Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 884 Nika and the comic protagonist

Someone once said that Luffy would be the protagonist of this era.

Shanks believes it, because every pirate wearing a straw hat is the freest pirate.

They will only fight for their purest dreams.

Dreams are the greatest power in the world.

So he felt sincerely gratified to see Luffy's god-like posture in the Battle of Three Emperors.

It's that feeling that your little kid is really promising.

Then his face was stepped on by a straw shoe.

The purest pirate has no human feelings at all.

The furious red-haired man taught the brat a lesson with his sword skills and dominance.

Even if I fight one against two, I can still be invincible in the world.

The combination of knowledge killing and future prediction can be said to be inferior to the other two emperors in terms of combat skills.

After all, the red-haired one has played the most high-end games among the three, and has been besieged the most.

The red-haired Wushuang is activated, and the use of three-color domineering is so wonderful that there is no weakness.

Bucky! Luffy!


The three people were fighting together on the mountain, and the aftermath of the moves was no longer under their control.

The combination of Bucky and Luffy has no tacit understanding at all. Their combat experience at the same level is approximately 0.

Fortunately, the two of them took an unconventional path, and they did not miss out on all kinds of strange tricks on the scene.

By the afternoon it was Luffy's one vs two fight.

The battle for the Pirate King is approaching its final climax, and the raging flames of war can be felt even by the audience behind the phone bug.

Everyone's hearts were involved, and the magic power of that straw hat began to emanate.

The process is very simple, just funny moves and passionate struggle, and then getting knocked down and standing up again.

The sound of rubber and rubber is endless, and no matter how it is cut, you can still laugh.

The onlookers were moved by Straw Hat's determination, and all kinds of onlookers started making comments.

Luffy is really amazing.

The will of Straw Hat is truly terrifying.

Come on Luffy!

Marco was extremely appreciative of this little guy he had known for a short time, and he and the crew members cheered this guy up.

Then the Straw Hats took another look at the friendship and trust among the crew, which finally boiled down to dreams.

Usopp and others were already in tears.

Luffy himself has reached a peak in sit-ups, and the more blood he has left, the stronger he becomes.

The Nika form was knocked out countless times, and was finally called out by the power of emotion.

I must become the Pirate King!

The momentum became stronger after each shout, even overwhelming the two competitors.

Um? !

This is.

Noah seemed to see something incredible in his eyes, and invisible fluctuations emanated from Luffy's body.

It may have been releasing before, but now the remaining health of Nika was too fierce in the War of Three Emperors, and he has no way to hide from his unique perspective.

Intangible and without quality, it ignores defense.

It is an indiscriminate infection for the entire sea, and even the top masters are not immune.

The more determined people are, the more they are targeted. For example, the Red Earl is already leaning toward Luffy in his heart.

Rayleigh's face was filled with admiration, and even Hawkeye looked at this boy with a different eye.

The people around me like Fujitora and Jinpei are slightly better, but I just have a slight liking for him. I really appreciate this fighting spirit.

Speaking of which, Luffy and the Revolutionary Army are also related, and it is not abnormal to have a good impression.

Long's expression was very calm. After all, his old father's bloodline suppression was still very useful.

But no one except Noah noticed anything was wrong. Don’t you think there is something wrong with this infectious power and abnormal increase in combat power?

And Nika’s consumption of life.

Forget it, the Revolutionary Army is not qualified to talk about Luffy in this regard.

It's just that this kind of halo-like thing about the protagonist is really scary. The general trend will eventually be invincible.


Noah's heart stirred up huge waves,

It is not unreasonable for the will, freedom, joy, and sea of ​​800 years ago to scare the world government even after being silent for so long.

Nika's light is really overbearing, no worse than Asura's chakra.

Why do I like playing this game so much?

At this moment, Noah's overbearing lust is getting ready, and he can't wait to rush out and wash the entire Mount Hyjal.

Kizaru looked at Noah thoughtfully at this time, and he instinctively felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange.

Although the straw hat boy looks more likeable and is the grandson of Mr. Garp, his progress is a bit abnormally fast.

There was even a sense of disharmony in this battle, and I was confused.

And Noah is the shrewdest guy. He just noticed a momentary change in mood.

It shows that there is something different about this kid and it is not a good thing.

In addition to luck and the combined efforts of three parties, a lazy man like Porusalino could become a marshal. His own talent cannot be ignored.

He was actually the first person besides Noah to notice something strange.

There was actually another person who noticed something was wrong.


The upper limit of the attack power of the straw hat on the opposite side has been repeatedly exceeded, and his own decomposition beam can be resisted with his domineering force.

The wounds on his body caused by Ba Tang have healed. This is a foul constitution.

The fighting instinct is also super abnormal. Even Shanks's knowledge and knowledge has been cracked, which makes no sense.

The operation of fighting the sword with the great swordsman while holding the thunder in his hand was so shocking that his head was flying.

What was originally a one versus two situation turned out to be that Luffy had the upper hand. Do you dare to lie on the ground for a few more seconds?

If I just lie down for a few more seconds, I can make a last hit by splitting my shot into pieces.

