hyjal.

Remember, don't look back, leave here immediately!

Reiju's tone was very serious at this time. Her brother was in this team, and she would never allow this group of ginseng to come in alive.

Even their group will have to evacuate later. The war in this place can no longer be participated in casually, and even watching is a huge danger.

That is a true battle of gods! In other words, it's a battle to kill the gods.

Reiju made it very clear that she was afraid that Sanji or the nosy Straw Hats would come back and insert themselves into the plot.

After sending the Straw Hats away, they discovered that there were not many pirates left alive on Mount Hyjal.

How could they, who were exhausted, be the opponents of the new generation of strong men with strong soldiers and amazing strength?

All the cleanup work has been completed in a very short period of time. After this battle, the pirates will completely withdraw from the stage of history.

Who would have thought that Pirates would be the first player to be eliminated before the final battle, leaving no room for resistance.

There are no pirates in the world of One Piece, which is really surprising.

The red-haired man just watched the chaos quietly, feeling unbearable but helpless.

Did that bastard help me at Aligia's place just for this scene? Damn it!!!

The red hair left and led his team out of Mount Hyjal.

He recognizes the Pirate King, but does not recognize the Pirate King.


The call from his friend stopped him in his tracks.

This may be the last time. So. Take care.


Full of resentment, Shanks left here along the secret passage without looking back, but when the ship was about to leave Mount Hyjal, he gave himself a hard slap in the face.

Beckman, the sooner you get out of here, the better!


Don't persuade me, this time I will fight this war for my friends.

If you knew about Lygia.


Beckman carefully suppressed all dissenting voices and drove the pirate ship away from here with the others.

On the sea outside Mount Hyjal, he looked at the mountains behind him with complicated eyes.

Maybe after this battle, this place that represents the highest glory of the Pirate King will also become a legend of the sea.

The red-haired man found Bucky and grabbed the Pirate King by the collar.

Recover my injuries and strength, you bastard.

The Pirate King who was grabbed by the collar smiled and agreed.

In just a short moment, the entire Mount Hyjal was clean, and the corpses of the pirates were ignored. These were no longer important.

Wait for the opportunity.

The cleanup work on Mount Hyjal has been completed, and decisions have been made on the Red Earth Continent.

Im and Wulaoxing looked at the black screen without any sound.

Bucky Straw Hat Joeyboy

There was a different, more human-like emotion in the eyes of the gods.

The five old stars knelt on the ground, and the most terrible thing happened. The 800 years of peace came to an end.

Only when the huge pressure dissipated did they dare to straighten up.

We will regret this.

This is humanity's own choice.


We are just poor people

If you want to blame it, just blame those crazy people in the huge kingdom.

The reason why the Five Old Stars dared to make a sound was just because the one on the throne had disappeared among the flowers.


Noah, who was out at sea, seemed to feel something and looked into the void. The iron bar in his hand was urging his master to fight in the sky.


Bucky on the throne somehow sensed that a huge danger was coming.

His heart beat wildly and his sweat flowed uncontrollably.

If you use language to describe the degree, it is.

Ten deaths and no life! ! !

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