How could Bucky, who had been trained in a boot camp, not think of taking advantage of the sit-ups to get angry?

I tried it once and almost succeeded, but the result was that the time interval between sit-ups was shorter and I didn't give it a chance at all.

And the attack power is even higher.

At the end of the battle, Bucky was in a daze. Is this animal so fierce?

The first person to lose in the final three-person melee turned out to be the redhead! ! !

He was the first person to be eliminated in the battle between the two emperors that everyone was optimistic about.


An unpredictable sword fell from the sky. This sword was a reflection of Shanks' life.

From the moment I boarded the ship as a pirate, I understood freedom under Roger's influence, and saw greatness in Rogge Town. I also found my family in the subsequent voyages. The encounter with Luffy was the understanding of inheritance. Finally understood the future.

This sword walked out of Roger's divine avoidance and walked out of his own path.

There is no trace to be found among the sights, sounds, and colors. I can only gamble my life.

The power has been completely sealed on the blade, and the enemy hit will disappear from this world.

At the same time, this is his recognition of Luffy.

boom! ! ! !

Blood bloomed on Nika Luffy's body for an unknown number of times.

The severe pain has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, but it is blocked!

Two arms tightly grasped the edge of the sword, preventing it from moving forward even an inch.


The indestructible Griffin was pushed down by Luffy, and the Straw Hat, whose chest was about to be broken, did not take a step back decisively.

I will take your share and ascend to the position of Pirate King!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!

A violent explosion occurred on the spot, and Straw Hat's fighting spirit could not stop.

Rubber Giant Pistol!!!

Shanks is defeated!

Straw Hat's determination struck Shanks' heart with this punch. That is the will to become the Pirate King even if the world falls and the world is destroyed.

The redhead couldn't do it, he was worried.

And Luffy's concern is fearless.

So is this what it feels like to lose?

He was clearly a competitor, and he clearly had the ability to strike one last blow, but Shanks still gave in.

He wanted to see the scene when this boy became the Pirate King.

Hahahahahaha, I didn't expect that I would still lose.

The red-haired man who gave up was very free and easy, as if he had put down some baggage.

The twenty years of waiting have finally come to fruition.

The strange thing is that everyone recognized the result, except the red-haired pirates who didn't say anything but were more optimistic about the Straw Hat boy.

Onlookers, participants, and people all over the world seemed to be conquered by Straw Hat's performance. This guy is the best successor to the Pirate King.

One Piece! I'm determined!

As Luffy shouted again, everyone was encouraging him.

One on one! The end of the final battle is coming.

The intertwining of white and blood, the thunder in the sky echoing the boy's heartbeat, this is the general trend.

Luffy, who has become more and more courageous as he fights, has begun to suppress Bucky, whether it is his dominance or his fruit abilities, he blasts him away in an unreasonable way.

Rubber Rubber, Rubber Jet Orochi Cannon!

Black fists hit from all directions like raindrops, and the rubberized ground refracted countless times.

Even if he could predict the future, he couldn't see the trajectory of the attack, which made Bucky miserable.

We can only resist by opening up a fragmented field.

The red-haired man looked there seriously. The fist wind was already compressing that area, and the power was continuously transmitted to Bucky's body.

This was a kind of pain and persistence with no hope. He didn't expect that Bucky would not admit defeat even so.

Have you ever really understood your friends?

Several big bosses in the revolutionary army, including Yamato and Denjiro, began to worry that they would die if this continued.

Only Noah looked there with bright eyes. It was his comrade and a strong and upright man fighting against fate.

Even if the whole world is oppressing him, it can't praise that man's pride.

That's right, it's Bucky's pride.

Noah recognized Bucky very much, and this emotion was never concealed. Everyone in the revolutionary army knows this.

At this moment, Noah also understands the situation where the emotions in the world are covered and divided. This is Nika and the power of Joyboy.

So Bucky. What are you thinking about right now?

There is still some physical strength left, but the mental pressure is getting heavier.

The heavy breathing let Bucky know that his limit had been reached, and it seemed that he would follow in the footsteps of Shanks and give up the throne of the Pirate King to Luffy.

You will also become something called a background board.

Everything is arranged by the will of the unknown in a picture, as if defeat is the only ending.

It's a bit like the comics Mr. Noah drew in the past. It's really a bit scary.

Bucky felt like he was in another world that was divided.

On one side of the world is his own lone struggle, on the other side is the hope and sustenance of the whole world led by Straw Hat.

The strange power has focused the eyes and thoughts of the world on Straw Hat.

Is this a fruit ability? Does the other party have the halo of the protagonist? Or is it my own weakness?

There was a constant voice in my heart.

Just admit defeat. Shanks, as a veteran emperor, has been defeated. There is no point in insisting on it.

But I don't want to lose.

Luffy has placed the hope of the whole world, so what do you have? The top brass of the Revolutionary Army have never put their hope in you.

I know, but I want to win!

You can't beat Luffy, his light is shining in the eyes of the world!

I know, but I can't let down the people who believe in me!

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